Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1573

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A933875 - A93394
JUL-DEC. 1977

4933875. Special delivery. 1 p- Appi. au: Carolvn HcGloDe Hillec. Carolyn HrGlooe niller; 28Dec77; A93J875.

A933876. Data bank of construction iiaqes and frinqes; a guide to use. 30 p. Add. ti: CHA data bank of construction vaqes and benefits. O Contractors Dutual Asso- ciation: 15Dec77: A933876.

A933877. yheelabrator sand reclamation systeo. Bulletin no. 2it2-0. 11 p. Appl. au: Robert E. Schalliol. O Sheelabrator-Prye, Inc.: 18No»77; A933877.

A933878. The Uheelabrator Gadialok uheel, for more productive abrasive blast cleaning. Bulletin 24it-D. 8 p. Appl. au: Robert E. Schalliol. C Hheelabrator-Prye, Inc.; 22NOV77: A933878.

A933879. ABC safety road nap. Poster. Perky and He Coapany (in notice: Perky and He, Inc.): 20Dec77: A933879.

A933880. California Mills and probate. By Harry Halter Koch. 99 p. O Harry Walter Koch; 12Jan77: A933880.

A933881. Atlas furatbane corrosion- proof cenent. Bulletin 5-5. Folder. Appl. au: Georqe P. Gabriel. Atlas Minerals and CheDicals Division; 15aar77 (in notice: 1966): A933881.

A933882. Atlas corrosion topics. Vol. 1, no. 3- Foider. Appl. au: Georqe P. Gabriel. Atlas Minerals and Chemicals. Inc. ; 16HOV77: A933882.

A933883. Drop haDier. By Emanuel Fried. 128 p. NN: revisions t, additions. O Emanuel Fried: 15Nov77: A933883.

A93388lt. Start a successful business in Bashinqton. By Douqlas L. Clark. 116 p. Self-Counsel Press, Inc. (in notice; International Self-Counsel Press, Ltd.); 20NOV76: A933881t.

A933885. Fiqht that ticket in oreqon. By Michael T. Baiiey. 87 p. Self-Counsel Press, Inc. (in notice: International Self- Counsel Press, Ltd.); 10Feb77: A933885.

A933886. Mental health: a Christian approach. By Bark P. Cosqrove 6 James D. Mallory, Jr., with a response by 0. euentin Hyder. 88 p. Probe Ministries International; 6Sep77; A933886.

A933887. Rancfao Santa Ana Botanic Garden: the first fifty years, 1927-1977. By Lee W. Lenz. 156 p. (Aliso, -journal of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, vol. 9, no. 1) The Board of Trustees of Bancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden: 13nct77; A933887.

A933888. Understand inq California real estate lav. Dy nemyn J. Miller e Bichard H. Morris, illus. by Naomi S. Goldbecq. 310 p. DM: revisions C additions. Canon Publishinq Company; 1 5Sep77 ; A933888.

A933889. Poems of life, love and beauty, nature and reliqion. By Charley Taylor. 10 p.

A933890. Harvard University commencement address by President Joseph Billard, 1799. 10 p. Add. ti: Commencement address: President Joseph Hillard, Harvard University, 1799. Appl. au: W. Hyeth Hillard. NM: additions. H. Hyeth Hillard; 15Dec77; A933890.

A933891. Sea songs. By John D. Enqle, Jr., illus. from oriqinal paintings by Sharon B. Hesner. 6(4 p. Some poems prev. pub. in The Columbus dispatch £ others. NM: 33 new poems. O Branden Press, Inc. ; 16NOV77; A933891.

A933892. Pituitary stimulation of parathyroid hormone secretion. By Neal Stephen Latman. 68 p. Neal S. Latman; 100ct77; A933892.

A933893. How to type practically anything easily. By Violette Albarlan Lorenzen. <t1 p. O Violette Albarian Lorenzen (Violet Albarian Lorenzen) ; 210ct77; A933893.

A933894. Percent applications, student answer key: basic skills in mathematics. US p. (Decimals and percepts, unit 7) Appl. au: Minneapolis Public Schools. NM: editorial revision C art. Q Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A933894.

A933895. Beading and writing large numbers, student answer key: basic skills in mathematics. Independent units. 28 p. Appl. au: Minneapolis Public Schools. NM: editorial revision £ art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A933895.

A933896. Holbrook's Simplified musical staff. By Raymond B. Holbrook. Folder. Baymond B. Bolbrook; 28Sep77; A933896.

A933897. Profile Hartford '77. 20 p. O The Hartford Courant; 280ct77; A933897.

A933898. The Battle of the bees. And other stories by Carl Ewald, translated 6 adapted from the Danish by Margaret Sperry, with illus. by Lily B. Phillips. 114 p. O on translation; Marqaret Sperry; 15Jun77; A933898.

A933899. Max the Great. By Hilliam L. Heath, illustrated by Dorothy Koda. 88 p. NM: text. Hilliam L. Heath; 20May7V; A933899.

A933900. Life is no yuk for the yak. A book of endanqered animals by Don Lessem, illustrated by Linda Bourfce. 55 p. e Don Lessem; 210ct77; A933900.

A933901. The Geoloqy and landscapes of Hen Jersey. By Peter E. Holfe. 351 p. 6 Crane, Hussak and Company, Inc.; 6Sep77; A933901.

A933902. Geological oceanography. By Francis p. Shepard. 2 in p. O crane, Hussak and Company, Inc.; 1Apr77; A933902.

A933903. Hhere stories grow. Tales from Finland by Zacharias Topelius, translated £ adapted by Margaret Sperry, illustrated by Haija Karma. 91 p. NM: translation E

A93390lt. Sovmod 1: a macroeconoBetric model of the Soviet Union. By Donald H. Green S Christopher I. Hiqqins. 312 p. O Stanford Besearch Institute; 7Jul77; »93390a.

A933905. The Private police: security and danger. By James S. Kakalik £ Sorrel Hildhorn. 509 p. O The Band Corporation; 8Hov77; A933905.

A933906. Beal-time computer systems. By A. L. Freedman £ E. A. Lees. 277 p. (Computer systems engineering series) O Crane, Bussak and Company, Inc.; 11Jul77: A933906.

A933907. Political control of the Soviet armed forces. By Michael J. Deane. 297 p. Sanf ord Besearch Institute, Inc. ; 1l»Jul77; A933907.

A933908. The Celtic Druids. By Godfrey Hlggins, introductory pref. by Manly P. Hall. 324 p. NM: introductory pref. Philo- sophical Besearch Society, Inc. ; 2Dec77; 4933908.

A933909. The Circular staircase. By Mary Boberts Binehart vith introd. by Phyllis A. Hhitney, bibliography by Jan Cohn, illus. by Barrel Millsap. 283 p. Appl. au: Publisher's, Inc. NM: introd., illus. £ appendices. 6 The Regents of the University of California; 22Har77; A933909.

A933910. Trent's last case. By E. C. Bentiey with introd. £ annotations by Aaron Marc Stein, bibliography by Charles Shibuk, illus. by Darrel Millsap. 269 p. Appl. au: Publisher's, Inc. NM: introd., illus. 6 appendices. © The Regents of the University of California; 9Nov77; A933910.

A933911. The Complete Dncle Abner. By Melville Oavisson Post with introd. £ annotated bibliography by Allen J. Uubin. illus. by Darrel Millsap. 423 p. Appl. au: Publisher's. Inc. NM: compilation, introd., illus. £ appendices. O The Regents of the University of California; 29JU177; A933911.

A933912. Crime and justice in America. By Jerome H. skoinick, Martin Lyle Forst £ Jane L. Scheiber, project of University Extension, University of California, San Diego. 368 p. (A Courses by newspaper reader) NM: compilation, unit £ article overviews, author's biographies, introd., £ bibliographies. O The Begents of the University o£ California; 15Aug77; A933912.

A933913. Popular culture; a study guide for courses by newspaper. By John Pendleton, project of University Extension, University of California, San Diego- 57 p. (A Courses by newspaper reader) Appl. au: university of California, San Diego. O The Begents of the University of California; 5Dec77; A933913.

A933914. Popular culture: mirror of American life. Edited by David Manning Hhite £ John Pendleton, project of University

Extension. University of California. San


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