Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1777

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BB55745 - BB55783
JUL-DEC. 1977

BB557lt5. The Call to persoohood. Br John fi. clarpool. (Id The Coaaission, Nov. 1977, p. 33-37( John B. Claypool; 190ct77: BB557I45.

BB557II6. The SiD of Sodon. By Baccett L. Bcick. (In Vision, Sept. /Oct. 1977, p. 18-26) C Barrett L. Brick; 310ct77; BB557l*6.

BB557U7. Builder's hooe business cane apart in Nicaraqua. By Charles Stafford. (In Saint Petersburg (PL) tiaes, Nov. 3, 1977, p. 17A) &ppl. au: Tines Publishing Coapanv, employer for hire. 6 The Saint Petersburg Tiaes; 3Nov77; BB557it7.

BB557U8. Hany disagree with decision. (lour opinioD) (Id Saint Paul dispatch, Nov. t, 1977. p. 4.) tppl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch. Saint Paul Dispatch: i|Nov77; BB557U8.

BB5571I9. Hypnosis — spiritual path to God. By Gregory E. Dunn. (In The A.B.E. iournal, Nov. 1977, p. 2U7-259) C Gregory E. Dudd: 270ct77; BB557I49.

BB55750. BODaoza suggests tighter controls in the future: high gas profits could cost industry. By J. P. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Oct. It, 1977, p. 7-B) Appl. au: The EveDing News Association, Inc. , employer for hire. The EveDiag Neiis Association, Inc. — Oniversal Press syndicate: iaoct77; BB55750.

BB55751. Fall colors real story at GOP parley. By J. F. TerHorst (In The Sunday Mens, Detroit, Oct. 16, 1977, p. 6-G) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, lDC.«  eaployer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. --Oniversal Press Syndicate; 160ct77; BB55751.

BB55752. All is rooted in reason, rule of law: charter for high court's strength. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Oct. 21. 1977, p. 7-Bl Appl. au: The Evening News Association. Inc., eaployer for hire. The Eveniog News Association, Inc- -Universal Press syndicate: 210ct77; BB55752.

BB5S753. President natchers bua 'Carter blues'. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news. Detroit, Oct. 23, 1977, p. 6-E) Appl. au; The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Evening Neus Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 230ct77; BB55753.

BB55754. Detente's bac)c in Hhite House lexicon. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Oct. 26, 1977, p. 10-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., eaployer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 260ct77; BB55751t.

BB55755. Looking toward 1978 and 1980: political fflomentua takes rightward swing. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Oct. 28, 1977, p. 7-B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., eaployer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc- -Oniversal Press Syndicate; 280ct77; BB55755.

BB55756. Neither tine nor population stand still. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Oct. 30, 1977, p. 6-E) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., eaployer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate: 300ct77: BB55756.

BB55757. The £lan behind Alex Haley. By Frederick A. Uoodress. (In The Enquirer aagazine (The Cincinnati enquired Aug. 21, 1977, p. 7-10) F. A. Uoodress; 21Aaq77; BB55757.

BB55758. A Night with Oscar iilde. By Eric Bentley. (In Arts and letters (Gaysweek) Nov. 7, 1977, p. 2) Eric Bentley; 11NOV77; BB55758.

BB55759. Indiana Creative fiesource Corporation: Blooaington working artist project. (In Chroaa, Nov. 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: H. L. Bosenzweig. O H. L. fiosenzweiq; SNov77; BB55759.

BB557bO. Law and the artist. By Charles E. whitman. (In Forua 1, Kansas City Artists Coalition, Nov. 1977, p. 4) Charles E. Uhitman: 20Nov77: BB55760.

BB55761. Operator, authorities; Data reported on casino tie. By Earl Golz 6 Dan Hatson. (In The Dallas morning news, Oct. 6. 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News, d The Dallas Horning News; 60ct77; BB55761.

BB55762. For whoa the polls toll. The Bear withdrew. By Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. (Ex parte line) (In Bes gestae. Nov. 1977. p. 469) Paul a. Buchanan, Jr.; 3Nov77; BB55762.

BB55763. A Videof luorographic study of the teeth aperture, instruaent pivot and tongue arch and their influence on trumpet perfor- mance. By Allan Keith Amstutz. (In ITG journal. Oct. 1977. p. 2S-26) NB: abridgment & editing. A. Keith Aastutz; 310ct77; BB55763.

BB55764. Personal slants from James Holt HcGavran. (In Ideas for better living, Nov. 1977, p. 15) O Jaies Bolt HcGavran; 1IIOV77; BB55764.

BB55765. ILA ad campaign under way: History calls it a Buntline special, you called it a Saturday night special. (In Beports from Uashington (DC), Aug. 31, 1977, p. 8) NBA Institute for Legislative Action; 31Aug77; BB55765.

BB55766. The Gift of reason. By Halter D. Edmonds, illustrated by Jia Arnosky. (In Cricket, Oct. 1977, p. 70-74) on text; Baiter D. Edmonds; 10Sep77; BB55766.

BB55767. The Sanilac County News' 7th annual fall sports preview. (In Sanilac county (HI) news, Sept. 7, 1977) C Sanilac County News; 7Sep77; BB55767.

BB55768. The Palo Alto Baylands. By Judy Bickard. (ileekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Caapbell, CA, Oct. 19. 1976) ADZ, Inc.; 190ct76; BB55768.

BB55769. Advice for Geraldine on her miscel- laneous birthday. By Bob Dylan (Bobert Dylan) (In Philharaonic Hall/Lincoln Center program, Oct. 31, 1965, p. B) O Bob Dylan: 310ct64; BB55769.

BB55770. Organized crime: no slack season. By Anthony OeStefano, with Thomas Horan 6 Allen F. Bichardson. (The flafia: SA's silent partner) (In Uonen's iear Daily, New lork, Sept. 2. 1977, p. 1, etc.) O Fairchild News Service; 2Sep77; BB55770.

BB55771. A Do-it-yourself Kurt Vonnegut anthology. By Jerome Klinkowitz. (In The North American review, fall 1977, p. 83-85) Jerome Klinkowitz: 15Sep77: BB55771.

BB55772. Changing channels: how TV shapes American minds. By Bose K. Goldsen. This article is adapted from the book. The Show and tell machine by Bose K. Goldsen. (In Human behavior, Sept. 1977, p. 63-67) Bose K. Goldsen; 1Sep77; BB55772.

BB55773. Strength to stop drinking, start living: how I found it. By Jean Kirkpatrick. (In Vogue, Nov. 1977. p. 186. etc.) Jean Kirkpatrick; 240ct77; BB55773.

BB55774. Christians and the promise to Israel. By Bobert F. Orinan. (In The aiami herald, Oct. 9. 1977, p. 5-E) O Bobert F. Drinan; 90ct77; BB55774.

BB5577S. The Professor of desire. By Philip Both. (In Penthouse. Sept. 1977, p. 66, etc.) Philip Both; 9Aug77: BB55775.

BB55776. Dennis the menace. By Benry King Ketcham. (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 9, 1977) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 29Aug77; BB55776.

BB55777. Career countdown: the time to start planning is now. By David & Harymae E. Klein. (In 18 Almanac, 1978, p. 44-45) O David £ Harymae E. Klein; 12Sep77: BB55777.

BB55778. Hariua and Lee. By Priscilla Johnson Hcaillan. (In Ladies' home journal, Oct. 1977, p. 175-186) O Priscilla Johnson HcHillan; 22Sep77; BB55778.

BB55779. The Nature of problems: an argument against final solutions. By E. F. Schumacher. (In Quest/77, Sept. /Oct. 1977, p. 77-84) E. F. Schumacher; 18Aug77; BB55779.

BB55780. All things wise and wonderful. By James Herriot. (In HcCall's. Aug. 1977. p. 131-138) Jaaes Herriot; 21Jul77 (in notice: 1976, 1977); BB55780.

BB55781. Boundhouse, Noveaber 1977. (In Longaont (CO) daily times-call, Nov. 5 6 6, 1977) Tiaes-Call Publishing Coapany; 5Nov77; BB55781.

BB55782. Glucose tolerance test. By Hayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin, San Jose, CA, Oct. 29, 1977, p. 6) Nayne E. Fiscus; 290ct77; BB55782.

BB55783. A Plea for adequate defense. By Virginia iiinslow Hopper Hathews. (In The Pilot. Southern Pines, NC, Nov. 9, 1977. p. 3B) Virginia Binslow Hathews;

9NOV77; BB55783.


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