Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1660

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AF46512 - AF46550
JUL-DEC. 1977

APIt6511 (con.) summer S autumn ed. Manaqinq editor; Jim Graves, associate editor/photoqraphy; John Bedman. The Cayman Islands. 100 p. Appl. au: The Northwester CompanT> Ltd. O The Northwester Company, Ltd.; 23iuq77; 4F46511.

&F1I6512. Jesus the Christ: His second coming, prophecies, visions, visitations. By Brother Aleiander David. Enqland. 211 p. e Brother Alexander David; 8Sep77; AF116512.

AF116513. The Hirror of liqht. From the notebooks of Bodney Collin. Great Britain. 89 p. e Mrs. Bodney Collin Smith; 7llay59 (in notice: 1958); AF16513. (Reprint copy, 2nd impression 1368, deposited)

AFII6514. Picture stories and diaioques. Von Alan Stuart Bussell, unter Hitwirltunq von Ann Baker, G. Russell S den Schuelern der Oxford School, Zeichnunqen von G. Russell, iest Germany. 32 p. Alan Stuart Bussell; 23Bay77; AF46514.

APtesis. A Dialoque between I. Newton and A. Einstein. By Ken Tasuda. Japan. 131 p. Japanese. Ken Tasuda; 1SJul76; AFieSIS.

AF116516. Maneio hiqienico de viveres; manual del estudiante. Version espanola: Maria Cristina Sanqines Franchini, revision; Gabriel Velasco F. Mexico. 15 p. Appl. au: Editorial Limusa, S. A. Translation of Applied foodservice sanitation, student manual. NM: translation. @ National Institute for the Foodservice Industry: 15NOV76; AF16516.

AF16517. Maneio hiqienico de viveres; manual para supervisores en restaurantes, hoteles, instituciones & comedores industriales. Version espanola: Maria Cristina Sanqines Franchini, revision: Gabriel Velasco F. Mexico. 230 p. Appl. au: Editorial Limusa, S.A. Translation of Applied foodservice sanitation. NM: translation. e National Institute for the Foodservice Industry; 30Nov76; AF16517.

AF16518. Mv family roots. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au: Frank Pfendt. 6 Frank Pfendt, sole owner of Formex Systems; 20Jun77; AF165ia.

AF16519. In a dark wood. By Marina Harner. Bnited Kinqdom. 250 p. Marina Harner; 16Jun77; AF16519.

AF16520. The Biq footprints. By Balph Hammond Innes. United Kinqdom. 319 p. @ Hammond Innes; 11Feb77; AF16520.

AP16521. Cavafy: a critical bioqraphy. By' Robert Liddell. Enqland. 222 p. NM: tran- slations 6 additional text, e Robert Liddell: 26Sep71; AF16521.

AFIt6 522. The shores of war: mercenaries today. By Bilfred Burchett 6 Derek Roebuck. Onited Kinqdom. 210 p. 6 iilfred Burchett & Derek Roebuck; 30Jun77; AF16522.

AF16523. Joseph Andrews. By Henry Fielding, edited by B. F. Brissenden. United Kinqdom. 313 p. 6 on introd. £ notes; B. F. Brissenden; 30Jun77: AF16523.

AFH6521. The Major works. By Thomas Browne, edited with an introd. 6 notes by C. A. Patrides. Onited Kinqdom. 558 p. 6 on introd. 6 notes; C. A. Patrides; 30Jun77; AF16521.

AF16525. The Crab-flower club. By Cao Xuegin, translated by David Hawkes. Onited Kinqdom. 601 p. (The Story of the stone, vol. 2) NM: translation, e David Hawkes; 30Jun77; A?16525.

AF16526. Public and private pensions in Canada: an economic analysis. By James E. Pesando & Samuel A. Bea, Jr. Canada. 185 p. © Ontario Economic Council; 11Sep77; AF16526.

AF16527. Der Baer, der ein Baer bleiben wollte. By Joerq Mueller fi Joerq Steiner, aus dem Amerikanischen nach- & umerzaehlt von Joerq Steiner. Switzerland. 1 v. Nach einer Idee von Frank Tashlin. Appl. au: Sauerlaender, A.G., employer for hire. NM: illus. , text 6 adaptation. Sauerlaender, A.G. ; 1Mar76; AF16527.

AF16528. English literary hands from Chaucer to Dryden. By Anthony Gaetauo Petti. Great Britain. 133 p. English 6 Middle English. NM: editorial selection & compilation of prev. pub. mss. plus new text. 9 Anthony G. Petti; 12Jul77; AF16528.

AF16529. Paris. By Budolph chelminski 6 the editors of Time-Life Books, photos, by Raqhubir Singh. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International, Ltd., employer for hire. e Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V.; 11Apr77; AF16529.

AP06530. The Owl and the pussy-cat. By Edward Lear, illustrated by Gwen Fulton. Enqland. 1 v. 8 on illus.; Gwen Fulton; 15Sep77; AF16530.

AF16531. One old Oxford ox. By Nicola Bayley. Enqland. 1 v. @ on illus. ; Nicola Bayley; 22Sep77; AF16531.

AF16532. Studies in social and political theory. By Anthony Giddens. England. 116 p. NM: additions 6 minor revisions. Anthony Giddens; 30Auq77; AF16532.

AF16533. The Sunday hangman. By James Mcclure. Great Britain. 251 p. Appl. au: Sabensa Gakulu, Ltd. O Sabensa Gakulu, Ltd.; 21JU177; AF16533.

AF16531. Elementary dressage. By E- L. V. Ffrench Blake, illustrator: Richard scollins. Enqland. 75 p. S B. I. V. Ffrench Blake; 9Dec76; AF16531.

AF16535. ANGRA Berechnung von Anschlussstel- lengradienten; Lizenzprogramm, Programm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DPZ. France, 62 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- qsproqramm SAP) 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B. a.; 8Nov76; AF16535.

AF16536. ANGEA Berechnung von Anschlussstel- lengradienten; Lizenzprogramm, System- handbuch. Programm-Sr. 57a8-DFZ. France. 57 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) a IBM Deutschland^ G.M.B. H.; 8l)o»76; AF16536.

AF16537. Combat aircraft of Rorld Rar Two. Compiled by Elke c. Heal, col. plates by John A. Heal, line drawings by Richard F. Barker. England. 238 p. Q Lionel Leventhal, Ltd.; 27Sep77; AF16537.

AF16538. Happy and glorious: six reigns of royal photography. Edited by Colin Ford. England. 136 p. Appl. au: John Hayes. NM: new text G compilation of illus. Q The Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery; 21Mar77; AF46538.

AF16539. The Complete guide to total fitness. By Jan Percival, Lloyd Percival 6 Joe H. Taylor, Illus.: Helen Fox & photography: Harold Uhyte. Canada. 224 p. © Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 8Aug77; AF46539.

AF16540. Knowledge and ignorance in economics. By Terence Hilnot Hutchison. Great Britain. 186 p. S Basil Blackwell; 15Aug77; AF16510.

AF16511. Inflation, exchange rates and the world economy: lectures on international 3ionetary economics. By iarner Max Corden. Great Britain. 160 p. H. M. Corden; 2Aug77; AF46541.

AF46542. Applicational grammar as a semantic theory of natural language. By Sebastian Konstantinovich Shaumyan, translated by J. E. Miller. Great Britain. 181 p. NM: translation. 9 S. K. Shaumyan; 1SAug77; AF16512.

AF16513. Fundamentos christianos. By Gerald B. Stanton, version espanola: Pablo Martinez Vila. Spain. 194 p. Prev. pub. as Christian foundations. NM: Spanish translation. O Outreach, Inc.; 7May77; AF46513.

AF46514. The Biological roles of fluorides: friend or foe. By Brian Joseph Kruger. Australia. 27 p. © Dniversity of Queensland Press; 25Nov76; AF46514.

APIS515, The Burden of the public debt. By Augustus Hilliam Hooke. Australia. 118 p. © Oniversity of Queensland Press; 25NOV76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF16545.

AF46516. The Government of Tasmania. By Bilfred Asquith Townsley. Australia. 169 p. 9 Oniversity of Queensland Press; 18NOV76; AF46516.

AF16517. The Bothie. By Arthur Hugh Clough, the text of 1848 edited by Patrick Greig Scott. Australia. 1 v. 9 on introd. 6 notes; Oniversity of Queensland Press; 27NOV76; AF46547.

AF46548. Sir Matthew Nathan: British colonial governor and civil servant. By Anthony Peter Haydon. Australia. 280 p. 9 Oniversity of Queensland Press; 22NOV76; AF16518.

AF46519. Secrets et vertus des plantes medi- cinales, France. 463 p. © Selection du Bender's Digest, S.A.; 28Feb77; AF46519.

AF16550. Building a bar (and other rec room

built-ins) By George Dalgleish. Canada.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.