Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1655

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JUL-DEC. 1977

iF»6311. Joyce Grenfell requests the pleasure. Enqiand. 295 p. C Joyce Grenfell; 163ep76; irtejll.

iFil6312. Harcus Clarke. By Harcus indreu Hislop Clarke, selected 6 edited Bith an introd. 6 bibliography by Hichael Sliding, iustralia. 687 p. idd. ti: The Portable Harcus Clarke. C on introd.; aichael fildinq; 30Sep76; iF«6312.

A?il6313. Marcus Clarke. By Harcus Andreii Hislop Clarke, selected E edited with an introd. 6 bibliography by Hichael Bilding. iustralia. 687 p. Add. ti: The Portable Harcus Clarke. on this compilation; Oniyersity of Queensland Press; 30Sep76; AFlt6313.

AF't6311t. Henry Laifson. Selected 6 edited nith an introd. 6 bibliography by Brian Francis Kiernan. Australia. 393 p. Add. ti: The Portable Henry Lanson. C on introd.; Brian Kiernan; 30Sep76; AFit631il.

AF't6315. Henry La»son. selected £ edited Bith an introd. 6 bibliography by Brian Francis Kiernan. Australia. 393 p. Add. ti: The Portable Henry La«son. C on this compilation; Oniyersity of Queensland press: 30Sep76; AFit6315.

AF1(6316. Lntterloh Systeii international. Suppl- no. 116. Sest Germany. 1 v. Appl. au: Maria Aloisia Lotterloh, nee Aiqenberger. O Hodeyerlaq lntterloh; 20Jul77; AF«6316.

AFit6317. Ta'agoy Ben El'azar: Kitab al-Ka»ll. Edited by Nehemya Allony. Israel. 122 p. Hebren 6 Arabic; prefatory material in English. BH: translation, reyision, introd. 6 index. C American Academy for Jewish Research: 15Mar77; AFU6317.

AF46318. Enlarging lens manual: eyerything you want to kno» about lenses for superior enlargements, April 1977. Vom Bild zum Ebenbild — vergroesserungsf ibel. lest Germany. 2 y. English £ German. Optische Berke G. Bodenstock; 6Jun77; AF46318.

»P«6319. Harty Halloo. By Buth Elizabeth Collier, pictures by Hary Ann Karpel. Canada. 21 p. Elizabeth Collier; 230ct76; AFII6319.

AF«6320. Physical distribution guidelines manual: safety in distribution. Canada. 1 y. Appl. au: Du Pont of Canada, Ltd. C E. 1. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 26Bay77; AF116320.

AF»6321. Tango November. England. 268 p. 31Auq76: AFt6321.

AFIt6 322. Inyisible allies: microbes and man's future. By Bernard Dizon. England. 251 p. NH: additional teit 6 revisions. Bernard Dizon; 13Hay76; AFit6322.

AF116323. The Danger tree. By Olivia Banning. England. 196 p. C Olivia Banning: 11Auq77; AFI46323.

319 p. O I. G. Broat; 27May76:

AF«6325. Icebound: journeys to the Northnest Sea. By James Haurice Scott. England. 156 p. NM: text. O J. M. Scott; 21Jul77; AF't6325.

AFl(6326. Black Nile: Hunqo Park and the search for the Niger. By Peter Brent. England. 200 p. NM: text. Peter Brent; 21JU177; AFlt6326.

AF46327. Hister and Mrs. Pig's evening out. By Hary Bayner. England. 1 v. Mary Bayner; 29Apr76; AFU6327. (1977 reprint ed. deposited)

AF1I6328. Alle Jahre »ieder saust der Press- lufthammer nieder; Oder, Die Veraenderung der landschaft. By Joerg Mueller. Switzerland. Sheets (7 p.) in folder. Appl. au: Sauerlaender, A.G., employer for hire. Sauerlaender, A.G. ; 1Apr73; AFU6328.

AF1I6329. Hier faellt ein Haus, dort steht ein Kran und ewiq droht der Baggerzahn; Oder, Die yeraenderunq der stadt. By Joerg Mueller. Switzerland. sheets (8 p.) in folder. Appl. au; Sauerlaender, A.G., employer for hire. sauerlaender, A.G.; 1Aug76; Arlt6329.

AFU6330. The Bodes of modern writing. By David Lodge. Great Britain. 279 p. Appl. states all new except condensation of p. 1-9. O David Lodge; 29Jul77; AF46330.

AF116331. Halt Disney's Donald's camping trip; a mini pop-up book. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au: Arnoldo Bondadori Editore, S.P.A. fi Clark, Irwin and Company, Ltd. Bait Disney Productions; 25Jul77; AF46331.

Ar«6332. Bait Disney's Scrooge BcDuck and the vacant lot; a mini pop-up book. Canada. 1 V. Appl. au: Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A. 6 Clark, Irwin and Company, Ltd. Bait Disney Productions; 25JU177; AFit6332.

AFlt6333. Johnny I hardly knew you; a novel. By Edna O'Brien. England. 1«3 p. © Edna O'Brien: 14Jul77; A?ll6333.

AP4633I4. The Enemy. By Desmond Baglcy. England. 322 p. O Literary publications, Ltd.; 25JU177; AFit633a.

AFlt6335. Hannah hereafter. By Elizabeth Sutherland. England. 223 p. Elizabeth Sutherland: 26Jan76: AF1I6335.

AF't6336. A Sea-grape tree. By Bosamond Lehmann. England. 160 p. O Bosamond Lehmann; 280ct76: AFU6336.

AFIt6337. Main trends of research in the social and human sciences. Pt. 1: social sciences. Pref. by Bene Haheu. Great Britain. 819 p. Appl. au: ONESCO. ONESCO; 70ct70; AFt6337.

AFIt6338. The Ancien Begime: French society, 1600-1750. By Pierre Goubert, translated by Steve Cox. Great Britain. 292 p. Appl. au: George Beidenfeld and Nicholson, Ltd. NM: translation 6 foreword to English ed. George VIeidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd.; 26Apr73; AFlt6338.

AF116339. A Toornier companion. By Paul Toumier. Great Britain. 177 p. Appl. au: SCM Press, Ltd. NM: additional text 6 compilation. O SCM Press, Ltd.; 10ct76; AFK6339.

AF116340. The Operas of Mozart. By Hilliam Mann. Onited Kingdom. 656 p. Billiam Mann; 28Apr77; AF't63a0.

AF'463al. The Human quality. By Aurelio Pecoei. Great Britain. 211 p. O Aurelio Peccei; 2"lMay77; AFa63ai.

AF46342. Sun power: an introduction to the applications of solar energy. By J. C. HCVeigh. Great Britain. 208 p. NM: compilation 6 additional text. 6 J. C. McVeigh; 9May77; AF<163it2.

AFlt63<t3. Fluorine coupling constants. By J. w. Emsley, L. Phillips 6 V. Bray. Great Britain. p. 85-756. (Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, vol. 10, pt. 3-1) e Perqanon Press, Ltd.; 27Jun77; AFt63lt3.

AF<te31t<t. The Lancaster at war. By Hike Garbett 6 Brian Goulding. Great Britain. lit p. Hike Garbett S Brian Goulding; 20Sep71; Afii63'l'l. (6th impression, 1975, deposited)

AFil63a5. New york. By Anthony Burgess 6 the editors of Time-Life Books, with photos, by Dan Budnik £ others. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V., employer for hire. Time-Life Inter- national (Nederland) B.V. ; 6Dec76; AF46 3lt5.

AF'I63II6. MOSCOW. By Leo Gruliow 6 the editors of Time-Life Books with photos, by Pete Turner £ Dick Bowan. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V., employer for hire. 6 Time-Life Inter- national (Nederland) B. V. ; 7Feb77; AP«63it6.

AFIl63a7. Tokyo. By Fosco Maraini 6 the editors of Time-Life Books with photos, by Harald Sund. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B. »., employer for hire. Time-Life International (Nederland) B.?.; i»Oct76; AFii63U7.

AFlt63l48. Popular literature: a history and guide from the beginning of printing to the year 1897. By Victor E. Neuberg. Onited Kingdom. 301 p. NM: all text by Victor E. Neuberg. C Victor E. Neuberg; 26May77; AFIt63»8.

AFI163U9. salammbo. By Gustave Flaubert, translated with an introd. by A. J. Krailsheimer. Onited Kingdom. 282 p. NH: introd. £ translation. O A. J. Krailsheimer; 26Bay77: AF463U9.

AF1163S0. Hallarme: the poems; a bilingual ed. Translated with an introd. by Keith Bosley. Onited Kingdom. 303 p. English £ French. NM: translation, introd., selection £ compilation. Keith Bosley;

26May77; AFI16350.


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