Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/174

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4877253 - A877292
JUL-DEC. 1977

A877252 (con.) STSteii. Book 1. peveloped by Frederick H. Gaqner. 32 p. C Gaqner Guitar Publications; 26Feb73; A877252.

A877253. Gaqner contenporary aodem guitar chord system. Book 2. Developed by Frederick B. Gaqner. 32 p. 6 Kinq fiusic Publishing Corporation, a division of Halter Kane and SOQ, Inc. : 30SOV73: Ae77253.

A87725it. GAP 185. PL series 2 diazoprinter; service lanual. 1 v. GAP Corporation; 1«aar77: A87725it.

A877255. The Biology of Arctic and red foxes on the North Slope. By 8ayne Leiqh Eberhardt. Sheets (125 p.) e layoe Leigh Eberhardt; 81lay77; 4877255.

A877256. Successful application of the aodel one efficiency compensatinq conparator. 40 p. Audio Authority Corporation; 5J'in77; A877256.

A877257. P-45 PH! closlnq device; installation, operation, maintenance. Potato industry. Illustrator: Jaaes B. Durso. 30 p. & folder. Appl. au: Hichael Boland. 6 The DeLaval Separator Conpany; 29Jun77: A877257.

A877258. College chemistry faculties. Editors: Bonnie fi. Blaser £ Jeanann il. Dellantonio. Ith ed. 189 p. e American Chemical Society; 18Jan77; A877258.

A877259. The Diracle of sailepoiier: 30 days to a great neii life. Edited by Stephen B. Neoh, illustrated by Colleen Conrad, photos, by Bick Golt. 136 p. Appl. au: Bobert a. Gibson. 6 The Smilepouer Institute, division of Smilepover, Inc.; 1Jul77; A877259.

A877260. Discover lands of enchantment. Polder. NH: nev pictures. Q National Geographic Society; 2Hay77; A8772eo.

A877261. Australia: down under and outback; teacher's guide. 20 p. Nfl: revision. Kational Geographic Society; 2'tJun77; A877261.

4877262. An Ecosystem: a struggle for survival; teacher's guide. 22 p. NH: revision, e National Geographic Society; 23Jun77; A877262.

A877263. The Mighty Volga; teacher's guide. 24 p. e National Geographic Society; 5JU177; A877263.

4877264. Gynecologic products. 1 v. O Searle and Company; 4Apr77: 4877264.

A877265. Timing gears, sprockets, chains and belts, 1977; replacement parts. No. TGSC-775, Hay 1977, supersedes IGSC-756, June 1975, Beatherly indeic 050-052. 24 p. Q Lempco Industries, Inc., Automotive Division; 15Hay77; A877265.

A877266. Blackha»k Films: world's greatest selection of things to shoii. Bulletin 286, Bay 1977. 88 p. Blackhank Films, Inc.; 8Apr77; 4877266.

4877267. compilation of the pre and post testing language concept development checklist. By Permilia Ann Luticia Arceneaux McCain. Sheets (135 p.) NB: compilation. Q Permilia 4nn Luticia 4rceneaux McCain; 11Jau77; 4877267.

A877268. Old Fort Scott (1842-1853) as told in pictures. By Mary Louise Beveridge uith Martha Hurst. 40 p. 3 Bary Louise Beveridge; 14Jun77; A877268.

A877269. Myths and legends in the theater. By Steven J. Schmidt, edited by Lillie Pope, original concept by Bath Jackson. 63 p. e Faculty Press, Inc.; 1Jul77; A877269.

A877270. Avoiding pouerline accidents; excerpts from the BFA ballooning handbook. Britten by Allen Ray Dyer 8 lamara Ann Dyer. 27 p. Add. ti: The BFA handbook: poverline excerpts. NH: compilation & additional text. The Balloon Federation of America; 220ct76; 4877270.

A877271. 4n Analysis of Hawaii land reform acts; everything you alxays wanted to know about Hawaii's residential leasehold situation.. By Son B. Cowell & Billiam J. Dnrnbush. 49 p. Cowell and Company, Inc.; 6Jul77; A877271.

4877272. A Borkbook for Physiology of behavior, by Neil B. Carlson. Prepared by Leanna J. Standish. 318 p. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 31Jan77; A877272.

A877273. Mongolian studies: journal of the Mongolia Society. Vol. 3, 1976. Edited by Larry B. Moses 6 Stephen A. Halkovic, Jr. 138 p. e The Mongolia Society, Inc.; 4Mar77; A877273.

A877274. Denver Botanic Gardens annual report for 1976. Prepared by the editorial committee 6 Denver Botanic Gardens staff, editors: Billiam U. Anderson, Jr. & Gilberta T. Anderson. 32 p. Denver Botanic Gardens, Inc.; 20Juu77; 4877274.

4877275. New Jersey state addendum: Nerbel's life insurance primer and health insurance primer. Edited by Bernard G. Berbel. 2nd ed. 35 p. 4ppl. au: Berbel Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Berbel Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Jun77; A877275.

A877276. fly family: roots of my life. By Bhyle Standish Nilcox. 51 p. Bhyle standish Hilcox; 2Jun77; 4877276.

4877277. DAD'S pronto shorthand for everyone. By Dominic A. D'Ambrosi. 45 p. 6 Dominic A. D'Ambrosi; 18Apr77; 4877277.

4877278. The Listening heart. By Alma Bardell Stafford. 43 p. Alma Bardell Stafford; 9Hay77; 4877278.

A877279. The Better coach trap. Britten by Maurice Silverstein, illustrated by Tim Cantey. 1 v. NH: pictures £ additional text. Maurice Silverstein; 27Jun77; A877279.

A877280. Sealm of shadows. 17 p. Appl. au: Angelo De Luca. The Survivor 6 Shadow valley, prev. appeared in New voices, no. 6. O Angelo De Luca; 8Jul77; A877280.

A877281. Poems from the heart. By Joann, pseud. of Joann Bymaster. 78 p. Q Joann Bymaster; 6Jul77; A877281.

A877282. My legacy in song. By Kathleen Henry Harris Curry. 46 p. Some poems prev. appeared in Awards anthology 6 others. Kathleen Henry Harris Curry; 25Jun77; A877282.

A877283. El Cristianismo y otras religiones. By E. Luther Copeland. traductor: Abdias Hora Acuna. 192 p. Appl. au: Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. Originally pub. under the ti. : Christianity and world religious. NM: translation. 6 Casa Bautista de Publicaciones; 31Har77; A877283.

4877284. The Billy HcCool pitching digest: a guide to effective baseball pitching. By Billiam John HcCool. 72 p. Billiam John HcCool 6 Charles Fredrick Draut; 24Jun77; 4877284.

4877285. Fishing on the lower Siuslaw. Author S illustrator: Aaron Allen yusko, co- editors: Kathleen Perdita Yusko e Irene Ann Hebert. 18 p. e S.A.K.I. a.k.a. S.A. K. I. Publishing Company, owned in partnership by Aaron 411en Kusko, Kathleen Perdita Yusko, Steven Louis Hebert £ Irene Ann Hebert; ieHay77; A877285.

A877286. Book of world's great wakening. By Bessie c. Lai. 40 p. NH: introd., editing, compilation £ translation. e Bessie C. Lai; ejun77; A877286.

A877287. Mini-basic digital logic electronic chart. No. 1-4. 2 p. Appl. au: Julio G. Arencibia. Julio G. Arencibia; 6Har77; A877287.

A877288. Old age, handicapped and Vietnam-era antidiscrimination legislation. By James P. Northrup, issued by Industrial Besearch Onit, the Bhartoo School, Dniversity of Pennsylvania. 234 p. (Labor relations and public policy series, no. 14) The Trustees of the Dniversity of Pennsylvania; 27flay77; A877288.

4877289. Jimmy Carter's peanut brigade. By Harold Isaacs, edited £ arr. Doris Hack Isaacs. 150 p. O Harold Isaacs: 5Jul77; 4877289.

4877290. Perspectives in Italian immigration and ethnicity. Edited by Silvano H. Tomasi. 216 p. Proceedings of the Symposium on the state of Italian American Besearch, held at the Casa Italiana, Columbia Oniversity, Hay 21-23, 1976. e The Center for Higration Studies of New York, Inc. ; 15Jun77; A877290.

A877291. Personalized heirloom ornaments. Folder (8 p.) Add. ti: For very special people, twinkle insert, 1977. Appl. au: Lillian Vernon Corporation. NH: photos., descriptions £ compilation. Lillian Vernon; 1May77; A877291.

A877292. The Thrifty shoppers treasure hunt for the Minneapolis and Saint Paul area. By Harna, pseud, of Marna K. Burrows G Pearle, pseud, of Pearle S. Janicek, art

work designed by Bonnie Geer. 56 p^.


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