Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1595

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A931775. - A934815
JUL-DEC. 1977

A931775. The Healthifier. Vol. 2, no. 2. By narsh Morrison. Polder (6 p.) in envelope. Marsh Morrison; l»o»77; »93'1775.

»93it776. The Healthifier. Vol. 2, no. 3. By Harsh Morrison. Folder (6 p.) in envelope. O Marsh Morrison: 1Dec77; A934776.

»934777. The Natural delay-yoar-dea th proqraB. By Marsh Morrison. 85 p. O Marsh Morrison; 8Nov77; »93't777.

»93»778. The Pay attention non report: ne», natural endorphin pain-eliainatinq techniques. By Marsh Morrison. 76 p. Harsh Morrison: 221lo»77; *93«778.

A93U779. One niqht stood Bichard Kostelanetz future 1977. <tth ed. Sheets. Appl. au: Bichard Kostelanetz. Prev. pub. in Panache, 1969. C Richard Kostelanetz: 1Dec77: »93«779.

A931t780. I believe in ADerica, and other titles. 1 V. Appl. au: Keenan lafeld. Keenan lafeld: 120ec77; A93l|780.

A93I4781. An Autopsy of aiqraine. By Alfred 5. C. Kinq. 99 p. Alfred S. C. Kinq; 7Dec77: A9JU781.

A931I782. Blackney introduces the qane of blacltlack. Sheets (197 p.) Appl. au: Jackie T. Shirley, pseud, is John BlacKney. O Jackie T. Shirley, whose pseud, is John Blackney; 29Auq77; A93I1782.

A93a783. Give confoct to ay people. By Joseph M. Oolan. 122 p. O Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in th-* state of Hen York: 9Auq77; A931783.

A93't784. Bread from heaven. Edited by Paul Bernier. 170 p. C The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of Ne» York; 8Jul77: A93a78"l.

A934785. The Spirit of God in Christian life. Edited by Edward Halatesta. 149 p. The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of Hew Tork; 21JU177: A934785.

A93U786. The Meaninq of ritual. By Leonel L. Mitchell. 133 p. O The Missionary Society of Saint Paul in the State of New York (in notice: The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of New York) : 30Auq77; A93II786.

A93«787. Sanaer savory: a faoily resource book. By Mary Louise Tietlen. 102 p. O The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of NewYork; 28Jun77: A931t787.

A93lt7a8. He at three: a reliqious education proqraB for three ,year old children; teacher guidebook- By Sister Mary Irene Flanaqan, C.S.J. 292 p. 8M: edited throughout. O The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of New York; 26Auq77: A93<|788.

A93ll7e9. Nobody stop by to see. Poeas by J. Janda. 130 p. O J. Janda; 12Sep77; A93a789.

A93H790. Stories to the dark; exploration in reliqious iaaqination. By Hilliaa Jaaes O'Brien. 163 p. NH: revisions. O Uillraa Jaaes O'Brien; 19Auq77; A93«790.

A934791. Evangelization in Aaerica; prociaaation, way ot life, and the Catnolic church in the Onited States. By David Bohc. 289 p. The Hissiouary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of New York; 23Auq77; A934791.

A93lt792. Cliab along the cuttioq edge: an analysis of chanqe in reliqious life. By Joan Chittister, Stephanie Caapbell, Mary Collins* Ernestine Johann & Johnette Putnaa. 304 p. O Joan Chittister; UAuq77; A934792.

A934793. Mystical passion: spirituality for a bored society. By Hiliraa HcNaaara. 124 p. NH: revisions. The Missionary Society of Saint Paul in the State of Hew York (in notice: The Hissionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of Hew York) ; 8Sep77; A934793.

A934794. Dagger John: the unquiet life and tiaes of Archbishop John Hughes of New York. By Bichard Shaw. 403 p. O Bichard Shaw; 10Auq77; A934794.

A934795. T.S.K.H.: tickle, snug, kiss, hug. By Betty May, illus. by Susan Adaas Donoughue. 224 p. on text; Betty Hay; 19Sep77; A934795.

A934796. Jesus lives! Husical plays for children (froa the New Testaaent) for stage, classrooB, home, church; a collection of short plays with optional sonqs. By Mary Margaret Clark. 48 p. The Missionary Society of Saint Paul in the State of New York (in notice: The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in the State of New York); 25Aug77; A934796.

A934797. Tax Saver. By Prank B. Anderson. 49 p. Prank B. Anderson; 18Nov77; A9J4797.

A934798. Sub-Ject: business, object: career opportunities. Author: Barbara Bayues. 7 p. & cards in box. Appl. au: Tiae Share Corporation, eaployer for hire. O Tiae Share Corporation; 130ct77; A934798.

A934799. Subiect: fine arts, object: career opportunities. Author: Ann S. Bichardson. 1 1 p. & cards in box. Appl. au: Tine Share Corporation, eaployer for hire. Tiae Share Corporation; 130ct77; A934799.

A934800. Subject: industrial arts, object: career opportunities. Author: Alex Kacen. 7 p. & cards in box. Appl. au: Time Share Corporation, eaployer for hire. Tiae Share Corporation; 130ct77; A934800.

A934801. The Britten word. 460 p. Ail new except for sections Osinq language aorc effectively, p. 1 26 6 Poras of address, p. 322. O Houghton Mifflin Coapany; 1Dec77; A934801.

a life of Violet Trefusis; including previously unpublished correspondence with Vita Sack vilie- Uest. By Philippe Jullian e John Phillips. 256 p. Prev. pub. abroad, 6Sep76, AI-16680. O Philippe Jullian 6 John Phillips; 90ct76; A934802.

A934803. Social psychology: the theory and application of syabolic interactionisa. By Bobert H. Lauer e, Uarren H. Handel. 467 p. O Houghton Mifflin Coapany: 20Jan77; A934803.

A934804. Louisa Hay: a aodern biography of Louisa May Alcott. By Martha Saxton. 428 p. Martha Saxton; 140ct77; A934804.

A934805. The Age of uncertainty. By John Kenneth Galbraith. 365 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1977, AI-16549. C John Kenneth Galbraith; 29Mar77; A934805.

A934806. Modern business, a systeas approach; study guide. By s. Bernard Bosenblatt, Bobert L. Bonnington C Belverd E. Needles, Jr. 2nd ed. 315 p. O Houghton Mifflin coapany; 3Jan77: A934806.

A934807. Aaerica in tiae: Aaerica's history year by year through text and pictures. By HalcolB c. Jensen. 343 p. Appl. au: Houghton Mifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire. O Houghton Mifflin Coapany; 1Dec77; A934807.

A934808. Mrs. Seal's fish choader. Story 6 pictures by Bob Barner. 8 p. Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77; A934S08.

A934809. Those who can, teach — learning guide. By H. Jeroae Freiberg, Jaaes H. Cooper & Kevin fiyan. 185 p. Add. ti: Learning guide: those who can, teach. Based on the 2nd ed. of Those who can, teach. O Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 5Jan77: A934809.

A934810. Counselor's sourcebook for college planning. By Mary E. Barre. 2nd ed. 1 V. O Tiae Share Corporation; 7Nov77; A934810.

A934811. An Eapirical coaparison of selected efficient aeasureaent strategies in an individualized curriculua and stiaulated replications. By David Thoaas Morse. Microfila. O David Thoaas Horse; 15HOV77; A934811.

A934812. Subversions of pastoral: Andrew Marvell's uses of the pastoral tradition. By Martha Jane Echols. Hicrofila. O Hartha Jane Echols; 15Hov77 (in notice: 1976); A934812.

A934813. Higuel Sandoval: Guateaalan-Aaerican coaposer--a chronological catalogue of his collected works. By Pollyanna Tribouil- lier Schroeder. Microfila. Appl. states all new except ausical exaaples on p. 71-86. O Pollyanna Tribouillier Schroeder: 15Dec76; A934813.

A934814. Conversational analysis: an ethno- aetbodological approach to the study of clinical instruction. By Maria Halker Steinbauqh. Microfila. O Maria Halker Steinbaugh; 15Nov77: A934814.


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