Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1691

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AFO-88452 - AFO-88490
JUL-DEC. 1977

AFO-88452. Hienec Jahrbuch fuer Philosophie. Bd. 9, 1976. Hrsq. voD Erich Ueiotel e other edltocs. tDstria. 398 p. Hilheli BrauBuelier, Oniversitaets-Veriaqsbac- hhaudiaDq, S.H.B.B.; 22aar77: AFO-88452.

iPO-881453. emp Das Potsdaaer Abkomaen and die £ue Deutschlaadfiraqe. T. 1; Geschichte G (iD rechtliche Gruodfcaqea. Bearb. vod HaDS-GueDther Parpiies, hcsq. tod Pciedrich Klein e Boris Heissnec. Austria. 179 p. (Voelkerrechtliche Abhaadlunqen, Bd. 1) Wilhela Brau- maeller« DDiversitaets-VeriaqsbuchhaD- dlanq, S.B.B.B.: 28Apr77: AFO-e8<l53.

AFO-881t5lt. Exercices de proqraamation en FortraD ^4 Pac JeaD-Pierre Lanoitier. France. 1U6 p. O Bordas; 30Har77: AFO-88<(5<(.

AFO-88a55. 3 rilerazione dei teatri e dei cinenatoqraf i esistenti in Italia* 31 aiceabre 1973. Italy. 73 p. O Societa Italiana deqli Autori ed Editori fS.I.t.E.): 5JU177; AFO-881t55.

-881466. nstitutionalisierte Hessapq des dlenfolqes oit statistischen Hethodeo. Beitraeqen von L. Otruba C others C e« Vorwort Ton Hertha Firnberq. tria. 325 p. Appl. au: Bundesai- teriuB fuer Hissenschaft und Forschung* loyer for hire. Bundesaioisteriua r Hissenschaft und Forschunq; 14Har77 tice: 1976) : APO-BBtee.

APO-881156. Les Jours du aonde. Br Bene BariaTel & Olenka De Veer. France. 262 p. (Les Daaes a la licorne) Presses de la Cite; 30Apr77: APO-88lt56.

AFO-881157. Koaauoikationstecbnilc. By Karl Steinbuch. Best Geraany. 273 p. (Coaaunications and cybernetics, 16. Editors: Hans iolter S others) Sprinqer-yerlaq; 10llar77: AFO-e8»57.

AFO- 881(58. Carqese lectures in physics. Vol. 7. Edited by Maurice Leyy* author; Guy Hayer & others. Great Britain. 500 p. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers* Ltd.; 1llJun77: AFO-881158.

AFO-881t60. The Social production of scientific knotfledqe. Edited by ETerett Mendelsohn* Peter Beinqart & Bichard D. Bhitley. Bolland. 29ii p. (Socioloqy of the sciences* Tol. 1) D. Beidel Publishinq Coapany; 5HaT77; AFO-88460.

AFO-881161. Lehrbuch der aatheaatischen PhysiK. Bd. 1; Iclasslsche dynaaische Systeae. By Baiter E. Thirrinq Austria. 255 p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 7Apr77; AFO-BBiei.

AyO-83lt62. Geoaetrief alctaren in der FeldphysiJt; theoretische & aesstechnische Beruec- lisichtiqanq endlicher Anordnnnqen. By Berner Prochazka & Priedrich Benscb. Austria. 151 p. C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 16Har77: AFO-88462.

APO-8B1163. Grundlaqen der Coaputer-Arithaetilc. Brsq. Ton Budolf Albrecht 6 Olrich Kulisch. Austria. 150 p. (Coaputinq suppleaentua , 1) C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 3laar77: AFO-88t63.

AFO-884611. East-Best cooperation in business: inter-fira studies. Edited by Christopher T. Saunders. Austria. 207 p. (East-Best European econoaic interaction* toI- 2) O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 13Apr77; AFO-88it6it.

iPO-881t65. Industrielle Kooperation zaiscben Ost und Best. By priedrich Levcik £ Jan StankoTsky. Austria. 308 p. (Studien ueber Birtschafts- und Systeaierqleiche, Bd. 8) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Feb77; APO-881165.

AFO-881167. Peace research abstracts journal* 1976; annual index. Vol. 13. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au; Alan Neucoabe & Hanna NeHcoabe. Alan Neucoabe S Banna Neiicoabe; 27Jun77; AFO-B8a67.

AFO-8aa68. The Schroedinqer equation. Edited by Baiter E. Thirrinq e Paul oskar Orban. Austria. 224 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, Suppleaentua 17) Springer-Verlag; 29Apr77; AFO-88468.

AFO-88469. Seeaald, 1889-1976. Eiue Berkaasiiahl* oit zeitqenoessischen Buerdigungen G Zitaten aus Buechern von Bichard Seevald* einleitende Honographie von Anton Sailer. Best Geraany. 227 p. Verlag Karl Thieaig* A.G. ; 27Apr77; AFO-88469.

AFO-88470. The Acute facial palsies; investigations on the localization and pathogenesis of aeato-labyrinthine facial palsies. By Erlo Esslen, aith a forevord by U. Fisch. Best Geraany. 163 p. (Neurology series* 16. Schnftenreihe Neurologic* 18) d Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Apr77; AFO-88470.

AFO-86471. Endoscopic retrograde pancreaticoc- holanqioqraphy (EBPC) By Bereann Anacker* Hans-Dieter Beiss 6 Bernhard Beinrich Kraaann. Best Geraany. 123 p. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 11Bay77; AFO-88471.

AFO-88472. IncoDpatibility in anqiosperas. By Dreux De Nettancourt. Best Germany. 230 p. (HoDoqraphs on theoretical and applied qenetics* 3) O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Apr77; AFO-88472.

AFO-88473. Synergetics* an introduction; none- quilibriUB phase transitions & self- organization in physics, cheaistry & biology. By Beraann Hakeo. Best Germany. 325 p. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 12llay77; AFO-88473.

AFO-884'74. Bagner and his vorld. By Charles Osborne. England. 128 P- 9 Thaaes and ' Hudson, Ltd.; 12Apr77: AFO-86474.

AFO-88475. Narod i postep; probleaatyka narodowa w ideoloqii i aysli spolecznej pozytyvistow warszawskich. By Bojciech HodzeleifSki* redaktor: Haria Dietl. Poland. 240 p. O PanstHove Bydaiinictiio Naukone; 17Apr77; AFO-88475.

AFO-88476. Odkrywanie Bezopotaaii. By Janusz , Heuszynski. Poland. 347 p. C Panstwoae Bydannictao Naukove; 25nar77; AFO-88476.

AFO-88477. Koniecznosc przypadek pravo staty- styczne. By Bladyslan Krajevski. Poland. 272 p. O Pansttfove Bydawnictvo Mauxotie; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-88477.

AFO-88478. Probleae aus der Physik; Aufqaben ait Loesungen. By Belaut Vogel. Best Geraany. 326 p. Proa Physik* 13. Auflage, by Christian Gerthsen, Kneser t Belaut Vogel. BH; editorial revisions S additions. Springer-Verlag; 7Apr77; APO-88478.

AFO-88479. laaunological diagnosis of leukeaias and lyaphoaas. Edited b; Stefan Thierfelder* Bans Bodt C Eckhard Thiel. Best Geraany. 367 p. (Haeaatology and blood tran- sfusion* TOl. 20) Proceedings of the international syaposiua of the Institut fuer Baeaatologie* Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Oaveltf orschung* Neuher- berg/aunich* Oct. 28-30* 1976. O Springer-Verlag; 268ay77; APO-88479.

AFO-8e48a. Kliuische cheaie und aikroskopie; eine Einfuehrung. By Birnt Bick. 5. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Geraany. 426 p. Springer-Verlaq: 20Apr77; AFO-88480.

AFO- 88481. Reader's Digest useful things to sew. Australia. 24 p. O Beader's Digest SerTices, Pty. Ltd.; 9Feb77; AFO-88481.

APO-88482. Le Criae de i'Orient-Express. By Agatha Christie, texte francais de Louis Postif, editorial reTision G additional text by Louis aireaan. France. 252 p. Translation of Burder on the Orient- Express. SB: editorial revision £ additional text- 6 Librairie Bachette; 3HOT76; AFO-88482.

AFO-88483. SuoBi--Europpa aatkakartasto. Finland. 542 p. Add. ti; Book of the road: Europe. PreT. pub. in France 1974. VB: Finnish language translation. Oy Valitut Palat — Beader's Digest* A. B. ; 17Bar77; AFO-88483.

AFO- 88484. Decapage en Alaska pour OSS 117. Par Josette Bruce, pseud, of Josette Dourne. Prance. 188 p. Presses de la Cite; 30aar77; AFO-88484.

AFO-88485. Les Foraes du chaos. De Colin Bapp* traduit de I'anglais par Prance-Barie Batkins* pseud, of France-aarie Boucayrol. Prance. 250 p. Original ti. : The Patterns of chaos. O on French tran- slation; Editions Albrn Hichel; 30aar77: APO- 86485.

AFO-88436. Generation perdue. By Jacques Paugaa* pref. de Pierre Viansson-Ponte. France. 216 p. Editions Sobert Laffont, S.A. G Badio Prance; 30aar77: APO-86466.

AFO-88487. Celui gu'on appelle Jesus. By Alain Patin. France. 155 p. O Les Editions Oavrieres; 4Jul77; AFO-88487.

AFO-88488. La Sentinelle de la liberte: Bontserrat, Carabanchel* Barceloue. By Lluis aaria Zirinacs, pref. de Bernard Clavel, texte francais £ traduction de Harie Laffrangue. France. 211 p. O on French translation; Les Editions Ouvrieres; 28Jun77; AF0-884a8.

AFO- 86 469. Initiation a 1' inforaatigue de qestion. By Jacky aailler. France. 267 p. Les Editions Ouvrieres; 21Jun77 (in notice: 1967) ; AFO-88489.

AFO-88a90. C'est contre la loi. Text de Bichard Hyaan, dessins d'Otto Soglow. Canada. 1 V. Add. ti: It's against the la*. Appl.

au: Selection du Beader's Digest (Canada)


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