Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1707

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JUL-DEC. 1977

AFO-89077 (con.) © OD illus. : Edito-Ser»ice, S.4.; 3Jun77: SFO-89077.

AFO-89078. A»oir ete. By Gilbert Cesbron, iilus oriqinales de Nathalie chabrier. Switzerland. H81 p. on illus.; Edito-Ser»ice, S.».; 3Jun77; AFO-89078.

ArO-89079. Le aicoir se brisa. le Seciet de chimneys. By icjatba Christie, illus oriqiuales de Pierre tlonnerat. Switzerland. 308 p. ftdd. ti: Le Secret de chinwavs. 6 on illus. ; Edito-Set»ice, S.A. : 6Hay77; 4FO-89079.

4FO-89080. Ne iouez pas avec les filler. Documents a vendre. By Jean Bruce, illis oriqinales de Yves Groux. Switzerland. 376 p. on illus.; Edito-Ser»ice, S.4. ; 3Jun77; 4PO-89080.

AFO-89081. Deuil express. Ca tourne a vinaiqre. By San-intonio, pseud., illus. oriqinales de 4ndre-Paul Ferret. Switzeiland. 257 P. 6 on illus.; Edito-Servi< e, S-4-; 3Jun77: 4FO-89061.

4FO-89082. Fais qaffe a tes os. Berceuse pour berurier. By San-4ntonio, pstud., illus. oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perrt t. Switzerland. 237 p. 6 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.4.; 6Hay77; 4FO-89082.

4FO-89063. II Selvaqqio di Santa Venert. By Saierio Strati. Italy. 287 p. Arnoldo nondadori Editore, S.P.4.: 3C4pr77; 4FO-8 90 83.

4FO-8908lt. God is Dy witness: the story of the world famous healer. By E. G. Fricker. Great Britain. 190 p. O E. G. Fcicker; 184pr77; 4PO-8908U.

4FO-89085. 4uf den Spuren der auetter: Impro- visationen ueber den subiektiven Faktor, die Griechen, das Matriarchat und den DDterqanq des Abendlandes. By Lorenz Gyoenoerey. 4ustria. 323 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.H. ; 8S4^p77; 4FO-89085.

APO-89086. Ein Hunderbarer Uuestlinq; Erzaehluuqen. By Eva Bakos. Austria. 297 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq. G.H.B.H.; 8Stp77: AFO-89086.

4FO-8 908 7. Kampfabsaqe; Frauen in der Mannerwelt* By Trude Polley. Austria. 2;i5 p. O Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.H.; 8Sep77; 4PO-89087.

4PO-B9088. Die Hehrheit bin ich! Eine Staat- soperette. By Paul Kaufmann. 4ustria. 258 p. e Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.H.; 8Sep77; 4FC-89088.

JiFO-89089. Bairiscbe und Tiroler Liebeiiqeschichten aus Ortscbaften ohne Bahnhof. Erzaehlt von Thomas N iederreuther mit ^eicbnunqen von Ludwiq Haria Beck. Hest Germany. Ill p. O Franz Ehrenwirth Verlaq, G.H.B.H. 6 Co., K.G.; 224uq77; 4FO-890fc9.

AFO-8909 0. Le Corna del diavolo; e altri racconti. By Piero Chiara. Italy. 202 p. Arnoldo Hondadori Editore; 30Apr17: AFO-89090.

AFO-89091. La Faaiqlia e sacra. By Giovanni Pascutto. Italy. 155 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore. S.P.A. ; 304pr77; 4FC-89091.

AFO-89092. La Vita faciiitata. By Gian Paolo Ceserani. Italy. 158 p. 4rnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Apr77; 4FO-89092.

AFO-89093. I Cartaqinesi iu Italia. By Sabatino Hoscati. Italy. 360 p. Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Jun77; AFO-89093.

APO-89094. cioe. By Luca Goldoni. Italy. 226 p. 6 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Hay77; APO-89094.

4FO-89095. Natascia Bysakova. By Benato Loffredo. Italy. 386 p. 8 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore S.P.A.; 30Hay77; AFO-89095.

AFO-89096. Faatasma d'amore. By Hino Hilani. Italy. 321 p. © Arnoldo Hondadori Editore S.P.A.; 30Hay77; AFO-89096.

4FO-89097. Politics: Canada. By Paul Wesley Pox. »th ed. Canada. 653 p. O HcGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 22Auq77; AFO-89097.

AFO-89098. Une Voix venue de loin: I'histoite des telecommunications au Canada. By Eobert John Collins, traduit de I'anqlais par Simone Trenner. Canada. 301 p. Translation of 4 Voice from afar, pub. 1977. NH: translation. Bobert Collins; 234uq77; 4FO-89098.

AFO-89099. Piatto unico all'italiana. By Savina Hoqqero, presentazione di Hassimo Alberiui. Italy. 189 p. 6 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore S.P.A.; 30Apr77; AFO-89099.

AFO-89100. Sinqular perturbations and boundary layer theory. Edited by Claude-Hichel Brauner. Bernard Gay & Jeao Hathieu. Hest Germany. 532 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 59a) Proceedings of the Symposium on Sinqular Perturbations and Boundary Layer Theory, held at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 8-10 Dec. 1976; Enqlish 6 French. Appl. au: J. Baranqer 6 A. Bensoussan. Springer- Verlaq; 15Jul77; AFO-89100.

AFO-B9101. Geometry and topology 3: Latin American School of Hathematics; proceedings of the School held at the Institute de Batematica Pura e Aplicada, CNPq, Bio de Janeiro, July 1976. Edited oy Jacob Palis 6 Hanfredo Do carmo. Uest Germany. 866 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 597) Appl. au: Jose Adem 6 Kee Yuen Lam. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 18Jul77; 4FO-89101.

4FC-89102. Hlners, quarrymen and saltworkers. Edited by Baphael Samuel. England. 363 p. NH: compilation, introd., notes £ index. History Borkshop; 21Apr77; 4FO-89102.

4FO-89103. Hineral workers. By Baphael Samuel. England. (In Hiners, quarrymen and saltworkers, pt. 1, p. 1-97) C Baphael Samuel; 214pr77; 4FO-89103.

APC-89104. Y chwarelwyr: the slate quarrymen of north Wales. By Herfyn Jones. England. (In Hiners. quarrymen and saltworkers, pt. 2, p. 99-135) e Herfyn Jones; 214pr77; AF0-89104.

AFO-89105. Cheshire saltworkers. By Brian Didsbury. England. (In Hiners. quarrymen and saltworkers pt. 3, p. 137-203) O Brian Didsbury; 214pr77; 4FO-89105

4PO-89106. The Durham pitman. Pit talk in county Durham. By Dave Douglass. England. (In Hiners, quarrymen and saltworkers. pt. 4-5, p. 205-348) Dave Douglass: 214pr77; AFO-89106.

AFO-e9107. Hethods in subnucleai physics. Vol. S, pt. 2. Edited by B. Hikolic. East Germany. 364 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, Yugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: L. Jauneau. 6 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Ltd.; 84ug77; AFO-89107.

AFO-e9108. Hethods in subnuciear physics. Vol, 5. pt. 1. Edited by H. Nikolic. East Germany. 496 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, Yugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: L. Bertocchi. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 84ug77; 4FO-89108.

AFO-89109. By life closed twice. By Nigel Billiams. Great Britair. 196 p. C Nigel Uiiliams; 4Jul77; AFO-89109.

AFO-89110. Swordsmen of the screen: from Douglas Fairbanks to Hichael York. By Jeffrey Hichael Richards. England. 296 p. NH: pref., acknowledgments, introd., text. bibliography, index £ arr. of photos. ©Jeffrey Bichards; 12May77; AFO-89H0.

AFO-89111. Au-dela de I'ecran; 70 ans de la vie d*un cineaste. By Boger Bichebe. Bonaco. 273 p. NH: new text e compilation of texts 6 illus. O Editions Pastorelly; 30Jun77; AFO-89111.

AFO-89112. Initiation au calcul economigue. By Herve Thiriez. France. 184 p. S Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89112.

AFO-89113. Le Bern. By Hichel V. pellet. France. 351 p. (Physiologie humalne.) (Le Hilieu interieur, 2e partie) O SISEP Editions; 30JU177; AFO-89113.

APO-89114. La Fonction thecmique. By Yvon Houdas £ Jean-Daniel Guieu. France. 232 p. (Physiologie humaine) O SIHEP Editions; 30JU177; AFO-89114.

AFO-89115. Les Annees metalliq^ues. By Hichel Demuth. France. 346 p. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Hay77; AFO-89115.

AFO-89116. Les Carabines de Gastibeltsa. By Hare Legasse. France. 235 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.4.; 30Jun77; AFO-89116.

AFO-89117. Quatre ans pour changer le monde. By Hare Ollmann. France. 200 p. NH: new

text 6 compilation of texts. O Editions


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