Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1675

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JUL-DEC. 1977

AF47083. Dipole moneots in organic cheaistry. By otto Gxnec. Hest Geraany. 156 p. e Georq Thieoe Verlaq; 13Nov75; lFit7083.

»F1708U. The Cheoistry of the suifenic acids. By Enaelbert Kuehle. Hest Gecaaoy. 163 p. C Georq Thieae Verlaq: 10Hay73: AFUTOBU.

iFa708S. Dvnaaic stereocheaistry of pentaco- ordinated phosphorus and related eleaents. By Heiner Luckenbach. Hest Geraany. 259 p. O Georq Thiene Verlaq: 1'*Sep73; AP'47085.

6Flt7086. Poraation of C-C bonds. Vol. 1: Introduction of a functional carbon atoa. By Jean aathieu Jean Heill-Baynal. pref. by D. u. B. Barton. Hest Geraany. <t95 p. e Georq Thieae Verlaq: 2Auq73: AFi|7086.

AF17087. Foraation of C-C bonds. Vol. 2: Introduction of a carbon chain or an aroaatic rinq. By Jean Hathieu € Jean Heill-Baynal, pref. by D. H. B. Barton. Hest Geraany. 639 p. e Georq Thieae Verlaq; 11Sep75; AF470B7.

AF1I7088. The New Testaaent vheel. aexico. 3 p. Appl. au: Araando Orteqa data. Araando Orteqa Bata: 3Sep77; AF47088.

AFU7089. An Intelliqent aan*s quide to the art of coition. By Ibn Falita Ahaad Ibn Huhaaaad. edited £ annotated by Salah Addin Khawwaa, translated by *Adnan Jarkas S Salah Addin Khawnaa. Canada. 177 p. Nn: translation. C aisbah Khavvan c.o.b. Aleppo Publishinq; 13Jan77; APU7089.

AFIt7090. Encyclopedia of pleasure. By Abul Hasan

  • AlL Ibn Masr al Katib, edited £ annotated

by Salah Addin Khamiaa, translated by Adnan Jarkas £ Salah Addin Khauwaa. Canada. 386 p. Nfl: translation. Q Hisbah Khavvaa c.o.b. Aleppo Publishinq: 13Jan77; AF117090.

AF't7091. The Pious aqent. By John Braine. Enqland. 252 p. C John Braine (Binqley) Ltd.: 5Jun75: AFI47091.

SFH7092. Airscreaa. By John Bruce. New Zealand. 348 p. John Bruce; 19Sep77 (in notice: 1977, on copies: first pub. 1978) ; AFU7092.

AF"t7093. Garth Piq and the icecreaa lady. By Hary Bayner. Enqland. 1 v. O Hary Bayner; 17llov77; AFlt7093.

AFlt709M. Goodbye California. By Alistaic nacLean. Enqland. 318 p. C Alistair /lacleao: 270ct77: AFll709«.

AFII7095. Tell ae no», and aqain. By Bichard Llewellyn. Enqland. 284 p. C Bichard Llewellyn; 170ct77; AF47095.

AF'»7096. Pendulua: the psi connection. By John Francis Hitching. Enqland. 25U p. e Francis Hitchinq; 15Sep77: AF17096.

AF47097. laaqe. ausic, text. By Boland Barthes, essays selected 6 translated by Stephen Heath. Enqland. 220 p. O on Enqlish translation: Stephen Heath: 170ct77: AF117097.

AFIt7098. Thirteen. By E»a Jones. Great Britain. 162 p. Eva Jones: 130ct76; AFi|7098.

AF«7099. Kinq Georqe 6th and Queen Elizabeth. By Frances Donaldson. Great Britain. 127 p. e Prances Donaldson: 25Auq77: AF't7099.

AFa7100. He three kings. By Janet McNeill. Enqland. 160 p. O Janet McNeill; 22Apr7U; AF47100.

AF47101. Gcorqes Cleaenceau: a political bioqraphy. By David Bobin Hatson. Great Britain. 463 p. David Bobin Hatson: 21tlar74: AF47101.

AF47102. The JoJce shop. By D. J. Enrlght. Enqland. 124 p. 6 D. J. Enright; 70ct76; AF47102.

AP47103. Victoire et la Florentine. By Solanqe Fasquelle. France. 315 p. © Presses de la Cite: 15Sar74; AF47103.

AF47104. Victoire et la fiile de barbe-bleae. By Solanqe Fasguelle. Prance. 318 p. e Presses de la cite; 15oct74; AP47104.

AF47105. Love letters. An anthology chosen by Antonia Eraser, illus. by Janes Hut- chinson. United Kinqdoa. 247 p. C on revision, additional text 6 coapilatlon* Antonia Fraser; 11ilov76; AF47105. (Beprint copy, Jan. 1977, deposited)

AP47106. Oraens aegq. By Inqaar Bergaan. Sweden. 129 p. C Inqaar Bergaan; 310ct77: AP47106.

AP47107. Pbenoaena: a book of wonders. By John Mitchell £ Bobert J. M. Bickard. Dnited Kinqdoa. 128 p. Q on text, coapilation* editing, revisions 6 prev. unpub. photos.; Thaaas ahd Hudson, Ltd.; 19Sep77; AF47107.

AF47103. Hoaoseiuality re-exaained. By D. J. Hest. 4th ed., rev. 6 auqaented. Enqland. 359 p. Original ed. pub. as HoBOsexuality. D. J. Hest; 29Jul77; AF47108.

AF471I0. Hater oil and gas flow in a porous systea. Vol. 1: linear steady state flow. By J. Vuckovic. Australia. 323 p. ^ Petroleua Beservoir Enqineering Laboratory, Pty. Ltd.; 28Dec76: Ar47110.

AF47111. The Cranberry connection. Coapiied by Beatrice Boss Buszek. Canada. 222 p. e Beatrice Boss Buszek; 25Sep77: AF47111.

AF47112. Coaparative aniaal cytology and histology. By Olrich Helsch 6 Volker Storch. United Kinqdoa. 343 p. Original ti. : Einfuehrung in Cytologie und Histologic der Tiere. NH: translation, revisions £ updating. Olrich Helsch € Volker Storch; 15Jun75: AF47112.

AF47113. Saorqsbord (sic) carousel. By Donald M. Christie. Canada. 3 p. O Donald M. Christie: 7May77; AF47113.

AF47114. Voices calendar, 1978. By Gary Allan Silverman. Great Britain. Gary Allan Silberman; 19Jul77; AF47114

AF47115. Buttercups and daisy. By Elizabeth Craqoe. England. 167 p. e Elizabeth Cragoe; 29Jul76; AF47115. (Beprint copy, 2nd iapression, Sept. 1976 deposited)

AF47116. El Gran robo del tren, and other titles. Spain. 477 p. (Biblioteca de selec- ciones) Add. ti: Libros condensados por Selecciones del Beader's Digest. Prev. pub. in. U.S. editions of Beader's Digest condensed books. NM: translation e additional aaterial. O Selecciones del Header's Digest (Iberia), S.A.; 7Apr77: AF47116.

AF47117. Se ha posado el Aguila, and other titles. Spain. 475 p. (Biblioteca de selecciones) Add. ti; Libros condensados por Selecciones del Beader's Digest - Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Header's Digest condensed t>ooks. NM: translation. O Selecciones del Beader's Digest (Iberia), S.A. ; 14Feb77; AF47117.

AP47118. John Stuart Mill in love. By Josephine Kaaa. England. 253 p. Josephine Kaaa; 26Sep77; AF47118.

AF47119. Essays in social theory. By Steven Lukes. England. 227 p. NM: coapilation, front aatter, chap. 1, notes & references. O Steven Lukes; 7Jui77; AF47119.

AF47 120. Europe 2000. Edited by Peter Hall. England. 274 p. The European Cultural Foundation; 17Nov77; AF47120.

iF47121. George Sand and the Victorians: her influence and reputation in nineteenth- century England. By Patricia Thoason. England. 283 p. Appl. states all new except for chap. 1, J, 5 6 9. O Patricia Thoason; 5Sep77; AF47121.

AF47122. The Later Ghaznavids: splendour and decay: the dynasty in Afghanistan and northern India, 1040-1186. By Clifford Edaund Bosworth. Scotland. 196 p. O C. E. Bosworth; 30Sep77; AF47122.

AF47123. The iars. By Tiaothy Pindley. Canada. 226 p. O Timothy Findley; 130ct77; AF47123.

AF47124. Lovers and heretics. By John Hale. England. 160 p. John Bale; 18Nov76: AF47124.

AF47125. Halt Disney's Hords that tell you about things. United Kingdoa. 159 p. Appl. au: Purnell and Sons, Ltd. Halt Disney Productions; 2J0ct76: AF47125.

AF47127. Halt Disney's Hords that naae things. United Kingdoa. 159 p. Appl. au: Purnell and Sons, Ltd. O Halt Disney Productions; 230ct76; AF47127.

AF47 128. Halt Disney's Hords that do things. United Kingdoa. 159 p. Appl. au: Purnell and Sons, Ltd. O Halt Disney Productions; 230ct76; AF47128.

AF47129 Mallowan's Memoirs..

By Max Mallowan.


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