Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1698

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AFO-88720 - AFO- 88756
JUL-DEC. 1977

APO-88719 (con.) the Resources and Technical Services Division, Anerican Library Association- United Kinqdom. 5 v. Appl. au: Hansell Information/Publishinq» Ltd- Appl- states copyright is not claimed in the National union cataloq, pre-1956 imprints maintained by the Library of Conqress in card form or in any other publication of the 0. S. Govt- within the aeaninq of Title 17 D-S.C. 18- SH: final abridqaent 6 revision of each entry, sequence location codinq 6 oriqinal prefatory materials. d Hansen Information/Publishinq, Ltd- ; 30May77: AFO-88719-

AFO-88720- Die Hedizinmaenner Afrikas; ihre Function in der afrikaniscben Gesellschaft und ein Leitfaden zum "Herfen der Knochen. " Von Adrian Boshier- Bepublic of South Africa. Folder- Appl. au; Colour Cataloques, Pty- Ltd- C Colour Cataloques, Pty. Ltd.; 1reb77; AFO- 887 20.

AFO-88721. Les Actes du Graal sur terre. Translator: Paul Kaufmann. Best Germany. 31 p. Appl. au: Verlaq Alexander Bernhardt. Translation of Die Gral- shandlunqen auf Erden. Nfl: French translation. © Irminqard Bernhardt: 25llay77 (in notice: 1971) : AFO-88721

AFO- 88722. Elementar-Mathematik; ein Torkurs zur hoeheren Hathematik. Beqruendet von Friedrich Adolf llllers. lU. uebetar- beitete Aufl.. von Klaus-Georq Krapf. Best Germany. 363 p. 9 Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq. G.M.B.H. 6 Co., K.G-; 6Jun77: AFO-88722-

AFO-88723. Sairaalan panttivanqit* and other titles- Finland- 479 p- (Valitat Palat fciriavaliot) Prev- pub- in U- S- editions of Reader's Diqest condensed books- UHz Finnish translation & additions- Q Oy Valitut Palat — Reader's Diqest, A-B.: 1HJun77: AFO-8a723.

AFO-88724. Der Verbau als Klassif izierunqselement im Dntertaqebau. Von Nolfqanq Berqer. West Germany. 9i* p. (Bauinqenieur- Praxis, Beft 68) C Verlaq von Bilhelm Ernst und Sohn, K.G. ; 7Sep76: AFO-8872a.

AFO-88725. Animali come vivono. Italy. 344 p. Prev. pub. as Animal families, 1971. NH: translation e adaptation. © Selezione dal Reader's Diqest, S.P.A.: 22Bar77; AFO-88725.

AFO-88726. How to make and use aaqic mirrors- By Niqel R. Clouqh. Enqland. 64 p. Higel E. Clouqh: 16Jun77; APO-88726.

4FO-88727. A Veqetarian in the family: meatless recipes for the odd one out. By Janet Bant, drawinqs by Dinah Cohen. England- 95 p. e Janet Hunt; 16Juo77; AFO-88727-

AFO- 88728- Self-help for qall-bladder troubles. By Hoqer Newman Turner. Enqland. 64 p. e Boqer Newman Turner; >6'Jun77: AFO- 88728.

JFO- 88729- The Tiqer's cave: translations of Japanese Zen texts. By Trevor Pryce Leqqett, pt. 5; From a commentary on Rinzai-roku, by Omori Soqen. Enqland- 192 p- NH: pt. 5. © Trevor Leqqett: 23Jun77; AFO-B8729-

AFO-88730- Sailinq craft in Canada: a guide for buyers and owners- By Clifford John Newman. Canada- 192 p- HcGraw-Hill Byerson. Ltd-; ^6Apr77; AFO-8e730.

AFO-8873i. Canadian siarketinq: a case approach. By Peter nyles Bantinq. Canada. 305 p- 9 McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd- ; 26Apr77; AFO-88731-

AFO-88732- Family, kinship and community: a study of Dutch Canadians; a developmental approach. By Karigoudar Ishwaran. Canada. 181 p. 3 HcGrau-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 1211ay77; AFO-88732.

AFO-88733. Accounting projects and simulations. By Henry John Kaluza- Canada- 161 p. 9 HcGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd-; 12May77; AFO-88733-

AFO-8B734. The Sociology of the school curriculum. By Samuel John Eqgleston. England. 171 p. 9 John Eggleston; 16Jan77; AFO-88734.

AFO-88735. Le Droit canadien. By H. H. Jennings & Thomas G. Zuber, traduit de 1' anglais par Francois Bizet £ Pierre-Yves Le Dilicocq. Canada. 419 p. Appl. au: McGraw-Hill, Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd., employer for hire- Translation of Canadian law, second edition, pub- 1972- NM: translation- 6 HcGraw-Hill, Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 19Apr77; AFO-88735.

AFO-88736. Cours complet de secretariat moderne. By A. E. Sparling 6 C. M. ittridge, traduit de I'anqlais par Pierre-yves Le Dilicocq. Canada. 446 p. Appl. au: McGraw-Hill, Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd. , employer for hire. Translation of Complete course in office procedures, fourth edition, pub- 1975- NH: translation- © McGraw-Hill, Editeurs a-a.d-o- McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Ltd-; 19May77: AFO-88736-

AFO-88737. Ekoloqia lasu. By Zygmunt Obminski. Poland. 480 p. NB: text 6 80» of illus- & tables. 9 Panstvowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 5May77; AFO-88737.

iFO-8B738. Teatr w Polsce w 18. wieku. By Karyna Wierzbicka-Michalska. Poland. 346 p. NM: text £ 15% of illus. © Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Baukowe; 10Jun77; AFO-88738.

4FO-88739. Cywilizacja miedzi i kamienia: tecbnika starozytnego Egiptu. By Jadwiga Lipinska e Bieslaw Kozinski, editor: Halina Ualfisz. Poland. 583 p. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 15May77; AFO-88739.

AFO-88740. Proxopera; a novel. By Benedict Kiely. Great Britain. 93 p. 9 Benedict Kiely; 21JU177; AFO-88740.

AFO-e8741. Quella lontana estate, and other titles. Italy. 477 p. (Selezione della narrativa mondiale) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Beader's diqest condensed books. NM: translation 6 additional material. 9 Selezione dal Reader's Digest, S.P.A.; 11JU177; AFa-88741.

APO-88742. Een Sportief voorstel, and other titles. The Netherlands. 478 p. (Het Beste boek) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Reader's digest condensed books. NM: translation. 9 Oitgeversmaatschappi j the Reader's Digest, N.V.; 8Jul77; AFO-88742.

AFO-88743. Harmouset part en exploration. By Dina-K. Toucneur. Belgium. France. 1 v. ©Casterman; 12Apr77; AFO-88743.

AF0-8SJ4-*. Marmouset dessine sa fflaman. By Dina-K. Tourneur. Belgium, France. 1 v. © Casterman; 12Apr77; AFO-88744.

AFO- 88745. Marmouset soigne une tourterelle. By Dina-K. Tourneur. Belgium, France. 1 v. 9 casterman; 12Apr77; AFO-88745.

AFO-88746. Petit Tom salt lire I'heure. Ecrit par Alain Gree, image par Gerard Gree, sous la direction pedaqogique de Marguerite Delchet. Belgium, France. 21 p. © Casterman; 17May77; AFO-88746.

AFO-88747. Les Farfeluches font des achats; en 314 mots. Conception £ texte d' Alain Gree, illus. de Luis Camps. Belgium, France. 21 p. © Casterman; 5aay77; AFO-88747.

AFO-88748. Jean-Lou et Sophie en Bretagne. By Marcel Marlier. Belgium, France. 21 p. © Casterman; 86pr77; AFO-88748.

AFO- 88749. Adelie la coccinelle. By Marcelle Verite £ Ch. Salembier. Belgium, France. 21 p. 9 Casterman; 24May77; AFO-88749.

AFO-88750. Operation gidsel, and other titles. Denmark. 478 p. (Det Bedstes boeger) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Reader's digest condensed books. NM: Danish language translation, plus additional material. © Det Bedste fra Reader's Digest, A.S.; 13May77; AFO-88750.

AFO- 88751. Around Mount Isa: a guide to the flora and fauna. By Helen Patricia Horton, with the section on reptiles by David Stammer fi line drawings by Elizabeth McKenzie. Australia. 181 p. 9 University of Queensland Press; 250ct76; AFO-88751.

AFO-88752. The Government of Victoria. By Marjorie Jean Eolmes. Australia. 205 p. © University of Queensland Press; 180ct76; AFO-88752.

AFO-88753. Teoria liczb. By Bladyslaw Narkievicz. Poland, 355 p. (Biblioteka matematyczna. t. 50) © panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 10May77; AFO-88753.

AFO-88754. Chimes at midnight; twelve stories. By Terence De Vere Bhite. England. 158 p. 9 Terence De Vere Bhite; 23Jun77; AFO-88754.

AFO-88755. Lhasa, the open city: a journey to Tibet. By Han Suyin a.k.a. Elizabeth comber. England. 180 p. Prev. pub. abroad under the title Lhassa, etoile- fleUr, 1976. NH: translation. 9 Han Suyin a.k.a. Elizabeth Comber; 31Mar77: AFO-88755.

AFO- 88756. Metodologii historii zarys krytyczny. By Banda Moszczenska, author of pref.: Jerzy Maternicki. Poland. 559 p. NM: pref. , annexes G revision. © Panstwowe

Bydawnictwo Maukowe; 18Jun77; AFO-B8756.


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