Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/171

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4877U7 - A877180
JUL-DEC. 1977

A877136 (con.) Gulf States Onited Telepboae Coopany; 24Jaa77: A877136.

»877137. Caap Shecaan. Culvei;. Hetolius, OS, and others the phone book, July 1977. Doited Telephone Conpany of the Horthnest; 28Jun77; A877137.

4877138. Hecaaon, HO. the phone book, July 1977. United Telephone Conpany of Missouri; 1Jul77: A877138.

A877139. Holly Uill. Branchville, EutaHTille. SC, the phone book, July 1977. United Telephone Company of the Cacolinas, Inc. ; 1Jul77: A877139.

A8771U0. Piediont, Fattecson, Clubb, BO, and others, July 1977. C Doniphan Telephone Coapany; 30Jun77; 48771i»0.

A877iai. Doniphan, includiaq Pairdealing, Gcandin, ao, and others, July 1977. Doniphan Telephone Coapany; 29Jun77; A8771al.

4877142. Mess City, KS, July 1977. O Vestern Powei: Division of Central Telephone and Otilities Corporation: IJiU??; A8771't2.

A877n3. Saint John, KS, July 1977. Uestecn Power Division of Central Telephone and Otilities Corporation; 30Jun77; A8771'l3.

4877144. Beoton Bidqe, with listings for Gllboa, tfount Cory, Pandora, OB, telephone directory, July 1977. Benton Bidqe Telephone Coapany; 1Jul77: A877144.

4877145. 4aherst, Polonia, Nelsonville, HI, and others July 1977. Aaherst Telephone Coapany; 29Jue77: 487714S.

4877146. Hestainster, Haapstead, Hey Hindsor, HD, and others telephone directory, July 1977. The Chesapeake and Potoaac Telephone Coapany of Haryland; 28Jun77; A877146.

A877I47. Lovinqton. IL, telephone directory, July 1977. O Houltrie :(ndependent Telephone Coapany: 5Jul77; A877147.

A877148. Burlington, Haailton Doae, Otto, HY. and others, July 1977. Add. ti: Ten Sleep, HI, July 1977. Tti-County Telephone 4ssociation, Inc.: 30Jan77; A877148.

A877149. Keyset, HcCoole, HD, Piedaout, IV, iestemport, HD, telephone directory, July 1977. O The Chesapeake and Potoaac Telephone Coapany of Hest Virqinia; 6Jul77: 4877149.

4877150. Buckhannon, Bock Cave, UV, telephone directory, July 1977. The Chesapeake and Potoaac Telephone Coapany of Rest Virqinia: 7Jul77; 4877150.

4877151. Harlinton, Arbovale, Fraukford, Billsboro, HV, and nearby coaaunities, July 1977. C Telephone Otilities of Best Virginia, Inc.; 24Jun77: 4877151.

4877152. Hundred, Blacksville, Hount Horris, UV, and others, July 1977. Hountain State Telephone Coapany; 24Jun77: 4877152.

4877153. TayloLvi.lle, 4ssuaption, Blue Hound, IL, and others, June 1977. O Illinois Consolidated Telephone Coapany; 17Jun77; 4877153.

4877154. Taylorville, Blue Hound, Kincaid, IL, and others classified telephone directory, June 1977. (iith Taylorville, 4ssuaption, Blue Hound. IL, and others. June 1977.) The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 17JUC77; 4877154.

4877155. Effinqhaa, Sigel, IL, July 1977. C Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company; 23Jun77; 4877155.

4877156. Effinqhaa, Sigel. IL, classified telephone directory, July 1977. (Hith Effinghaa. Sigel, IL, July 1977) C The Beuben U. Donnelley Corporation; 23Jun77; 4877156.

A877157. Olive Branch. Byhalia, Chulahoaa, HS. and nearby coaaunities telephone directory. July 1977. Hone Telephone coapany. Inc.; 24Jun77; A877157.

A877158. Ville Platte. Chataignier, Haaou, LA. and others telephone directory. July 1977. 6 Evangeline lelephoue Coapany; 5Jul77; 4877158.

4877159. Tuoluane. CA, included following the yellow pages are alphabetical listings for Sonora. July 1977. Tuoluane Telephone Company; 30Jun77; A877159.

4877160. English, Hitchell. Orleans, in, and others, July 1977. C Indiana Telephone Corporation; 27Jun77; A877160.

A877161. North creek, with listings for Continental, Leipsic, OH, and others, July 1977. O North Creek Hutual Telephone Coapany; 1Jul77; A877161.

A877162. Mew Bavaria, with listings for Ayersville, Bamler, OH, and others, July 1977. O New Bavaria Telephone Coapany; 1Jul77; A877162.

A877163. Pandora, Gilboa. Haunt Cory. OH, and others, July 1977. Q Community Telephone Coapany; 1Jul77; A877163.

A877164. Casco, WI, and vicinity. July 1977. e Casco Telephone Company; 29Jun77; A877164.

a877165. HouDd Bayou, yiostoaTllle« HS, telephooe directory, July 1977. Mississippi Telephoae and CoDDunicatioD, loc; 5Jul77; A877165-

A877166- Leipsic, Belfflore, Gilboa, OB, and others, July 1977. C Community Telephoae company; 1Jul77: AS? 7 166.

A877167. The Claverinqs. By Anthony Trollope, with a oeif introd. by Norman Dooaldsoo £ 16 plates from the origxnaX ed. by H. E. Edwards. (*12 p. MH: introd. Dover Publications, Inc. ; 12Jui77; Afl77167-

A877168- Daaxsh pulled thread embroidery. By Esther Panqel, Ida Hinckler & Aqnete yuldem Uadsen. 100 p. Add. ti; Sammentraelcssyniog. English & Danish. Appl. au: Dover Publications editorial staff, employer for hire. Onabridged & corrected republication of the bilingual ed. of Danish embroidery, pt. 3 £ 4 , pub. abroad 1959. NH: note to the American reader. Dover Publications, Inc. ; 12JU177; A877168.

A877169. Polk costumes of Europe coloring book. Bendered for coloring by Susan Johnston. 45 p. Based on the plates in Historic costume in pictures. O Dover Publi- cations, Inc. ; 13Jul77; A877169.

A877170. Classic baseball cards; 98 collector's cards authentically reproduced in full color, perforated for easy detaching. Edited with introd. by Bert fiandolph Sugar. 1 v. NM: selection, introd., contents £ Index. 6 Dover Publicatioos, Inc.; 12JU177; A877170.

A877171. A Child's garden of verses coloring book. A selection of favorite poems by Bobert Louis Stevenson, Hith pictures by Nancy Haase Tafuri. 46 p. Appl. au: Dover Publications editorial staff, employer for hire. NB: selection, publisher's note & illus. Dover Publications, Inc.; 8Jul77; A877171.

A877172- Uerbs coloring book. By Stefen Bernath. 30 p. O Dover Publications, Inc.; 13Jui77; A877172.

A877 173. Art nouveau stained glass coloring book. By Ed Sibbett, Jr. 1 v. Dover Publications, Inc.; 13Jul77; A877173.

A877174. American carriages, sleighs, sulkies and carts; 168 ilius. from Victorian sources. Edited by Don B. Berkebile. 1 v. Nfl: selection, introd. & captions. Dover Publications, Inc.; 12Jul77; Ae77 174.

A877 175. Casey at the bat. By Ernest Lawrence Thayer, illustrated by Jim Bull, with an introd. by Nartin Gardner. 56 p. Introd. originally appeared in The Annotated Casey at the bat. NH: illus. O Jim Hull; 12JU177; A877175.

A877 176- San Francisco in the 1650*s. 33 photographic views by G. B. Pardon, with an introd. by Bobert A. Sobieszek. 1 v. HUi introd. 6 Dover Publications, Inc.; 12JU177; A877176.

A877177. Thirty-two picture postcards of old Washington, 0. C. ready to mail. Edited by Bobert Reed. 1 v. UHz selection £ captions. O Dover Publications, Inc.; 12JU177; A877177.

A877178. Thirty-two picture postcards of old Boston ready to mail. Edited by David Lowe. 1 V. HH: selection £ captions. O Dover Publications, Inc.; 12Jul77; Aa77l78.

A877 179. Patchwork pillows with step-by-step instructions and full-size templates. By Judy Levy. 1 v. Dover Publications, Inc.; 13JU177; A877179.

A877 180. Be peats and borders: iron-on transfer patterns. Edited by Blta Beiss. 1 v. Dover Publications, Inc.; 12Jul77;



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