Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1549

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A932866 - A932906
JUL-DEC. 1977

4932866. Pair enplo vnent practice cases. Vol. 14. 1821 p. NM: compilation. O The Bureau of National 4ffairs, Inc. ; 28Ho»77: 4932866.

4932867. Docent handbook: The Corcoran Gallery of 4rt. Handbook designed by Joseph E. Hnuk G Hark Ormond. 1 y. 4ppl. au: Donna Barnard 4ri. O The Corcoran Gallery of 4rt; 1Sep77; 4932867.

4932868. Sunner intern handbook: The Corcoran Gallery of 4rt. Handbook designed by Joseph E. Hnuk. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Donna Barnard Ari £ Linda Crocker SiuDons. The Corcoran Gallery of 4rt; 1Auq77; 4932868.

4932869. 4 Tree can tell. By Grace O'Neal. 1 ». Grace O'Neal: 2ilJun77: 4932869.

4932870. Sniffy, the snoopy Schnauzec. By Grace O'Neal. 1 V. e Grace O'Neal; 2itJun77: 4932870.

4932871. Slip, slap, sloKly. By Grace O'Neal. 1 V. O Grace O'Neal; 2UJun77: 4932871.

4932872. Every Honday with slatestone. By Grace O'Neal. 9 p. © Grace O'Neal; 2<tJun77; 4932872.

4932873. Early childhood education. Edited by Leonard H. Golubchick G Barry Persky, in cooperation with The 4fflerican Federation of Teachers. 393 p. NB: 75% original, e Barry Persky 8 Leonard H. Golubchick: 220ct77: 4932873.

49328714. PoruB favorites. Compiled £ edited by Nancy Ganter Erickson, illustrated by Glen Oberg. 129 p. NH: compilation, new text, art work, graphic design & editorial revisions. 6 Nancy Ganter Erickson; 11NOV77: 49328714.

4932875. HET4: a resident tent editor/assem- bler/loader/decoBPiler for the 4LT4IB 8800 in the field of computer science. By Hary Elizabeth Kroening. Sheets. O Hary Elizabeth Kroening; 28Feb77 (in notice: 1976): 4932875.

4932876. nontefiore Hospital and Hedical Center, Bikers Island Health services: operations manual. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Ken Pearson C Barbara Starrett. O Hontefiore Hospital and Hedical Center; 1Jul77: 4932876.

4932877. Bank cards; instructor's manual. By Lewis Handell E Neil B. Hurphy. 64 p. 4ppl. au: 4merican Bankers 4ssociation t 4Derican Institute of Banking. 4merican Bankers 4ssociation 6 4mericaa Institute of Banking; 230ct76 ; 4932877.

4932878. 41qebraic K-theory. By Bynan Bass. 18 p. Distributed in coniunction with the Colloquium Lectures given at the eighty-fourth annual meeting of the 4mecican Mathematical Society, 4tlanta, G4, Jan. 3-7, 1978. S 4merican Hat- hematical Society; 6Dec77 (in notice: 19781; 4932878.

4932879. Editors and ethnicity; a history of the Irish-4merican press, 18148-1883. By Uilliam Leonard Joyce. 203 p. Nilliaa Leonard Joyce; 2Dec76: 4932879.

4932880. 4merican Catholics and the social question: 1865-1900. By James Edmund Soohan. 466 p. James E. Soohan; 2Dec76; 4932880.

4932881. Before the Holly Haguires; the emergence of the ethno-religious factor in the politics of the lower anthracite region, 1844-1872. By uilliam 4. Gudelunas, Jr. £ gilliam G. Shade. 165 p. NH: editorial revision. uilliam 4. Gudelunas, Jr.; 2Dec76; 4932881.

4932882. Tammany Ball and the new immigrants: the progressive years. By Thomas HcLean Henderson. 314 p. d Thomas H. Henderson; 2Dec76; 4932882.

4932883. 4 Little who's zoo of mild animals. By Conrad Potter 4iken, illustrated by John Vernon Lord. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 144pr77 e reg. 41-16608. O on poems; Hary Hoover 4iken; 20Oct77; 4932883.

4932884. How to plan your own home landscape. By Nelva H. Heber, photos, by Holly 4dams, drawings by Joseph H. Sammataro. 286 p. Portions prev. pub. in House beautiful, Oct. 1975 £ others. NH: compilation £ additional new text. O Nelva H. Heber £ Holly Adams; 15Nov76; 4932884.

4932885. Home at Grasmere: part first, book first of The Becluse. By Hiiliam Hordsworth, author £ editor: Beth Darlington. 464 p. 4ppl. au: S. H. Parrish. NH: pref . , introd., footnotes, transcriptions, appendixes fi compilation. 6 Cornell Oniversity; 13Dec77; 4932885.

4932886. The Power and the passion. By Christina Nicholson, pseud, of Christopher Nicole- 320 p. a Christina Nicholson, pen name of Christopher Nicole; 54pr77; 4932886.

4932887. Infrared and Baman spectroscopy. Pt. C. Edited by Edward G. Brame, Jr. £ Jeanette G. Grasselii. p. 717-1039 6 Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 27Sep77; 4932887.

4932888. Solutions to the even-numbered problems in Elements of complex analysis, by Jacob Sonnenschein £ Simon Green. Prepared by Emil B. Herzog £ Ta Li. 101 p. Add. ti: Elements of complex analysis solutions manual. NH: solutions manual. 3 Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc.; 110ct77; 493288B.

4932889. Labor in the boardroom; the peaceful revolution. By James C. Furlong. 170 p. NH: introd. G additional text. O Dow Jones and Company, Inc.; 310ct77; A932889.

A932890. A Cartoon portfolio from the Hall Street iournal. Edited by Charles Preston, introd. by Bobert L. Bartley. 1 v. am additional text £ compilation. O Dow Jones and Company, Inc.; 19Dec77; 4932890.

4932891. CBers' factbook. By Noel T. Smith. 120 p. e Hayden Book Company, Inc.; 18Nov77; 4932891.

4932892. Beports of cases decided in the Court of 4ppeals of the State of New York; vol. 41, 2d series. State reporter; John T. Fitzpatrick. 1172 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed on U.S. Govt, sources. NH: compilation of case law paragraphs £ synopsis, tables £ index digest, revisions, £ case histories. O Hario Cuomo, secretary of state. State of New York; 14Dec77; 4932892.

4932893. Voyages. By Alfred Tuxbury Hill. 142 p. 41fred T. Hill; 13Jun77; 4S32893.

4932894. No greater love; a romance. By Lola Verrill Cintron (Lola Verrill Barr-Smith) 313 p. Lola Verrill Cintron; 18Jul77; 4932894.

A932S95. The Architecture of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Edited by 4rthur Drexler, essays by fiichard Chafee, Arthur Drexler, Neil Levine £ David Van Zanten. 523 p. 4ppl. au: The Huseum of Hodern 4rt, employer for hire. Q The Huseum of Hodern 4rt; 10Auq77; A932895.

A932896. Painting and sculpture in the Huseum of Hodern Art, 1929-1967. By 41fred H. Batr, Jr. 657 p. 4ppl. au: The Huseum of Hodern 4rt, employer for hire. O The Huseum of Hodern 4rt; 14Dec77: 4932896.

4932897. Speakers on the spot: a treasury of anecdotes for coping with sticky situations. By Edgar Bernhard. 207 p. d Parker Publishing Company, Inc.; 4N0V77; 4932897.

4932898. Prayer: life's limitless reach. By Jack E. Taylor. 168 p. O Broadman Press; 14ug77; 4932898.

4932899. fioad to recovery; Southern Baptist renewal following the Civil Uar, as seen especially in the work of I. T. Tichenor. By Joe U. Burton. 168 p. Broadman Press; 2Jan77; 4932899.

4932900. Bejoice, you're a Sunday School teacher. By John T. Sisemore, illus. by Bon Hester. 94 p. Broadman Press; IJun77; A932900.

A932901. Creating love and warmth for our children. By David Schrum. 158 p. O Broadman Press; 1Jun77; 493290 1.

4932902. 4 Search for common ground; toward reconciliation between charismatics £ other Christians. By H. Thomas Starkes. 94 p. e Broadman Press; 1Jul77; 4932902.

4932903. Iho's calling my name? By Jerreal B. Buchanan. 154 p. O Broadman Press; 1Jon77; 4932903.

4932904. How to find out who you are. By Nelson L. Price. 128 p. © Broadman Press; 1JU177; 4932904.

4932905. The Fourth Crusade: the conquest of Constantinople, 1201-1204. By Donald E. Queller. 248 p. (The Hiddle Ages) © Donald E. Queller; 15Dec77: A93290S.

4932906. The Harriage of Loti. By Pierre Loti, translated from the French by Hrlght Frierson 6 Eleanor Frierson. 192 p. NH: translation. © The University Press of

Hawaii; 3Hay76; 4932906.


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