Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1536

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A932318 (con.) d.b.a. The Assistant Corporation; 180ct77: A932318.

A932319. A Handbook for the dance director. By Barmond Seorge Cook. 112 p. Bay Cook; 1Sep77; A932319.

A932320. Advance, Bell city, Benton, HO, and others telephone directory, Deceaber 1977. Southvestern Bell Telephone coupany; 1Dec77; A932320.

A932321. Host coooonly asked questions about Live Rail Art. 2 p. Live gall Art, Ltd.; 150ct77: A932321.

A932322. The Decorator collection. Exclusively from Live iall Art. Ltd. Card. 6 Live Wall Art, Ltd.; 1Nov77: A932322.

A932323. Live Wall Art, Ltd. presents a nex concept in live nail decor. 8 p. 6 Live Wall Art, Ltd.; 30Sep77: 4932323.

A932324. The Circle of life collection. Exclusively from Live Wall Art, Ltd. Card, e Live Ball Art, Ltd.; 10oct77; A932324.

A932325. A Lizard naned Leaon. 17 p. & Sheets (7 p. 1 Appl. au: Hancy Higqins Erbs. Nancy Hiqqins Erbs; 6Apr77: A932325.

A932326. Hi! I'm Hille Hetre and I Hill help you understand the metric system! 22 p. Appl. au: r. William Duden. O F. William Duden; 23aar76: A932326.

A932327. A Ne«, planned, continuinq proqrani to increase your company profits by vinninq more employee support for prof it-makinq. 1 V. (Ideas to promote profits) Appl. au: Bobert J. Banley. O Bobert J. Hanley; 'IAuq77; A932327.

A932328. Standard time data for the office. 1 v. HH: additional text, e Paul B. Hnlliqan and Company, Inc.; 31Dec77; A932328.

A932329. Credit union model demonstration. 26 p. O Olson Research Associates, Inc.; ltNov77: S932329.

A932330. Strateqic analysis model; operator's manual. 1 v. 6 Olson. Besearch Asso- ciates, Inc. : U1IOV77: A932330.

A932331. Financial planninq system: operator's manual. 1 v. Olson Besearch Asso- ciates. Inc.; 29HOV77; A932331.

A932332. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. yol. 1. no. 10. Feb. 1977. Editor; Gretchen Coffey. Sheets- Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 8Feb77: A932332.

A932333. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Yol. 1, no. 7, July 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. 6 Plus Publications. Inc.; 12Jun6: A932333.

A932334. Access reports; reference file« Federal. Vol. 1, no. 18. Auq. 1977. Editor: i;retchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. Q Plus Publications, Inc.; 12Auq77; A932334.

A932335. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 9, Oct. 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Q Plus Publications, Inc.; 2aoct76; A932335.

A932336. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 10, Dec. 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 8Dec76; A932336.

A932337. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 12, Feb. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. O Plus publications. Inc.; 2Feb77: A932337.

A932338. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 2. Dec. 1975. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. 3 Plus Publications. Inc.; 31Dec75: A932338.

A932339. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 1. Nov. 1975. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 29NOV75; A932339.

A932340. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1. no. 15. Hay 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus publications. Inc.; 13Hay77; A9323«0.

A932341. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1. no. 16, June 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl- au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 23Jun77; A932341.

A93231t2. Access reports: reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 17, July 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. O Plus Publications. Inc.; 22JU177; A932342.

A9323I43. Access reports; reference file. Pederal- Vol. 1. no. 4, Har. 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 25dar76; 4932343.

A932344. Access reports; reference file. Federal. No. 22. Dec. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. O Plus Publications, Inc.; 21Dec77; A932344.

A932345. Access reports; reference file. Federal. No. 21, Nov. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Q Plus Publications, Inc.; 21NOV77; A932345.

A932346. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 20, Oct. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. O Plus Publications, Inc.; 250ct77; A932346.

A932347. Campaiqn practices reports: reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 8, Dec. 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. 6 Plus Publications, Inc.; 20Dec76; A932347.

A932348. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 9. Jan. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. S Plus Publications, Inc.; 13Jan77: A932348.

A932349. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no- 12, Apr. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 4Hay77; A932349.

A932350. Campaign practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 1. Har. 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Q Plus Publications. Inc.; 24Har76; A932350.

A932351. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no- 11, Har. 1977. Editor; Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Pins Publications, Inc.; 15Har77; A932351.

A932352. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 2, Hay 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Plus Publications, Inc.; 24Hay76; A932352.

A932353. Campaign practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 17, Sept. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc.^ 6 Plus Publications, Inc.; 50ct77; A93'2353.

A932354. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 18, Oct. 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. Q Plus Publications. Inc.; 2Nov77: A932354.

A932355. Campaign practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 13, May 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. Q Plus Publications, Inc.; 6Jun77: A932355.

A932356. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no, 14, June 1977. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. @ Plus Publications, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4932356.

A932357. Campaign practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 7, Nov. 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. 3 Plus Publications, Inc.; 24Nov76; A932357.

A932358. Campaign practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1, no. 6, Oct. 1976. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. @ Plus Publications. Inc.; 220ct76: A932358.

A932359. Campaiqn practices reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1. Editor: Gretchen Coffey. sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications. Inc. NH: compilation 6 commentary. 6 Plus Publications, Inc.; 31Jan76: A932359.

A932360. Access reports; reference file. Federal. Vol. 1. Written 6 compiled by Ronald 1. Plesser. Sheets. Appl. au: Plus Publications, Inc. NH: compilation 6 commentary. © Plus Publications, Inc. ;

210ct75; A932360.


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