Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/181

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A877553 - A877593
JUL-DEC. 1977

4877552 (coo.) Elaer PeDdell. 196 p. Elaec Peodell; 15JU177; 4877552.

4877553. 4 Legacy of cooJciaq. By VxrqiDia N. Hacrinqton. 177 p. Vicqinia Har- rinqton; 11Jul77; 4877553.

4877551. Charles Garrett's Treasure kootinq secrets: discover the real aeaniDq of treasure huDtinq, leara how and where. 1 V. Nil: additioos £ revisions. O Charles L. Garrett; 12Hay77; 4877554-

4877555. Good food ideas cheese cookbook froa Kraft. 221 p. 4ppl. au: Kraft Kitchens. Kraft. Inc.; 2Jun77; 4877555.

4877556. Hiqh blood pressure and what you can do about it. By Harvin Hoser. 32 p. C The Benlafflio Company Inc.; 254pr77: 4877556.

4877557. The Love Nest. folder. 4ppl. au: iilliaa S. Barnes. Love Nest, Inc. (in notice: Lovenest, Inc.); 30Har77; 4877 557.

4877558. Policy stateaent, executive and legislative aqenda for Minority woaen and qirls. By Elizabeth 4. 4braaoHitz £ 4aita Lillian Buqhes. 15 p. Elizabeth 4. 4braaoiiitz £ 4uita L. Buqhes; 18Feb77: 4877558.

4877559. Pathway: a sourcebook for Help Phone volunteers. By Peter S. Beynolds. 73 p. Na: new text with abridqaent £ editorial revision. O Peter S. Beynolds; 15Jul77; 4877559.

4877560. The Lav of collective barqaininq and econoaic sanctions. 90 p. O Seyfartb, Shav. raimeather and Geraldson; 6Jul77: 4B77560.

4877561. ilL4 abstracts of articles in scholarly lournals. 1975. Vol. 1. Coapiled by Eileen H. Backesy, with the assistance of Jane S. Hatsinqer. 268 p. 4ppl. au: Hodern Language 4ssociation of Aaerica. Hodern Lanquaqe 4ssociatiou of 4Berica; 11JU177: 4877561.

4877562. Uou to develop creativity- By Leonore B. Dickaann, Edward B. Reisse £ Kenneth aorrison. 1 66 p. C Leonore 8. Oickaann, Edward B. Neisse £ Kenneth Horrison; 1Jun77; 4877562.

4877563. The Power awareness workshop; leader's quide. Prepared for General Hotors Corporation by David E. Berlew £ fioqer Harrison. 1 v. 4ppl. au: situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Situation Manaqeaent Systeas, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4877563.

4877561). Pente. Graphics by Gary Steven Gabrel, drawinqs by Linda Beeder- 1 v. Gary Steven Gabrel; 22Jul77: 48775614.

4877565. Love and lauqhter. By Catherine C. Seattle. 22 p. Catherine C. Seattle; 19JU177; 4877565.

4B77566. Needs assessaent and evaluation guide for career education. 1 v. Partners in Career Education; 1itJui77; 4877566.

4877567. Oo you need a will? By Hichael a. Coon. 18 p. aichael a. Coon; 20Jul77; 4877567.

4877568. Chanqinq aiqration patterns within the Onited States. By Curtxs C. Boseaan. 31 p. (fiesource papers for college geography, no. 77-2) 4ssociation of 4Berican Geographers; 25Jun77; 4877566.

4877569. optoaetric Extension Prograa, optoaetric assistants' course. Vol. 19, 4uq. 1977. 1 V. Optoaetric Extension Prograa foundation. Inc.; 22Jui77; 4877569.

4877570. Coabattinq creosote with dilution air. 7 p. 4ppl. au: Larry iinter Gay. Larry iinter Gay; 20Jul77; 4877570.

4877571. The Story of Quakerisa through three centuries. By Elfrida Vipont (Elfrida Vipont Fouids) 3rd ed. , rev. 321 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1951. Friends Onited Press; 24Jun77: 4877571.

4877572. yords of Christian love. Lines £ lyrics by Eddie the Poet, pseud, of Edward Charles Byaes. 18 p. Edward Charles Byaes; 2Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4877572. 4877573. The "X** rated hen suit. By Bon Biggins, with illus. by Becky Barrick. 1 v. Bon uiggins 6 Becky Barrick; 1Jul77; 4877573.

4877571. Tuning the historical teaperaaents by ear; a aanual of eighty-nine aethods for tuning fifty-one scales on the harp- sichord, piano, and other keyboard instruaents. By Owen Jorgensen. 135 p. Northern Hichigan Oniversity Press; 20Jun77; 4877571.

t877575. 4dvances in heterocyclic cheaistry. Vol. 21, 1977. Edited by 4. B. Katritzky £ 4. J. Boultoo. 186 p. C 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 11Jun77; 4877575.

4877576. Lyaphocyte differentiation, recognition and regulation. By David B. Katz. 719 p. (laaunology: au international series of aonographs and treatises) 4cadeaic Press, Inc. ; 15Jun77; 4877576.

4877577. Free energy transduction in biology: the steady-state kinetic and theraodynaaic foraalisB. By Terrell L. Hill. 229 p. 4cadeaic Press, Inc. ; 21Jun77; 4877577.

4877578. aolecular aechanisas of protein biosynthesis. Edited by Herbert Heissbach £ Sidney Pestka. 720 p. (Molecular biolqgy, an international series of aonographs and textbooks) 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 21Jun77; 4877578.

4677579. Interpretation of aetallographlc structures. By Iilliaa Bostoker E Janes E. Dvorak. 2Qd ed. 250 p. O 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 22Jun77; 4877579.

4877580. fiegulatory aechanisas in lyaphocyte activation. Edited by Oavid 0. Lucas. 825 p. Proceedings of the Eleventh Leukocyte Culture Conference held in Tucson, 4Z, Sept. 19-23, 1976. 4ppl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by Governaent eaployees within the scope of their eaployaent. 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 7JU177; 4877580.

4877581. Parasitic protozoa. Vol. 1: Babesia, Theileria, ayxosporida, aicrosporida, Bartonellaceae, 4naplasBataceae, Ehrlichia and Pneuaocystis. Edited by Julius P. Kreier. 386 p. 4cadeBic Press, Inc.; 7Jul77; 4877581.

4877582. Liquid seaiconductors. By aelvin Cutler. 226 p. O 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 7JU177; 4877582.

4877583. Plant disease: an advanced treatise. Vol. 1: how disease is aanaged. Edited by Janes Gordon Borsfall £ Ellis Brevier Cowling. 165 p. O 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 7JU177; 4877583.

4877581. 4phids as virus vectors. Edited by Kerry F. Harris £ Karl Haraaorosch. 559 p. O 4cadeBic Press, Inc.; 17Jun77; 4877581.

4877585. General circulation aodels of the ataosphere. Vol. editor: Julius Chang. 337 p. (aethods in coaputational physics: advances in research and applications, vol. 17, 1977) O 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 30Jun77; 4877585.

4877586. 4n Introduction to biophysics. By C. Sybesaa. 278 p. O 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 2Jun77; 4877586.

4877587. Handbook on teaching educational psychology. Edited oy Donald J. Treffinger, J. Kent Davis £ Bichard E. Bipple. 352 p. (Educational psychology) C Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 17Jun77; 4877587.

4877588. Hater quality; proceedings of an international forua. Edited by Frederick Coulston £ Sail aarcel arak. 295 p. (Ecotoxicology and environaental quality, vol. 1) Appl. states copyright is not clained on any portion of this work written by Governaent eaployees with the scope of their eaployaent. 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 23Jun77; 4877588.

4877589. Bilingualisa: psychological, social and educational iaplications. Edited by Peter 4. Hornby. 167 p. 4cadeBic Press, Inc.; 15Jun77; 4877589.

4877590. On the other hand: new perspectives on 4aerican sign language. Edited by Lynn 4. Friedaan. 215 p. (Language, thought and culture: advances in the study of cognition) 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 21Jun77; A877590.

4877591. The Pilgria thief. By flobert H. Burda. 212 p. O Bobert B. Burda; 15Jul77: 4877591.

4877592. The cry of the owl. By aargaret aayhew. 207 p. The Cry of the owl appeared in condensed fora in Good Housekeeping, under the title aarriage to a stranger. NB: additional text. O Hargaret aayhew; 15JU177; 4877592.

4877593. Sweet nothings. By Laura Cunninghaa.

256 p. 4 portion of this book originally


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