Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1737

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AI-16636 - AI-16668
JUL-DEC. 1977

AI-16185 (con.) proceedings of the symposioa on the Techniques of Solar and Cosmic X-ray Spectroscopy, held at Holmbury, England, 22 6 23 Hay 1975, edited by L. U. icton £ J. L. culhane. ippl- au: A. B. C. Balkei Jr. S Anthony Burek. D. Reidel Publishing Coapany: 16Sep76; AI-16185.

AI-16636. Taiwan, Republic of China. 117 p. I-hsiung Ju; [Chid. By I-hsiunq Ju. 10Jun77: Al-16636.

AI-16637. A Collection of 1-hsiunq Jo's landscape paintings. Taiaan, Bepublic of China. 26 p. I-hsianq Ju; 10Jun77 (in notice: 1976): iI-16637.

AI-16639. Topological algebras. By Edward Becltenstein, Lawrence Narici £ Charles Suffel. The Netherlands. 370 p. (Notas de uateiiatica, 60) C North-Holland publishing Company: 1911ay77; AI-16639.

AI-166itO. Baroque. By John Bupert Bartin. Great Britain. 367 p. C John aupert Hartin; 26Hay77: 4I-166U0.

AI-166U1. Eiplicit a priori inequalities with applications to boundary »alue problems. By Vincent George Siqillito. Sreat Britain. 103 p. (Research notes in mathematics, 13) C Vincent George sigillito: 17Jun77: AI-166it1.

AI-166I12. Induced representations and Banach -algebraic bundles. By James (lichael Gardner Fell, with an appendix due to A. Douady S 1. Dal Soglio-Herault. Best Germany. 3tt9 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 582) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 25Apr77: AI-166»2.

AI-16643. Invariant manifolds. By aorris i. Hirsch, Charles C. Puqh E Hichael Shub. West Germany. 119 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 583) S Springer-Verlag ; 26Apr77: AI-166U3.

AI-1661111. The Wonderful pumplcin. By Lennart Hellsing, pictures by Svend otto. Sweden. 1 V. Appl. au: Atheneum Publishers, employer for hire in translation. O on translation: Atheneum Publishers; 25Apr77 (in notice: 1976); AI- 166111.

AI-166it5. Biochemistry of membrane transport. Edited Dy Giorgio Seaenza 6 Ernesto Carafoli. Best Germany. 669 p. (Proceedings of life sciences, PEBS svBPOsiuB, no. «2) Proceedings of the FEBS Symposium on the Biochemistry of Membrane Transport, held at the Swiss Institute of Technology, Zurich. July 18-23, 1976. Appl. au: y. Barenholz 6 a. D. Fran. S Sprinqer-Verlag; ilApr77; AI-166U5.

Al-166146. Structure and bonding. Vol. 32. Editors: J. D. Dunitz 6 other editors. Best Germany- 171 p. Appl. au: J. ». Bilsoa. Springer-Verlaq; 30Bar77; AI- 166116.

A1-16647. The Origins of the cold war in Asia. Edited by Yonosujie Nagai 6 Ajcira Iriye. Japan. 1148 p. University of Tokyo Press; 30Har77: AI-16647.

Bargreth 6 Bobert S. Adelstein. The Netherlands. 360 p. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Contractile Systems in Non-auscle Tissues, held in Bressanone, Italy, Sept. 19-22. 1976. e Elsevier/North-Holland Biosedical Press; 27Dec76; AI- 166118.

AI-166149. Besonauce oscillations in mechanical systems. By B. a. Evan-Iwanows)ii. The Netherlands. 292 p. (5 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 290ec76; AI-166it9.

AI-16650. International organization, national policies and economic development. Editors: Karl Brunner £ Allan H. Beltzer. The Netherlands. 210 p. (Carneqie- Bochester conference series on public policy, a supplementary series to the Journal of monetary economics, vol. 6) O North-Holland Publishing Company: 25nay77; AI-16650.

AI-16651. The Dark tower and other stories. By C. S. Lewis edited by Baiter Hooper. England. 153 p. Portions prev. pub. in The aagazine of fantasy and science fiction £ others. NB: compilation £ p. 7-103. The Trustees of the Estate of C. S. Lewis; 28Feb77; iI-16651.

AI-16652. Aqnolo Gaddi. By Bruce Cole. United Kingdom. 1 v. (Oxford studies in the history of art and architecture) NB: text 6 photos, of the frescoes in the Cappella della Sacra Cintola, Prato, illus. no. 55-78. Q Oxford University Press; 9Jun77; AI-16652.

AI-16653. The Bexican assassin. By Hartshorne, pseud, of Eicnard Blum. England. 350 p. Hartshorne (pseud, for gichard Blum) ; 24Bay77: AI-16653.

AI- 16651. Harmonic analysis on real reductive groups. Edited by V. S. Varadarajan. nest Germany. 521 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 576) O Springer-Verlaq; 10Bay77; AI-16651.

iI-16655. Law, morality, and society: essays in honour of H. L. A. Hart. Edited by Peter aichael Stephan Hacker £ Joseph Baz. United Kingdom. 312 p. Appl. au: a. S. summers £ Joel Feinberg. NB: essays by B. S. Summers 6 J. Feinberg. S Oxford University Press: 19aay77; AI-16655.

41-16656. Phenomenology of spirit. By Georg Bilhela Friedtich Hegel, translated by Arnold Vincent Biller, with analysis of the text £ foreword by John Nieaeyer Findlay. United Kingdom. 595 p. Add. ti: Hegel's Phenoaenology of spirit. Translation of Phaenomenologie des Geistes. NB: analysis of text 6 foreword, e oxford University Press; 9Jun77: AI-16656.

AI- 16657. It's a funny thiuq, humour: Inter- national Conference on Humour and Laughter. Edited by Antony J. Chapman £ Hugh C. Foot, illustrated by Boy B. Behrens. Great Britain. 507 p. Proceedings from the International Conference on Humour and Laughter, held in Cardiff, Bales, July 13-17, 1976. Appl. au: B. F. Fry, B. K. Bothbart £ P. A. acGhee. a Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 27Apr77; AI- 16657.

AI-16658. Plant growth regulation; proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, Lausanne, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 1976. Edited by Paul Emile Pilet. west Germany. 305 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) proceedings held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Appl. au: F. T. Addicott £ P. Albersheim. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 12aay77; Al-16658.

AI-16659. Local service pricing policies and their effect on urban spatial structure. Edited by Paul B. Downing. Canada. 164 p. O The University of British Columbia; 30Bay77; AI-16659.

AI- 16660. The Practical application of economic incentives to the control of pollution: the case of British Columbia. Edited by James B. Stephenson. Canada. 116 p. e The University of British Columbia; 16flay77; iI-16660.

AI-16661. Best buys in Saint Thomas, Bay-July 1977. Cayman Islands, British Best Indies. 27 p. OP and D International £ Virgin Islands Publications; 1Bay77; AI-16661.

AI-16662. guide. By Paul Glassman. 315 p. e Paul Glassman; 22Jun77; AI-16662.

Al-16618. contractile systeas in non-muscle AI- 16658. tissues. Editors: S. V. Perry, ». Plant gr

AI-16663. Hotel da Praia and other poeas, 1936-1976. By Hilliaa Holloway Boberts. Spain. 69 p. Portion prev. pub. as New Bexican April. NB: revision 6 new poems. e Billiam Holloway Boberts: 30Apr77: AI-16663.

AI-16664. Busica disciplina; a yearbook of the history of music. Vol. 29, 1975. Editor: Armen Carapetyan, assistant editor: Gilbert Beaney. Holland. 207 p. C Armen Carapetyan: 3laar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AI-16661.

AI-16565. Photonuclear reactions 2. Edited by Sergio Costa £ Carlo Schaerf. West Germany. 301 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 62) Proceedings of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Beactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. ippl. au: a. Bertozzi. Springer- Verlag; 26Apr77; AI-16665.

AI- 16666. Ultrashort light pulses: picosecond techniques and applications. Edited by Stanley L. Shapiro, with contributions by D. H. Juston 6 Kenneth B. Eisenthal. Best Germany. 389 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 18) Springer-Verlag; 15Apr77; AI-16666.

AI- 16567. Photonuclear reactions 1. Edited by Sergio Costa 6 Carlo Schaerf. West Germany. 650 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 61) Proceedings of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Beactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. ippl. au: Stanley S. Hanna £ Evans Hayward. C sprtnger-Verlag; 26Apr77: AI-16667.

AI-16668. Interactive systems; proceedings, 6th Informatik Symposiua, Bad Hoaburg vor der Hoehe, Sept. 1976. Edited by Albrecht Blaser £ Clemens Hackl. Best Germany. 380 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 49) English 6 German. Appl. au: Allan 1. Schecr £ Bichard P. Kelisky. O Springer-Verlag; 26Apr77;



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