Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1524

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A931878 - A931909
JUL-DEC. 1977

A931B77 (con.) 137 p. Oniversitv Press of America, division of B. F. Publishing, Inc.; 1Jul77: A931877.

A931878. Historians and Taisho statesmen. By fiichard T. Chanq with the assistance of Hartha Jean Chanq. 87 p. Enqlish S Japanese. O Dniversity Press of America, division of B. F. Publishinq, Inc.; 10ct77; A931878.

A931879. The Aesthetic object: critical studies. Br Nichael H. Hitias. 121 p. ani- versity Press of America, division of £. F. Publishing, Inc.; 10ct77; A931879.

A931880. International trade and technology; models of dynamic comparative advantage. By Hichael P. Claudon. 179 p. O Oniversity Press of America, division of H. F. Publishing. Inc.; 30Sep77; A931880.

A931881. Politics of the Tanzania-Zambia railprolect; a study of Tanzania- China-Zambia relations. By Kasuka S. Hutukva. 215 p. C Bniversity Press of America, division of B. F. Publishing, Inc.; 30ct77; A931881.

A931882. Chicano politics: a theoretical and behavioral analysis of Chicanos in American politics. By Haurilio E. Vigil. 368 p. 6 Dniversity Press of America, division of B. F. Publishing, Inc.; 1Dec77; A931882.

A931883. Ose of groups in schools; a practical manual for everyone who works in elementary and secondary schools. By Joy Johnson. 137 p. G Dniversity Press of America, division of R. F. Publishing, Inc.; 10ct76; A931883.

A93188U. The Pursuit of meaning: America, 1600 to 2000. By Bichard L. Bapson e Susan B. Bapson. 313 p. Dniversity Press of America, division of B. F. Publishing, Inc.; 1Dec77; A9318814.

A9318aS. Dynamics of family management. By Edited by Georgianne Baker £ M. Janice Hogan. 180 p. NH: compilation & additional text. University Press of America, division of S. F. Publishing. Inc.; 1Jun77; A9318S5.

A931886. Hilliam Shakespeare: spacious in the possession of dirt. By John J. McCall. 348 p. NM: text except for prev. pub. matter. Dniversity Press of America, division of B. F. Publishing, Inc.; 1Dec77: A931886.

A931887. Decision making: nature and process. By David Clifton Ekey. 1 v. e University Press of America, division of B. F. Publishing, Inc.; 1Nov77; A931887.

A931888. Sing the Bible. 28 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NtSQtg £ lia8U50. Appl. au; Lorraine Louvat. Lorraine J. Louvat: 19Aug77; A931888.

A931889. Reflections. 55 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N18152. Appl. au: Lorraine Louvat. Lorraine J. Louvat; 19Aug77; A931889.

A93ie90. Seasons of joy; the L. J. Louvat method. i*U p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N'48451, fi additional material. Appl. au: Lorraine Louvat. 6 Lorraine J. Louvat; 25Aug77; A931890.

A931891. The Path of the free. By Vasudevadas, pseud, of Jeffrey Bash. 6 v. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48U53. Vasudevadas £ Prena Dharmasala and Fellowship Association; 200ec76 (in notice: 1977); A931891.

A931892. Loomless weaving. 15 p. £ 2 filmstrips. (Art craft teaching films, no. 530) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Nteasi. Appl. au: Philip 0. garner G Fern S. Barner. Warner Educational Productions; It0ct7it; A931892.

A93189J. Bag hooking: a modern approach. 8 p. £ 2 filmstrips. (Art craft teaching films. no. 510) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48it55. Appl. au: Philip D. Harnec £ Fern S. Warner. O Warner Educational Productions; it0ct7i»; A931893.

A931894. "Stained glass": the ageless art. 23 p. fi It filmstrips. (Art craft teaching films, no. 490) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48456. Appl. au: Philip 0. Warner £ Fern S. Warner. 6 Warner Educational Productions; 20ct75; A93ia94.

A931895. The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest; teacher's manual. By Henry Beal Bird. Karen Stone fi Joseph Coburn. 107 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48457. Appl. au: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory; 29Sep77; A931895.

A931896. Philene and Buttons. Level 1. book 4. By members of the Northern Cheyenne Besearch and Human Development Asso- ciation, illus. produced from photos, taken by Susan Stratman. 9 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Northern Cheyenne Tribe; 23Sep77: A931896.

A931897. Insects off to war. Level 1. book 5. By members of the Northern Cheyenne Besearch and Human Development Asso- ciation, illustrated by Dale Brady. 17 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) C Northern Cheyenne Tribe; 23Sep77; A931897.

A931898. Indian festival. Level 1, book 7. By members of the Fort Hall Beservation Committee. 29 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) O Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation; 23Sep77; A931898.

A931899. Birds and people. Level 1. book 11. A Crow story written £ illustrated by Henry Beal Bird. 20 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission. 6 Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission; 23Sep77; A931899.

A931900. far out, a rodeo horse; a Crow story. Level 1, book 9. Written £ illustrated by Henry Beal Bird. 14 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission. Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission; 23Sep77; A931900.

A931901. Hy name is Pop. Level 1. book 13. A crow story written £ illustrated by Henry Real Bird. 14 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Add. ti: Pop power. Appl. au: Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission. 6 Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission; 23Sep77; A931901.

A931902. Santa Claus comes to the reservation. Level 1. book 14. A Crow story written £ illustrated by Henry Beal Bird. 25 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission. Crow Tribal Historical and Cultural Commission; 23Sep77; A9319a2.

A931903. School. Level 1, book 3. Developed by the Blackfeet Indians: Joan Kennerly, Carmen Harceau. Doris Old Person £ June latsey. illustrated by Vernon No Bunner. 21 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Blackfeet Tribe. Blackfeet Tribe; 23Sep77; A931903.

A931904. Helpers, Level 1, book 8. Developed by the Blackfeet Indians: Joan Kennerly. Carmen Harceau. Doris Old Person fi June Tatsey. illustrated by Helvin lailfeat- hers. 21 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Blackfeet Tribe. Blackfeet Tribe; 23Sep77; A931904.

A931905. Friends. Level 1. book 16. Developed by the Blackfeet Indians: Joan Kennerly, Carmen Harceau, Doris Old Person fi June Tatsey. illustrated by flelvin Cutfinger. 21 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Blackfeet Tribe. Blackfeet Tribe; 23Sep77; A931905.

A931906. A Little boy's big moment. Level 1, book 18. Developed by the Blackfeet Indians, written by Joan Kennerly. Carmen Harceau, Doris Old person £ June Tatsey. illustrated by Helvin Tailfeathers. 39 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Blackfeet Tribe. O Blackfeet Tribe; 23Sep77; A931906.

A931907. Skunk. Level 1, book 19. By coast Area Planning Committee, a Huckleshoot legend as told by Clarence £ Ernest Barr, illustrated by Debra Barr. 10 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Coast Area Planning Committee. Huckleshoot Tribe. e Huckleshoot Tribe; 23Sep77; A931907.

A931908. Tales of Coyote and other legends. Level 1. book 10. By members of the Warm Springs Beservation Committee, illustrated by Carol Allison. 27 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the Northwest) The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon; 23Sep77; A931908.

A931909. Chipmunk meets old witch (At-At-A'Tia) Level 1, book 12. By members of the Warm Springs Beservation Committee, illustrated by carol Allison. 24 p. (The Indian reading series: stories and legends of the

Northwest) The Confederated Tribes of


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