Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1623

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JUL-DEC. 1977

»93S859. Student opinloD poll (4-6) 2 p. Add. ti: BliBioatiDq sex bias in edacation; student attitude sucvey (4-6) Appl. au: Hinoeapoiis Public Schools (BliBioatioq Set Bias in Education Pcolect) O flioneapolis Public Schools (Special School District Nu»ber 1) (in notice: ninneapolis Public Schools); 1Sep75; A935859.

A935860. Student opinion poll (7-12) 4 p. Add. ti: Elininatiuq sex bias in edacation: student attitude survey (7-12) Appl. au: Hianeapolis Public Schools (Eliainatinq Sex Bias in Education Prolect) O Hinneapolis Public Schools (Special School District Nuabec 1) (in notice: Hinneapolis Public Schools): 1Sep76: A935860.

A935861. Hone buyer's quide to New Yor)L City bronnstone neighborhoods. Prepared by the Bcovnstone Bevi»al Co«»ittee, Inc. 3rd ed. 64 p. BroHDstone Bevival Coaaittee, Inc.: 1Auq77: A93S861.

4935862. Patent preparation and prosecution practice. Vol. 1. 1977 suppl. Editor: Irving Kayton. 1 «. Appl. au: Patent Besources Institute, Inc. O Patent Besources Institute, Inc.; 3Jal77; A935862.

A935863. Hissy. Written by Laurence Golden. 1 V. Laurence Golden: 4Dec77: A935863.

A935864. Coaprehensive incoae taxation. Editor: Joseph A. Pechaan. 311 p. (Studies of qovernaent finance, 2nd series) Appl. au: Brookings, eaployer for hire. The Broolcinqs Institution: 19Sep77: A935864.

A935865. The IPH guide to state and Pederal uneaployaent coapeosation law. By the staff of Institute for Hanaqeaent. 249 p. Appl. au: Charles A. Dacland. O Charles A. Barland: 140ct77; A935865.

A93SB66. 573S-CV1. Printout. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d: IBH Corporation; 18Jul77; A935866.

A935867. Hatrii. By Stanley a. Davis e Paul B. Lawrence, in collaboration with Barvey Kolodny Z Hichael Beer. 23S p. O Addison-Besley Publishinq Conpany, Inc.; 281lo»77: A935867.

A935868. The Crossword puzzle booJt. Ser. 112. Edited by Harqaret Farrar. 1 ». Appl. au; siaon and Schuster. NH: foreword £ coBpilation. Siaon and Schuster, Inc.* now d.b.a.: Siaon and Schuster, a division of Gulf and Bestern Corporation; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A935868.

A935B69. Shaw and the play of ideas. By Bobert P. Hhitaan. 293 p. HB: additions C revisions. C Cornell Oniversity; 2Har77; A935869.

A935870. Sod bless ay friend. Illustrated by Betty Eraser. 61 p. Appl. au: Ballaark Cards, Inc. Nfl: coapilation, additional text e illus. Ballaarl: Cards, Inc.; 1Dec77: A935870.

A935871. Pull tiae BVers: where should your hoae base be? 11 p. BH: updating. Trailer

A935a72. The Bite of blessing of an abbot or abbess and The Bite of consecration to a life of virginity. 94 p. NB: coapi- lation, revisions C additions. O International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. ; 6Jan76 (in notice: 1975.); A935872.

A935873. Bite of penance. Appendixes 2-3. 45 p. NH: revisions, d International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. ; 2Jun75; A935873.

A935874. Boly coaaunion and worship of the Eucharist outside aass. 2nd ed. 147 p. O International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.; 20Dec7U; A935874.

A935875. The Siaple gradual; an English translation of the Graduale siaplex for use in English-speaking countries. Prepared by International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. 1 v. BH: revisions. O International Coaaittee on English in the Liturqy, Inc.; 19Nov6e; A93S875.

A935876. Bite of funerals. 45 p. NH: revisions. International Coaaittee on English in the Liturqy, Inc.; 28Nov70; A935876.

A935877. Bite of Conf iraation. 2nd ed. 30 p. International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.; 2Sep75; A935e77.

A935878. Bite of anointing and pastoral care of the sicli. 2nd ed. 1 v. International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.; 13Jun73; A935878.

A935879. Bite of Confiraation. Bite of the blessing of oils. Bite of consecrating the chrisa. 41 p. BH: revisions. International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. ; 1Juu72; A935879.

A935880. The Liturgy of the hours. Ill p. O on English translation: International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.; 13aay74: A9358e0.

A935881. Order for the celebration of the holy year in the local churches. 1 v. HH: revisions. O International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.; 13May74; A935881.

A935882. Bite of Christian initiation of adults. 144 p. BH: revisions. O International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.; 25BOV74: A935882.

A935883. The Boaan aissal. 1003 p. BH: revisions, coapilation 6 additions. International Coaaittee on English in the Liturgy, Inc.; 18Dec73; A935883.

A935884. The Gender trap: a closer look at sex roles. Book 1: Education and work. By Carol Adaas £ Eae Laurikietis, cartoons by Andy Johnson, revised for Aaerican readers by Jill Dunnell sellers. 119 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1976. NH: revision. O Acadeay Press. Ltd.; 150ct77: A935884.

A935885. I'a not crazy, just different. By Beoai Lea Hopkins. 19 p. O Lea Hopkins; 15BOV77; A935885.

A935886. you won't believe soae of the things that happen in offices. Book 2. By Philip Jaaes, pseud, of Jaaes Philip Duey. 68 p. O Jaaes Philip Duey, d.b.a. Philip Jaaes, Publisher; 21Dec77: A935Sa6.

A935887. Tapestry of thought; anthology. 40 p. Harion County Writers and Poets Association; 30Bov77; A935887.

A935888. Happy birthday. Folder. Appl. au: Gregory fi. Buell. BM: additional text, editorial revision & coapilation. Gregory 8. Buell; 50ct77; A935888.

A935889. The C. H. Beid systea of piano study. Book 1. By C. W. Beid. 25 p. Appl. au: coapilation: Olive c. Clayton. BB: intcod. O Phyllis L. Bealieu C olive C. Clayton; 180ct76; A93S889.

A93S890. Detailed study of the unit terainal at Albuguerque-Santa Fe Intercontinental Airport. Prepared by Jaaes John Betts 6 Stephen Anthony Lilly. 72 p. Appl. states all new except chapter entitled "The Wide-walk jet-raap, " prev. pub. £ reg. O Jaaes J. Betts C Stephen A. Lilly: 12Dec77; A935890.

A9358S1. Santa's rocket reindeer. Lyrics £ story: The Jia Willows Faaily, a Jaaes Willows £ Bob Quist, illustrator: Geri Wood. 1 V. Jia Billows; 150ct77; A933891.

A935892. Banagemcnt controls in autoaated processes. 1 v. Appl. au: Citicorp. Citicorp, Coaptroller's Division, Worldwide Operations Support; 15Sep77; A935892.

A935893. Bank officer's handbook of coaaercial banking law, fourth edition, by Frederick K. Beutel. 1977 cuaulative suppl. by Gerald T. Dunne. 324 p. Warren, Gorhaa and Lanont, Inc.; 200ec77: A935893.

A935894. Prescribing for all learning styles. Prepared by Kathleen J. Gonsalves £ Carol A. flinor, illustrated by Carol A. Hinor. 1 V. Accoapanied by sound recording* N48S72 £ cassette tape abstract. Appl. au: Charles Bechtold. O CSB 28, generally knowi a.d.o. Coaaunity School Board 28; 220ec77; A935894.

A935695. Sharks and troubled waters. By Hargaret Harris. 48 p. Conteaporary Perspectives, Inc.; 21BOV77; A935895.

A935896. Befertiti: the aystery queen. By Burnhaa Holaes. 48 p. C Conteaporary Perspectives, Inc.; 21Bov77; A935896.

A935897. Bats, cats, and sacred cows. By Taaara Wilcox. 48 p. O Conteaporary Perspectives, Inc.; 21BOV77; A935897.

A93589e. Spells, chants, and potions. By Susan Avent. 48 p. O conteaporary Perspectives, Inc.; 21BOV77; A935898.

A935899. Secrets of Tut's toab and the pyraaids.

By Stephanie Ann Beiff. 48 p.


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