Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1544

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A932667 - A93?709
JUL-DEC. 1977

1932667. Poems. By Bucr Oak Shelienbarqer. 133 p. 9 Burr Oak Shelienbarqer; 6Dec77; 1932667.

1932668. Native harvests; botanicals and recipes of the luerican Indian. Text 6 illus. by Barrie Kavasch, edited by Buth Glantz. 73 p. © Barrie Kavasch; 16Dec77; 1932668.

1932669. Our cooffion heritaqe; the benefits of qivinq us land. 7 p. 6 National Wildlife Federation; 270ct77; 1932669.

1932670. Puzzle party. By Donna luqq Pape C Jeanette Grote, illustrated by Carol Karle. 48 p. Ippl. aui Reader's Diqest Services, Inc. 6 Header's Diqest Services, Inc.; 18Jan77; 1932670.

1932671. Goinq. By Robert Stephen Froao. 1 v. 3 Robert Stephen Fronm (in notice: Rob Fromml : 5Dec77; 1932671.

1932672. Chinese cookinq — the Bong Hay. By Helen lonq Uay. 117 p. 6 Helen Honq Hay; 1»Dec77; 1932672.

1932673. How Hill it all end? Editor: Elijah J. Good. 03 p. Ippl. au: R. C. Hunter. @ Hords of Life Publications known as HOLP: 29Jan76; 1932673.

193267a. Jesus, the Hord of life. Vol. 1. Editor: Elilah J. Good, by H. C. Hunter. 37 p. e Hords of Life Publications known as HOLP: 18Feb76; 1932674.

1932675. A Guide to independent livinq. Editor: Barbara Ueiland, associate editor: Elinor Dolqin. 215 p. Ippl. au: Butterick Publisbinq. @ Butterick Publishinq; 15Bay75: 1932675.

A932676. Basic car maintenance and repairs. By Paul Heissler, drawinqs by Lloyd Birminqham. 138 p. @ Paul Heissler; 5Dec77; 1932676.

A932677. Sounds of the alphabet. Britten by Harqueritte Baker, illus. by Sharon Horris. 85 p. Ippl. au: Beacon Enterprises. Inc. NM: text £ illus. © Beacon Enterprises, Inc.; 9Jul74 (in notice: 1973); 1932677.

A932678. flifflix, a movie in your pocket: how to play third base. Hritten £ demonstrated by Ron Cey, created by James Auker. 1 v. e James Auker; 20Jul77; A932678.

1932679. Tou are what you are. By Valiean HcLeniqhan (Valerie J. HcLeniqban) , illustrated by Jack Reilly. 3 1 p. B on text; Valerie J. BcLeniqhan; 60ct77; 1932679.

1932680. you are what you are. By Valiean UcLeniqhan (Valerie J. HcLeniqhan), illustrated by Jack Reilly, 31 p. Q on illus.; Follett Publishing Company (a division of Follett Corporation) ; 60ct77; A932680.

A932681. You can qo -jump. By Val-jean HcLeniqhan (Valerie J. HcLeniqhan) , illustrated by Jared D. Lee. 3 1 p. ©on text; Valerie J. McLeaiqhan; 60ct77; A932681.

A932682. lou can qo jump. By Valjean HcLenighan (Valerie J. HcLeniqhan) , illustrated by Jared D. Lee. 31 p. 3 on illus.; Follett Publishing Conpauy (a division of Follett Corporation) ; 60ct77; A932682.

1932683. Exploring our world: communities. By Bedel D. Nilsen. 1 v. (Follett social studies, unit tests) NH: editorial revision. 6 Follett Publishing Company (a division of Follett Corporation) ; 22Aug77; A932683.

A932684. The Boman's dress for success book. By John T. Holloy. 189 p. 8 John T. Bolloy; 16Sep77; 1932684.

1932685. Survival handbook for children of aging parents. By Irthur N. Schwartz. 160 p. e Irthur N. Schwartz; 29Sep77; 1932685.

A932686. An Inside view of Insider trading. By Richard D. Horan. 36 p. Ippl. au: National News Service, Inc. © National News Service, Inc.; 5Dec77; A932686.

A9326B7. Fortran. By Samuel L. Harateck. 671 p. e Academic Press, Inc.; 5Dec77; A932687.

A932688. Horkbook in advanced ear training; teachers dictation manual. By Bruce Benward. 171 p. Add- ti: Teacher's dictation manual for Horkbook in advanced ear training. NH: revision. 8 Hilliam C. Brown company Publishers; 3Hay74; 1932688.

A932689. Dear ibby, December 26-31, 1977. By Abiqail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Ippl. au: Chicaqo Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc. © Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 29Nov77; A932689.

A932690. Dear Abby, January 2-8, 1978. By Abigail Van Buren, pseud. 1 p. Appl. au: Chicaqo Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc. @ Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc. ; 9Dec77 (in notice: 1978); A932690.

A932691. Kitchen and bath improvements. Editor-in-chief: John Lauderdale e other editors, art director: Ralph Bubino. 1978 ed. 96 p. Appl. au: Davis Publications, Inc. 8 Davis Publications, Inc. ; 16Dec77; A932691.

1932692. DLJ indicator, a graphic survey of current economic and financial market conditions, September 1977. 38 p. 3 Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 14Nov77; 1932692.

A932693. GAF Corporation. 1 v. in folder. (Forbes special situation survey, Dec. 16, 1977) 8 Forbes Investors Advisory Institute, Inc.; 16Dec77; 1932693.

A932694. SHARP: Senior high assessment of reading performance; technical report on the 1976 administration of the Senior high assessment of reading performance. 12 p. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hill. 8 HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 4NOV77; A932694.

A932695. Centralia, Chehalis, including Napavine, OR, and others, 1977/78. 8 Pacific

A932696. Notes on music: the ballet. Britten by Robert Jones. 16 p. (Arthur Fiedler's favorites) Appl. au: Time-Life Books, Inc. , employer for hire. © Time-Life Books, Inc.; 19Dec77; A932696.

A932697. Instructor's manual for Television production handbook/workbook, third edition. By Herbert Zettl. 76 p. 3 Badsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 17NOV77; A932697.

1932698. Interpreting the DECl report. By Donald P. Hoyt. 12 p. Add. ti: DECl inter- pretive guide. 8 Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education; 31aar77; 1932698.

A932699. Aspects of lecturing; a practical guide for IDEA users. By Stephen C. Brock. 14 p. 3 Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education; 30Sep77; A932699.

A932700. Preparing examinations; a practical guide for IDEA users. By Richard E. Owens e Hilliam E. Cashin. 17 p. 3 Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education; 28Feb77; A932700.

A932701. IDEA technical report. No. 1: development of the IDEA system. By Donald P. Hoyt £ Billiam E. Cashin. 36 p. © Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education; 31Mar77; A932701.

A932702. The Dragon and the pearl. No. 69. By Barbara Cartland. 153 p. 6 Barbara Cartland; 15Jul77; A932702.

A932703. The Bay of an eagle. By Ethel a. Dell, condensed by Barbara Cartland. 193 p. (Barbara Cartland's Library of love, 7) 8 on introd., revisions £ abridgment; A. P. Hatt and Son £ Barbara Cartland; 15JU177; A932703.

A932704. A Sigh of relief: the first-aid handbook for childhood emergencies. Produced by Hartin I. Green, edited by Ross Firestone, illustrated by Bobbi Bongard, pref. by Vincent L. lofany. 199 p. Hartin I. Green; 12Aug77; A932704.

A932705. Offshore fishing in Southern California. By Chuck Garrison. 112 p. 8 Chuck Garrison; 20Hay77; A932705.

A932706. Offbeat Baja. By Jim Hunter, with photos, by Robert Uestern. 1 56 p. 8 Jim Hunter; 15Hay77; A932706.

1932707. British Columbia. By Harry P. HcKeever. 192 p. 8 Chronicle Books; 15Hay77: 1932707.

1932708. Gates hydraulic hose and fittings. Heatherly index— 712, 716, 912, 962, 1977-78 catalog, 31-2080. 46 p. Idd. ti: Hydraulic hose and fittings catalog. 8 The Gates Rubber Company; 29Nov77; 1932708.

1932709. Gates sportline belt applications.

Beatherly index — 400, 1977-78 catalog.


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