Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1658

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JUL-DEC. 1977

AF46431 (con.) Business Hacfaines corporation; lUJun??; AF46431.

AF46432. TS personal computinq PL/1 terminal user's qulde; proqram no. 5785-EAB. Denaark. 103 p. (International field proqran) Appl. au: IBH Onited tcinqdom, Ltd. 6 International Business flachines Corporation: 28Jul77; AFt6432.

AF46433. Operations planninq and control-entry (OPC-entry) scheduler's quide; proqraa product 5740-XT7. 2nd ed. Denaark. 200 p. (Installation manaqenent) Appl. au: IBH Sweden. 3 International Business Machines Corporation; 1itJon77; AF46433.

AFi(643it. IBB 2750/3750 switchinq system, 5923 model BOS attendance recordinq terminal reference manual. Denmark. Folder. (IBM technical nensletter, no. GN 19-6305-0) Appl. au: IBM Seraaoy. MM: revisions. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d. ; IBM Corporation; 16Jun77: AFteast.

AF46435. Description de 1 'application et quide de 1' utilisateur: proqramme special no. 5768-ABJ. France. 33 p. (Proqraomes speciaux: proqramme d'aide a I'exploi- tation) Enqlish & French. 6 IBH France; 13Jun77; iF46i»35.

AF«eit36. Chanqe nanaqement/trackinq (CM/T) , DP accountinq for IMS/VS (DPA), service level reporter (SLB) , proqram loqic. Denmark. 230 p. (Installation manaqement) Appl. au: IBM Sveden. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 30Jun77; AFUetse.

AF46437. 3750 svitchinq system: system planninq quide. 6th ed. Denaark. 217 p. Appl. au: IBM France. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 1Auq77; AF»6<I37.

AF<l6i|38. IMS/VS DB/OC information manaqement system/virtual storage data base/data communication system. Denmark. 31 p. & transparencies in portfolio. Appl- au; IBM France. @ -International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation; 13Jun77; AP'I6II38.

AP46439. IBM system/370 online routing user's quide; proqraa no. 5746-XXP. Denmark. 217 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines Corporation; 27Jul77; AF46439.

AF46440. 3750 svitchinq system. Vol. 3: switchinq subsystem, book 2: 3753 line units models 1 & 2, theory of operation. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN19-6192) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. G International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d: IBM Cor- poration; 21JU177; AP46440.

AF46441. 3750 switchinq system. Vol. 1: system, book 3: power supplies, theory-main- tenance. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SN19-6194) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. 3 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation; 21Jul77: AF46441.

AF46442. 3750 switchinq system. Vol 1: system, book 4: maintenance. 4th ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. 3 International Business Machines Corporation; 14JU177; AF46442.

AF4e44j. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of ethology. Editor-in-chief; Bernhard Grzimek. England. 705 p. Appl. au: Litton Horld Trade corporation. NM: English tran- slation. 3 Litton Horld Trade Corpo- ration; 1JU177; AF46443.

AF46444. Illustrated dictionary of practical pottery- By fiobert Fournier, photos, by John Anderson, diagrams by Sheila Fournier. England. 256 p. NM: editorial revision. 3 Robert Fournier; 28Feb77; AF46444.

AF46445. The Communist movement from Comintern to Cominform. By Fernando Claudin. Pt. 1 translated by Brian Pearce, pt. 2 translated by Francis ilacDonagh. Great Britain. 830 p. 3 on pt. 1 translation; Brian Pearce; 23Dec75; AF46445.

AF46446. The Communist movement from Comintern to Cominform. By Fernando claudin. Pt. 1 translated by Brian Pearce, pt. 2 translated by Francis MacDonagh. Great Britain. 830 p. 3 on pt. 2 translation; Francis MacDonagh; 23Dec75; AF46446.

AF46447. John Donne and his world. By Derek Parker. Onited Kingdom. 127 p. NM: new text plus selection E compilation of photos. 3 Derek Parker; 4Auq75; AF46447.

AF46448. Becits f antastigues. Par Baymond Boge. France. 160 p. NM: new text 6 com- pilation of texts & illus. 3 Librairie Larousse; 30Dec76; AF46448.

AF46449. Pauliska ; ou. La Perversite moderne. Memoires recents d'une Polonaise- By Beveroni Saint-Cyr, texte etabli 6 presente par Beatrice Didier. France. 203 p- NM: text £ editing. 3 Begine Deforges; 30Dec76: AF46449-

AF46450- Nouvelle encyclopedie autodidactigue Quillet- T. 5-6. Bevue 6 augmentee par Jean Rocaut, christian Bocaut-Quillet £ Guy Rocaut. France. 2 v. NM: revision S additions. 3 Librairie Aristide Quillet; 30May77; AP46450.

AF46451. Nouvelle histoire aondiale de I'a- viation. By Edmond Petit. 3. ed., revue G mise a jour au 1. fevrier 1977. France- 445 p. 3 Librairie Hachette; 30Hay77; AF46451-

AF46452- The Sodbusters: memories of our prairie pioneers- By Barry Broadfoot, illus-: Bruce Johnson- Canada- (In Beader's digest, Nov- 1976, p. 228, etc.) 3 Barry Broadfoot; 2B0ct76: AP46452.

AF46453. Living yoga: the value of yoga in today's life. By Swami Satchidananda £ others. Great Britain. 323 p. (Psychic studies) Appl. au: Sant Keshavadas. 3 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 11Aug77; AF46453-

AF46454. Medical education and medical care; a Scottish-American symposium. Edited by Gordon HcLachlan. Onited Kingdom. 215 p. Appl. au: Ronald H. Girdwood & Bichard Scott. 3 The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust; 11Aug77; AF46454.

AF46455. Issues in Canadian nursing. By Betsy LaSor £ Madeleine Buth Elliott. Canada. 205 p. 8 Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd. ; 5 Jul 77; AF46455.

AF464S6. International rivers: the politics of cooperation. By David George LeMarquand. Canada. 143 p. 3 The Hestwater Research Centre; 30Jun77; AF46456.

AF46457. Oedoen Von Horvath: gesammelte Herke. Bd. 4: Fragmente C Varianten, Exposes, Theoretisches, Briefe, Verse. Hrsg. von Traugott Krischke £ Dieter Hlldebrandt. iest Germany. 1 v. 3 on contents of vol. 4; Elisabeth Von Horvath; 140ct71 (in notice: 1970); AF46457.

AF4e458. Two's company. By Joyce Stranger- Great Britain. 190 p. © Joyce Stranger; 22Aug77; AF46458.

AF46459. The International who's who, 1977-78. 41st ed. England. 1916 p. 3 Europa Publications, Ltd.; 20Jul77: AF46459.

AF46460. Duocross; kruiswoordraadsel voor twee! Netherlands. Add. ti: Doublecross: the crossword for two. (In Viva nieuwe styl, Dec. 31, 1976, p. 28-29) Appl. au: J. L. n. Meulendijks £ B. Schuil. 3 J. L. M- Meulendijks £ Bart Schuil (in notice; Jan Meulendijks £ Bart Schuil) ; 310ec7e; AF4646a.

AF46461- Bepeat and answer; etwas fuer das Sprachlabor- Von Alan Stuart Bussell. Hest Germany. 1 v- 3 Alan Stuart Bussell; 12JU177; AP46461.

AF46462. Josguin Des Prez; proceedings of the International Josguin Festival-Conference held at the Juilliard School at Lincoln Center in New York City, 21-25 June 1971. Edited by Edward E. Lovinsky, in collaboration with Bonnie J. Blackburn, Great Britain. 787 p- Accompanied by sound recording, reg- NF1972-NF1974 hox. Appl- au: Jeremy Noble, Winfried Kirsch £ Maria Luisa Gatti Perer. © Oxford Oniversity Press; 31Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46462.

AF4646?. 3750 switching system supervisor's reference: operating instructions- 7th ed- Denmark. 34 p- Appl. au: IBM France- 6 International Business Machines Corporation alternate designation: IBH corporation; 3Aug77; AF46463.

AF46464. 5799-AQK STAIBS/VS thesaurus and linguistic integrated system. Version 01.00. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM; additional programming. 3 IBM Corporation; 29Nov76 (in notice: 1976, 1977) ; AF46464.

AF46465. 5797-NLI. Austria. Printout. 3 IBM Oesterreich; 23Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF46465.

AF46466. 5797-NBE. Austria. Printout. 3 IBM oesterreich; 23Sep75; AF46466.

AF46467. 5797-NBH. 5797-NNJ. Austria. Printout. © IBH Oesterreich; 12Nov76; AP46467-

AF46468. 5797-NNK. Austria- Printout- 3 IBM

Oesterreich; 12Nov76; AF46468-


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