Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1671

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AF46923 - APt6965
JUL-DEC. 1977

»FI16923. Bioloqv of benthic orqaDisns; 11th European sraposlun on Marine Biology, Gaiwav, October 1976. Edited by Brendon P. Keeqan, P. 0. Ceidiqb 5 P. J. S. Boadeo. Great Britain. 630 p. Euqlish 6 French. »ppl. au: Perqa»on Press, Ltd., e«ployer for hire of editors, G. Aneer 6 T. Belscher. NM: compilation. Perqamon Press. Ltd.: 12Sep77: AFlt6923-

AF1I6921. Tiberius the politician. By Barbara Levick. United Kinqdoo. 328 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 31Auq76: AFU692II.

AFi*6925. Philip 2nd and (Macedonian irperialiso. By J. B. Ellis. United Kinqdoii. 312 p. e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 9Aaq76; AF45925.

AF46926. Birds in Greek life and myth. By John Pollard. Onited Kinqdom. 22i» p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 1'tNo»77; AF46926.

AFI16927. Talkut HeAm loez. Israel. 17 v. HebreH; title roaanized on appl. Appl. au: Shmuel Kreuzer (pseud.: Shauel terushalmil 6 Chanokh gaqshal; 20Jan67; AFit6927.

AF»6928. 5797-NXP, 5797-NIQ. Mest Germany. Printout. IBM Deutschland. G. M.B.a. ; 19JU177; AFU6928.

AFU6929. 5797-NZK, 5797-NXN, 5797-NXB, 5797-SXT. Uest Germany. Printout. O IBM Deut- schland, G.a.B.H.: 'tJun77; AFI*6929.

AF46930. Cancer metastasis: approaches to the mechanism, prevention and treatment. Edited by Philip G. Stansly 6 Baruo Sato. Japan. 2i)7 p. Appl. au: Juneli Khato 6 Toshio Sato. O Dni»ersity of Tokyo Press; 150ct77; AF116930.

AFi*6931. The Lion at sea. By Man Hennessy, pseud, of John Harris. Enqland. 31U p. d John Harris, iihose pseud, is Max Hennessy: 270ct77; AFit6931.

AFit6932. Year Kinq. By Penelope Farmer. Enqland. 232 p. Appl. states all neii except excerpt from A Bedtime story by Ted Huqhes £ excerpt from Thief's journal by Genet. Penelope Farmer; 25Auq77; APU6932.

AFU6933. There and back aqain. By Harold Jones. Enqland. 1 ». C Harold Jones; 31io»77: AFa6933.

AF<t693U. Scott of the Antarctic. By Elspeth Huxley. Enqland. 303 p. O on text; Elspeth Huxley; 7Nov77; AF«693>1.

AFU6935. April. June and Sovember. By Frederick Baphael. Great Britain. 5U 1 p. © Volatic, Ltd.; 1Jul72: AFit6935.

AFI46936. Broken barriers. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 205 p. on editing, revisions S additions; Barbara Cartland; 1Nov76: AFU6936.

AFH6937. The Adventurer. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 208 p. on editing, revisions & additions; Barbara Cartland; 10ct77: K?H6937.

AF1I6938. This time it's love. By Barbara cartland. United Kingdom. 190 p. 6 on editing, revisions Z additions; Barbara Cartland; 1Auq77; AFlt6938.

AFU6939. Barbara Cartland's Health food cookery book. Drawings by Francis Marshall. United Kinqdom. 22U p. 6 on text; Barbara Cartland; 1JaD71; AF16939.

AFU69itO. Love to the rescue. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 205 p. Barbara Cartland; 1May57; AFU69U0.

AFt69lt1. A Kiss of silk. By Barbara McCor- quodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdom. 222 p. O Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara cartland.; 1May59; AF469i»1.

AFIt69lt2. Sweet enchantress. By Barbara acCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 22H p. Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 10ct58; AFlt69l42.

AF14691I3. Escape from passion. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 22 1 p. on editing, revisions S additions; Barbara Cartland; 2Jan76: AF169lt3.

AF't69l4t. Theft of a heart. By Barbara HcCor- quodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 191 p. O Barbara HcCorquodale (pseud, of Barbara Cartland) ; 24Feb66: AF1169lllt.

AFlt691l5. The private life of Elizabeth, Empress o£ Austria. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 2itU p. Barbara Cartland; 11May59; AFU69(t5. (Eeprint conv. 1967, deposited)

AF1169lt6. Woman — the enigma. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdom. 208 p. Barbara Cartland; 22Nov65; AFit6916.

AFU69U7. Josephine, Empress of France. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 190 p. e Barbara Cartland; 10Apr61; AF<t69it7.

AF4691I8. country life in classical times. By K. 0. Unite. Great Britain. 138 p. NH: compilation, pref., introd., appendix, indexes 6 translations. e K. D. Bhite; 10NOV77; AFlt69a8.

APt69"l9. White holes: cosmic qushers in the universe. By John Gribbin. Enqland. 200 p. NH: text. e John Gribbin; 7Jul77; AF1169U9.

AF16950. Khrushchev, Castro, Kennedy and me. Canada. (In Weekend magazine (The Vancouver (Canada) sun, Oct. 23, 1977, p. 22-25) Appl. au: Thant. O Byint-O, as executor of the Estate of Thant; 220ct77; 4PK6950.

AP46951. A Collection of lessons for the harpsichord; a facsimile reproduction of the original edition. Composed by Maurice Greene, with an introd. by Davitt Morooey. Onited Kingdom. 73 p. NM; introd. Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Apr77;

AFt6951. Jonathan Gash. Great Britain. 210 p. e Jonathan Gash (legal name: John Grant) ;

100ct77; APl|6952. The Pontana dictionary of modern thought. Edited by Alan Bullock £ Oliver Stallybrass. Great Britain. 681 p. Alan Bullock £ Oliver Stallybrass; 310ct77: AP«6953.

aFU6954. The Complete outdoocsman's guide to birds of eastern North America. By John P. S. Mackenzie, illustrated by Terence Shortt. Canada. 240 p. O Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 15Jun76; APi46954.

AFH6955. Birds in peril; a guide to the endangered birds of Canada and the United States. By John P. S. Mackenzie, illustrated by Terence Shortt. Canada. 191 p. Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 15Jun77: API46955.

APlt6956. Power of three. By Diana Wynne Jones. Great Britain. 254 p. 6 Diana Wynne Jones; 25May76; APt6956.

AFI16957. Le Gimmick: francais parle. Par Adrienne, pseud, of Adrienne Penner. Great Britain. 185 p. NB: rev. adaptation from French ed. for English speaking readers. Adrienne Penner; 2May77; AFlt6957.

AF«5958. Noise, buildings and people. By Derek J. croome. Great Britain. 613 p. (International series in heating, ventilation and refrigeration, vol. 11) e D. J. Croome; 27Jul77; APlt6958.

AF"t6959. Chemicals for crop protection and pest constrol. By Maurice Berkeley Green, Gilbert Spencer Hartley E Trustham Frederick West. Great Britain. 291 p. A rev. ed. of Chemicals for pest control. NH: general revision, updating £ new material. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 26Sep77; AP46959.

AFl(6960. The Lil Atlantic England. 280ct76; rs: a history of the Nc rossing. By Terry cole 231 p. e Terry Coleman APIt6960.

APa6961. Friedrichs Theaterlexikon von A^Z. By Karl Groening £ Werner Kliess, hrsg. von Henning Bischbieter. Best Germany. t52 p. i Friedrich Vcrlag; 310ct69; AP46961.

AP46962. The Death of classical paganism. By John Holland Smith. Onited Kingdom. 280 p. e John Holland Smith; 24Har77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFI46962.

AF46963. Jahrbnch der Hafenbautechnischen Gesellschaft. 35. Bd. 1975/76. Best Germany. 377 p. Appl. au: Hafenbautechn. Gesellschaft, employer for hire. O Springer-yerlag; 18aay77; AF'16963.

AF4e96Il. One half of Bobertson Davies: pro- vocative pronouncements on a wide range of topics. By Bobertson Davies. Canada. 286 p. Bobertson Davies; 150ct77; AF46964.

AF46965. Proceedings of the International Symposium on plasma Wall Interaction.

Great Britain. 750 p. Held 18-22 Oct.


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