Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1576

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A933995 - A934037
JUL-DEC. 1977

A933994 (con.) Fenlon. Lovell Dorchak 5 Ellen Hcpherson. 206 p. a irlene Fenlon, Lovell Dorchak 6 Ellen HcPherson; 30Sep77: &93399«.

4933995. Georqia code annotated: advance annotation service; cumulative monthly service, June-October 1977. Proiect manaqer; Jacqueline L. Johnson. 273 p. Appl. au: The Harrison Company. 6 The Harrison Company: 1Dec77; R933995.

A933996. American real estate law. 1977 suppl. By Georqe A. Pindar. 267 p. e The Harrison Company; HtDec77; A933996.

A933997. Georqia criminal trial practice. By Rilliam H. Daniel. 1(06 p. 9 The Harrison Company; 19Dec77; A933997.

A933998. Explorinq livinq environments. By Marilyn Kay HcFarland 6 Vera Eaastetter. nth ed. 313 p. Appl. au: Cincinnati Public Schools, Home Economics Department. © McKniqht Publishinq Company: 23Auq77; A933998.

A933999. Faailies in the enerqy crisis: impacts and implications for theory and policy. By Robert Perlman G Roland Leslie Harren, with the assistance of Andrew B. Hahn G Cecilia Rivera- 236 p. @ Ballinqer Publishinq company; 23flov77; A933999.

A93a000. Residential location and urban housinq markets. Editor: Greqory K. Inqram. it03 p. (Studies in income and wealth, vol. 43. Issued by the Conference on Research in Income and Health, National Bureau of Economic Research) Q National Bureau of Economic Research; 23No»77; A93i»000.

A93it001. Tracinq the multinationals: a sourcebook on U.S. -based enterprises. By Joan P. Curhan. Hilliam H. Davidson & Saian Suri. 430 p. e Ballinqer Publishinq Company; 23NOV77; A934001.

»93it002. midlife country: how to enjoy it. 208 p. Appl. states copyriqht is not claimed on any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. NH: photos., art & text. e National Bildlife Federation; 200ct77; A9311002.

4934003. Our common heritaqe: practical aspects of year-end qivinq. 7 p. 6 National Wildlife Federation; 28Jul77; A934003.

4934004. Casa Grampa. By Claude D. Vredenburq, edited by Betty Paqe. 3 1 p. Paqes Offset Printinq; 304uq77; A934004.

A934005. Our very New Enqland family story: Farnsworth-Wells. By Frances P. Farnsworth (Frances P. Farnsworth Arnstronq) 37 p. e Frances P. Far- nsworth; 22NOV77; A934005.

4934006. 4uschwitz: beqinninq of a new era? Reflections on the holocaust. Edited by Eva Fleischner. 469 p. Papers qiven at the International Symposium on the Holocaust, held at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York, June 3 to 6, 1974; Enqlish. 4ppl. au: Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine. 6 Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine; 4Jan77; A934006.

A934007. The Predictive budqet modelinq system. By Joel David Adcock. 92 p. Joel David Adcock; 23NOV77; A934007.

A934008. How to make bulletin board desiqns. By Donald L. Barnes. 34 p. @ T. S. Denison and Company, Inc.; 20Dec77; A9J4008.

for young Geographic Society; 280ct77; National @ National Geographic A934023.

A934009. ; Unique contributions to modern education. Form no. 1129. 1 v. 8 Youth ' for Understanding; lSep77; 4934009.

A934UI0. ^ Youth for Understanding viewbook. Form no. 1101. 56 p. e Youth for Under- N standing; 29Jul77; A934010.

4934011. Financial assistance for O.S. students. form no. 1111. 2 p. 9 Youth for Understanding; 22Aug77; 4934011.

A934012. The Youth for Understanding inter- national student exchanqe program. Form no. 1002. 2 p. e Youth for Unders- tanding; 16Aug77; A934012.

A934013. Recommendations concerning international exchange students. Form no. 1043. 2 p. a Youth for Understanding; 304ug77; A934013.

A934014. Dominoes; general information. Folder. Add. ti: Dragon double six dominoes colored dot. NH: revision. e Hilton Bradley Company; 10Dec75; 4934014.

A934015. Dominoes; qeneral information. Folder. Add. ti: Dragon double nine dominoes. NH: revision, © Hilton Bradley Company; 10Dec75: A934015.

A934016. Dominoes; general information. Folder (3 p.) Add. ti: Dragon double twelve dominoes. NH: revision. Q Hilton Bradley Company: 10Dec75; A934016.

A934017. Dominoes; general information. Folder. Add. ti: Dragon double six dominoes. NH: revision. © Milton Bradley Company; 10Dec75; A934017.

4934018. The Bible, Christ and me. Section 3: God with us. 26 p. 4ppl. au: Elinor L. Hoods. © Christian Released Time Education, Inc.; 12Sep77; 4934018.

4934019. Christmas ornament number 113; instructions. 2 p. Add. ti: Christmas in cross-stitch — round ball — symbols Christmas ornament, Christmas ornainent number 113. Appl. au: June J. Grigg. © June J. Grigg d.b.a. June Grigg/designs; 1Hay77; 4934019.

A934020. Christmas ornament number 111; instructions. 2 p. Add. ti: Christmas in cross-stitch — round ball children ornament, Christmas ornament number 111. 4ppl. au; June J. Grigg. © June J. Grigg d.b.a. June Grigg/designs; 1Hay77; 4934020.

4934021. Power-solv industrial safety solvent. Card. © Capitol chemical Industries, Inc.; 28Sep77; 4934021.

A934023. The Blue whale. By Donna K. Grosvenor, paintings by Larney Fester. 29 p. (Books for young explorers. Appl. ru: National Geographic Society. National Geographic Society; 28Oct77; A934023.

A934024. Let's go to the moon. By Janis Knudsen Wheat, drauing-s by Bill Burrows. 31 p. (Books for. young fexplorersj Appl. au: National Geographic Society. © National Geographic Society; 280ct77; A934024.

A934025. What-, happens in the' spring. By Kathleen Coste^lo'Beer. 32 p. (Books for young explorers) Appl'. au:' National Geographic Society. Q National Geographic Society; 280ct77; 4934025.

4934026. Creatures of the night. By Judith E. Rinard. 31 p. (Books for young explorers) 4ppi. au: National Geographic Society.' '!© National Geographic Society; 280ct77i ' 4:93'4»2fr.

4934027. (non-printable data]Grito de A^tlan! [non-printable data]Grito de Aztlan! A brief history of northern New Hexico, with an emphasis on a history of the Hora Valley. By Lloyd D. Rivera. 43 p. a Lloyd D. Rivera; 15Jul77; A934027.

A934028. Caution! broker ahead; a concise, protective guide to buying or selling a home, 22 p. NM: compilation. 6 Unicorn Publishing Company; 1BAug77; A934028.

4934029. Midsummer: love poems for the second half of life. By Edith Loyd. 1 v. a Edith Loyd; 1Aug77; A934029.

A934030. Walking with Beethoven. story: Else Karter, sketches: Desmond R. Smith. 21 p. a Else Karter 6 Desmond R. Smith; 210ct77; A934030.

A934031. Tunnels and shafts, caissons, cofferdams 6 compressed air. Oct. 1977 revision. 52 p. (OSHA-operations standards, chap. 15) Equipment Guide-Book Company; 150ct77; A934031.

A934032. Demolition. July 1977 revision. 18 p. (OSHA-operations standards, chap. 16) © Equipment Guide-Book Company; 15Jul77; A934032.

A934033. Miscellaneous. Sept. 1977 revision. 18 p. (OSHA-operations standards, chap. 19) Equipment Guide-Book Company; 15Sep77; 4934033.

4934034. Love couches design criteria. By Alfred H. Kemper. 103 p. 41fred M. Kemper; 2 7Sep77; 4934034.

A934035. Heicoue Christian: what Baptism means today. By Joseph T. Nolan. 39 p. a Claretian Publications; 8Aug77; A934035.

A934036. Beflexiones para Cristianos modernos. Por Pedro Rodriguez. 95 p. Claretian Publications; 19Aug77; 4934036.

4934037. A Guide for friends, neighbors and relatives of retarded children. By Hary Carson, with a prologue by Rita Dranginis. 64 p. Claretian Publications; llNov77;



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