Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1639

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A936506 - A9365147
JUL-DEC. 1977

A936505 (con.) G Benqt fernoH. 3il<t p. Baven Press Books. Ltd.; 17Jun77: A936505.

A936506. Epilepsy: the Eiqhth XoternatiODal Svuposiuin. Editor: J. Kiffin Penry. HIU p. Add. ti: Epilepsy, Eiqhth loter- national Synposiuo. Presented at the Eiqhth iDternational Symposiun on Epilepsy. Dublin, Sept. 12-15, 1976. fiaven Pcess Books, Ltd.: 2tSep77; A936506.

A936507. Solitary confineaent . Poeas by Bobert E. Boss Kith 4 blind etchinqs by Stuart Oayton. 59 p. Bobert E. Boss; 16Sep77: A936507.

A936 508. nountain reverence and other poeas. By Nolle auaey. 126 p. C Nolle Huaey: 2Dec77: A936508.

A936509. Gertrude, the qoose nho forgot. By Joanna Galdone & Paul Galdone. 1 v. 6 Joanna Galdone 6 Paul Galdone; 7Jan75; A935509.

A936510. Sport scraableqran. sheets (3 p.) 6 la cards. Add. ti; Sport scraableqraas. O H.J. Associates; 5Dec77; A936510.

A936511. Scotch Valley: in the snovbelt of the Catskills. Folder. Add. ti: Scotch Valley trail aap, 1977. Aaerican Publishers, Inc.; 310ct77; A936511.

A936512. Hunter Hountain, 1977-78. Folder. Add. ti; Hunter sici resort aap, 1977-78. O Aaerican Publishers, Inc.; 23Nov77; A936512.

A93651it. Suqar Loaf mountain trail aap, 1977-78. Folder. C Aaerican Publishers, Inc.; 310ct77: A9365ia.

A936515. University of Hanaii, Banoa: 1977-1978 campus aap and visitors* quide. Polder. Add. ti; University of Hawaii at Banoa aap. Aaerican Publishers, Inc. ; 29NOV77; A936515.

A936516. San Dieqo State University caapus aap for nineteen seventy-seven, nineteen seventy-eight: SDSD, 1977-1978. Folder. Aaerican Publishers, Inc.; 19Nov77; A936516.

A936517. Attitash 1977-78 trail aap. Folder. Aaerican Publishers, Inc.; 10Nov77; A9 36517.

A936518. Fort Sichardson, 1978. Folder. Add. ti; Fort Bichardsoo aap, 1978. American Publishers, Inc.; 28Nov77; A936518.

A936519. Gore Bountain, 1977-78. Folder. Add. ti: Gore Bountain ski aap, 1977-78. Aaerican Publishers, Inc.; 22Nov77: A936519.

A936520. Inforaation: the Hysterical Landaark Society national headquarters release- -conqratulat ions! 1 p. Add. ti : The Hysterical Landmark Society and national headquarters release meabership app- lication forn--inf ormation. Appl. au: Lloyd L. (ialton. C Lloyd I. Malton a. k. a. The Hysterical Landmark Society; 10oct77; A936520.

A936521. Love poems to my nigger. By Irma A. Mathens. 5 p. Irma A. Mathews; 16Feb77: A936521.

A936522. Uasiola: "rooted-yet-evergrowinq." By Charles Henry Crouch. 1«2 p. Charles Crouch d.b.a. Catalyst Productions; 15Dec77: A936522.

A936523. The United States Biceatenoial collection of baqpipe music. Vol. 1. Compiled by Donald E. Varella G Peter E. BacLeod, Jr. 107 p. NB: ueii ausical arr. £ compilation. O Donald E. Varella d.b.a. The Piping Press; 11Feb76; A936523.

A93652't. Chesterton industrielle Packungen und Gleitrinqdichtunqen. 65 p. Add. ti: Chesterton Packungen und Gleitrinqdic- htungen. NH: translation. A. R. Chesterton Company; 31Jul7i4; A93652I4.

A936525. Zayre front line terminal reference quide. 14 p. O Zayre Corporation; 19Sep77 (in notice: 1978); A936525.

A936526. Dymo 3200 encoder. 1 v. Zayre Corporation; 7Nov77 (in notice; 1978); A936526.

A936527. Personal Financial Service. 1 v. Appl. au: Norman Hoodruff Houston (Noraan Hood) O Noraan Woodruff Houston (in notice: Norman aood) ; 260ct77; A936527.

A936528. The First book of Bob Green's poetry. By Bobert Stuart Green. 34 p. Bob Green; 1Auq77; A935528.

A936529. Chords and transposition made easy. By Pedro C. Baneses. Folder. O Pedro C. Baneses; 15Sep77; A936529.

A936530. A Summary of halachos of the four minim. By Shimon D. Eider. 16 p. MB: editorial revisions G additions. Shimon D. Eider; 11Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A936530.

A936531. Fund advisors institute proceedinqs, 1977. Editor: Elizabeth Hieb. 142 p. Proceedinqs of the Institute for Fund Advisors, held June 12-15, 1977 at Tahoe, NV. Appl. au; International Foundation of Eaployee Benefit Plans. Q International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, Inc.; 30NOV77; A93b531.

A936532. The Greentree sonqbook. Compiled by Don Barsh G U. Elmo Bercer, edited by R. Elmo Bercer. 216 p. Appl. au: John T. Benson Publishing Coapany, eapioyer for hire. O John T. Benson Publishing Coapany; 2Aug77; A936532.

A936533. Love. 1 p. Appl. au: Kelly R. Burnthorn. Kelly R. Bunthorn; 22Aug77; A936533.

A936534. Degrees of reading power; test form X. Issued by The Board of Beqents, the State of New lork, the State Education Department. 27 p. Appl. au: The University of the State of New lork. Board of Beqents. O University of the State of New York (in notice: The Board of Beqents, the State of New York) ; 30Nov76: A936534.

A936535. Degrees of reading power; test fora Y. Issued by The Board of fiegents, the State of New York, the State Education Department. 27 p. Appl. au: The University of the State of New York, Board of Begents. O University of the State of New York (in notice: The Board of Begents, the State of New York) ; 30Nov76; A936535.

A936536. Keystones: skill book. By Bernice Golden. 110 p. (American book reading program) Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 25Aug77; A936536.

A936537. Travel'77/'78, the big picture. 108 p. (ASIA travel news, vol. 22) Travel Communications, Inc.; 16Dec77; A936537.

1936538. The United states Bicentennial collection of bagpipe music. Vol. 2. From an original manuscript commissioned in 1967, coapiled by Peter B. BacLeod, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au: Peter B. BacLeod, Sr. NB: additional music, arrangements G compilation. O Donald E. Varella d.b.a. The Piping Press; 11Feb76; A936538.

A936539. Fundamentals of research notekeeping. Written by Eugene Cordell Vail. 10 p. For use with The Ancestral Besearch Center "Trace-A-Tree" genealogy starter kit, Appl. states all new except family group sheets £ pedigree charts. O Ancestral Besearch Center, Inc.; 20Feb77; A936539.

A936 540. Bodel A workshop; workbook: growth in ministry. 1 v. Appl. au: Barvin A. Johnson, Harold Lohr G Joseph B. Hagner. O Division for Professional Leadership. Lutheran Church in America; 15Peb76; A936540.

A936541. A Review of engineering fundamentals. By B. a. Barnard, R. E. Crockett, B. H. Goff, A. E. Jordan, F. Hilliam Kroesser G B. B. Power, edited by F. Rilliaa Kroesser. I v. O Rest Virginia College of Graduate Studies; 15Bar77; A936541.

A936 542. History, facts and fun with New Hampshire. By Baryann Jewell Lacasse* illus. by Constance Brennan Barden. 3 v. Rith workbook G teacher's guide. O Baryann J. Lacasse G Constance Brennan Barden; 50ct77; A936542.

A936543. Duncan ceramic kiln; owner's manual. 34 p. O Duncan Enterprises; 1Jun76; A936543.

A936544. Flower Jack. By Oscar D. Gifford. 1 p. Oscar D. Gifford d.b.a. Good Earth Company; 29Aug77; A936544.

A936 54 5. Shaker quarterly; index: vol. 1-14, summer, 1974. Compiler: Frances C. Hartgen. 1 v. O Bayaond H. Folger Library, University of Haine at Orono; 70ct77; A936545.

A936546. Texas election laws; including political calendar, constitutional provisions, election code and statutes. Compiled by J. B. Patterson, Jr. 1978-1979 ed. 482 p. Hart Graphics and office Centers, Inc. (in notice: Hart Graphics) ; 14NOV77; A936546.


Nigeria: a travel guide; suppleaentary


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