Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1683

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JUL-DEC. 1977

APlt7l<00. Just a doq. By Helen GriffitJis, illustrated by Victoc iBbcus. Enqland. 159 p. O on text; Helen Griffiths; 15Jul7»; 4Pit7ilOO.

APitTUOI. Pablo. By Helen Griffiths, illustrated by Victor Ambrus. Enqland. 191 p. O on text; Helen Griffiths: 30Auq77; APU7U01.

AP«7lt02. Kitch fear. By Helen Griffiths, illustrated by Victor Anbrus. Enqland. 159 p. O on text; Helen Griffiths; 15Sep75: APa7'402.

AP«7t03. The Everlastinq cat. By Hildred Kirk. Great Britain. 207 p. Bildred Kirk: 27Jun77; APt7U03.

AP<l7ltO<t. El Oso y la aplicacion de los siobolos de la soldadura al arco y a flaaa. Por Buben F. Isunza. Mexico. 169 p. O Buben P. Isunza; 2itOct76: Apil7»0U.

AFit7il05. The Thousand and one aorninqs. By Colette, translated fro« the French by Harqaret crosland 6 David Le Vay , and nith an Introd. by Harqaret Crosland. Enqland. 155 p. Appl. au: Peter 0»en, Ltd., enplover for hire of translation. Translation of Contes des aille et un natins. C on Enqlish translation: Peter 0»en, a.a.d.o. Peter 0«en Ltd.; 29Jan73; APll7lt05.

APIt7U0e. Baissa's Journal. Presented by Jacques naritain. translator 6 author; pref. by Bene Voillauae. Bcpublic of Ireland. tOU p. Translation of Journal de Baissa. HM: translation, revised foreword fi additions. Baqi Books. Inc.; 13Sep7«; AF'i7«06.

APII7I407. Kevin Boche, John Dinkeloo and associates, 1962-1975. Pref.; J. Imin Hiller, introd.: Henry-Busscll Hitchcock, conception et photos: lukio Futaqava, traduction francaise: Bernard Stephanus, traduction alleaande: Office du Livrc. Japan. 235 p. French, Geraan £ Enqlish. O A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Coopany, Ltd.; 1Apr75: »pit7it07.

APIt7lt0e. Desperate defiance. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 190 p. O Barbara Cartland: 2Jan76 (in notice: 1975): AF«7't08.

AF'17409. The Leapinq flaae. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 25U p. NS: abridqaents S revisions. C Barbara Cartland; 1[lar73 (in notice: 19142, 19721 ; AF<47it09.

AP'47U10. Sweet adventure. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 188 p. C on the new cover art, revisions & chanqes in the text: Barbara Cartland: lJul76 (id notice: 1957, on copy; 1975): tr17H^0.

APU7lt11. The Price is love. By Barbara ncCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland United Kinqdoa. 189 p. on the new cover art. revisions 6 chanqes in the text: Barbara HcCorquodale (pseod. of Barbara Cartland): 1Sep67; AFit7<t11. (1972 reprint, deposited)

AFU7II12. »c danced all niqht. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 311 p. Barbara Cartland; 15Feb71 (in notice: 1970); ArU7l|12. (3rd impression 1971. deposited. )

AF17lt1j. The Golden qondola. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdoa. sheets. O Barbdia Cartland; 2Jun58; AFU7m3.

APU7I41H. Canada North now: the great betrayal. By Farley Howat, witn photos, by Shin Suqino. Canada. 191 p. KH: 50» text. O McClelland and Stewart, Ltd.; 160ct76: AFi47am.

AFU7U15. Canada North now: the great betrayal. By Farley Mowat, with photos, by Shin suqino. Canada. 191 p. O on photos.; Shin Suqino: UOct76; AP17al5.

APU71416. Lara in America. By Adrianne Cooper. Great Britain. Ill p. O Adrianne Cooper; 280ct76; AP'47"t16.

AFlt7in7. Indonesia. Honq Konq. 1 v. (Eundt's Economic trends report, no. 1, Aug. 1977) O S. J. Bundt and Associates (Asia) ; 1Sep77; AF«7417.

APU7418. The Obserfer's tourist atlas of Great Britain and Ireland. By John Bartholomew. United Kinqdoa. 121 p. O John Bar- tholoaew and Son, Ltd.; 15Apr76; AF47"118.

AFU7it19. Pierre Boulez: conversations with Celestin Delieqe. Foreword by Bobert aanqeraee. Great Britain. 123 p. ippl. au: Celestin Delieqe. Translation of Par Volonte et par Hasad: Entretiens avcc Celestin Delieqe. O on English tran- slation; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 31Dec76; AP47419.

AF47420. Send for the Saint. By Leslie Charteris. England. 191 p. Appl. au: John Kruse, Peter Bloxsoa 6 Donald Jaaes. NM: 2 stories 6 adaptation. C Leslie charteris; 28l(ov77; AF't7il20.

AFH7i(21. The Greek New Testaaent. Edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce B. Metzqer t Allen wikgren, in cooperation with the Institute for New Testament Textual Besearch. 3rd ed. yest Germany. 918 p. O American Bible Society, British and Foreign Bible Society, National Bible Society of Scotland, Netherlands Bible Society, Suerttenberq Bible Society: 8Mar76 (in notice: 1956, 1968, 1975) ; APU7lt21.

AFU7422. Sprinq : an annual of Archetypal psycholoqy and Junqian thought, 1977. Editor: James Billaan, manuscript editor: Patricia Berry. Switzerland. 222 p. Appl. au: Aniela Jaffe 6 Budolf Bitseaa. O Analytical Psycholoqy Club of Hew York, Inc.; 28JU177; AF«7lt22.

AF<l7lt23. The Golfer's 1978 cartoon diary. Cartoons by Paul Murphy, edited by Francei Joseph. Switzerland. 53 p. C on text; Prances Joseph C Paul Murphy; 18Bar77; AFI 71423.

AFU7142'4. A Loving eye. By Janice Elliott. Great Britain. 256 p. O Janice Elliott; 25JU177: AP47l42i(.

AFl47i425. Shop manual, Honda CB500T. Japan. 99 p. Appl. au: Honda Gikeu Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Company, Ltd.) NM: new textual t, pictorial aatter. Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 26Sep7i4 ; AFI47U25.

AFI471426. Shop aanual, Honda CB<450-CL1450 . Japan. 1914 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koyyo Kabushiki Kairha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) KM: new textual C pictorial aatter. Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 26Jun7>4: AF1471426.

AF1I71427. Shop manual, Honda CB500-550. Japan. 152 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) NM: new textual £ pictorial oatter. O Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 1Aug7i4: AF'471427.

AP'47428. Shop aanual, Honda CBSOO. Japan. 118 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapan), Ltd.) hH: new textual 6 pictorial matter. O Honda Motor Coapany. Ltd.; 26Apr73 (in notice: 1972) ; AF'471428.

AH47'429. Shop aanual, Honda 11125. Japan. 7i4 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) KH: new textual 6 pictorial matter. C Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 1Jun7i4; AFi47i429.

AF147430. Shop aanual, Honda CB350F Japan. 88 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) HB: new textual £ pictorial aatter. O Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 18Jun73; Afi47i430.

AF'471431. Eubsea flowline connections in one ataosphere chaabers. Paper no. OE-77.5. SPE 4.66914.1. By D. P. ioodlock. England. 6 p. C Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; l'4Sep77; AF'47i431.

AF1471432. A New approach for log analysis of the TDT- resistivity coDbination. Paper no. SPE6995. By Boberto Aquilera. Canada. 7 p. O American Institute of Bining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. : 13Dec77; AF47I432.

AFI471433. Subsea pipeline connections completed by welding at ataospheric pressure. Paper no. OE-77.2. SPE 9.6691. 1. By B. D. Peller. England. 8 p. O American Institute of Bining, Betallur qical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 1 '4Sep77 ; AFI471433.

AFI4714314. Binimua weight concrete platforms. Paper no. OE-77.2. SPE 9.6690. 1. By T. Ridley £ A. U. Balone. Enqland. 5 p. O Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 1l4Sep77; AF'4714314.

AF47'435. Platfora construction froa an adjacent seat-submersible vessel. Paper no. OE-77.2. SPE 6.6688. 1. By g. B. Edwards. Scotland. 10 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; li4Sep77; AF'47i435.

AF47I436. Application of hydraulic workover units to North Sea operations. Paper no. OE-77.14. SPE 5.6667. 1. By J. 0. Brown. Scotland. 5 p. C Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; l'4Sep77; AF1471436.


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