Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/188

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A877829 - A877868
JUL-DEC. 1977

A877828 (con.) Publishioq Service, Inc.; 1i(Jal77; 1877828.

1877829. Alphabetic phonics; teacher's guides S student's study books. By Bernice Jones Raines. 6 ». (Situation learninq, schedules 2A-2C) C Bernice Jones Baines; 7JU177: A877829.

A877830. Throuqh the looking glass of becoming; callage. By Tanya Pober Kaye. 113 p. a Tanya Pober Kaye; 9Jul77: A877830.

A877831. Texas otilities Coapany; utility reference report, July 1977. 6 p. e Hainnright Securities, Inc.; 11Jul77; A877831.

A877832. The Southern Company; utility reference report. July 1977. 6 p. iain»right Securities, Inc.; 11Jul77; A877832.

A877833. General Telephone and Electronics Corporation; utility reference report, July 1977. 12 p. e Bainnright Secu- rities. Inc. ; 18JU177; A877833.

A877a3'». Sunbeam Corporation; special report. July 18, 1977. 9 p. e iaiiiirright Securities, Inc.; 18Jul77; A87783«.

A877835. Public Service Company of Colorado; utility reference report, July 1977. 5 p. e Hainwright Securities, Inc.; 11Jal77; A877835.

A877836. Southern California Edison Company; utility reference report, July 1977. 6 p. e iainiirlght Securities, Inc.; 6Jul77; A877836.

A877837. Oklahoma Sas and Electric Company; utility reference report, July 1977. 6 p. e Wainaright Securities, Inc.; 6Jul77: A877837.

A877838. Commoaiiealth Edison Company; utility reference report, July 1977. 5 p. Bainiiright Securities, Inc.; 6Jul77; A877838.

A877839. diddle South atilities. Inc. ; utility reference report, July 1977. 6 p. @ Hainiiright Securities, Inc.; 18Jul77; A877839.

A877340. Shepard's Southwestern reporter citations; advance sheet ed. Vol. 22, no. 2, June 1977. 29 p. C Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 16Jun77; A877840.

A877841. Shepard's Georgia citations: cases and statutes. Vol. 69, no. 2, June 1977. 170 p. 3 Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 7Jun77; 1877841.

A877842. Nuclear fuel and American foreign policy: multilateralization for uranium enrichment. By Edvard F. Bonder. 72 p. The Atlantic Council of the Dnlted States; 13Apr77; A877842.

A877843. Care of the skin; study guide G HorkbooK. Proiect director: Elizabeth A. Krueger. assistant pro-ject director; David L. Jaeckels. 63 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing. Oniversity of Bisconsin, employer for hire. O Board of Seqeuts of the University of Bisconsin; 23Jan73 (in notice: 1972) ; A877843.

A877844. Care of the skin; teacher's guide. Project director: Elizabeth A. Krueger, assistant project director: Oavid L. Jaeckels. 81 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing, Oniversity of Bisconsin, employer for hire. Board of Eegents of the University of Bisconsin: 23Jan73 (in notice: 1972) ; A877844.

A877845. Bovel elimination; study guide & workbook. Project director: Elizabeth A. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 33 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing, Oniversity of Bisconsin, employer for hire. Q Board of aegents of the University of Bisconsin; 2dFeb73; A877845.

A877846. Bowel elimination; teacher's guide. Project director: Elizabeth A. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 68 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing, Oniversity of Bisconsin, employer for hire. 6 Board of Regents of tie Oniversity of Bisconsin; 28Feb73; A877846.

A877847. Anatomical terminology and joint classification; teacher's guide. Project director: Elizabeth A. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 24 p. - Appl. au: School of Nursing, Oniversity of Bisconsin, employer for hire. O Board of Regents of the Oniversity of Bisconsin; 5Feb73 (in notice; 1972); A877847.

A877848. Anatomical terminology and joint classification; study guide £ workbook. Project director: Elizabeth A. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 23 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing, oniversity of Bisconsin, employer for hire. 6 Board of Regents of the Oniversity of Bisconsin; 5Feb73 (in notice: 1972); A877848.

A877849. Johnson basic sight vocabulary test. Form B. By Dale 0. Johnson. 23 p. e Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 1SNOV76; A877849.

A877850. Johnson basic sight vocabulary test; directions manual — forms A and B. By Dale D. Johnson. 29 p. 9 Ginn and Company (leroi corporation) ; 15Nov76; A877850.

A877851. Johnson basic sight vocabulary test. Form A. By Dale D. Johnson. 23 p. e Ginn and Company (Xerox corporation) ; 15NOV76; A877851.

A877852. Food for you; teacher's guide £ tests. By Hargaret Mciiliiams 6 Linda Davis. 61 p. U&i editorial revisions. 6 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 3Jan77: A877852. A877853. Food for you. By Margaret HcBilliams 6 Linda Davis. 153 p. NM: editorial revision £ additions. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 3Jan77; A877853.

Ae77854. A Borld history: a cultural approach, revised edition, by Daniel Boselle. Borkbook teacher's ed. by Anne Young. 267 p. Appl. au: Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) NB: editorial revision fi additions. 6 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation): 3Jan77; A877854.

A877855. Instructor's manual for Hodern college accounting. By Vernon F. Linnaus. 58 p. Harconrt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.; 16Har77: A877855.

A877856. The Reduction of complexity: substance, structure, and style in curriculum. By Paul F. Brandwein. 43 p. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. ; 10Jun77; A877856.

A877857. Solutions manual for College physics,. 4th edition. By Franklin Hiller, Jr. 138 p. NH: additions £ revisions. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 911ay77i A877857.

A877858. Leutebuch: ein leichtes Lesebuch. By Albrecht Holschuh. 178 p NH: pref., introd., marginal glosses, exercises, end vocabulary, abridgment £ adaptation of articles prev. pub. in German periodicals. Q Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 7Jun77; A877858.

A877859. Hodern college typewriting; a basic course. By Leonard J. Best. 159 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 16!lar77; A877859.

A877860. Southern Bestchester, NX, address telephone directory. May 6, 1977. New York Telephone Company; 6Hay77; A877860.

A877861. Southern Bestchester, NX, address telephone directory, July 11, 1977. New York Telephone Company; 11Jul77; A877861.

A877862. Hanhattan, NY, address telephone directory, June 30, 1977. New York Telephone Company; 30Jun77; A877862.

A877863. CMS production control system (PCS) 1 bill of material module user's/operator's manual; prelim, ed. Sheets. 6 Burroughs corporation; 13Jun77; A877863.

A877864. Production control system 2 operations scheduling and loading reference manual; prelim, ed. Sheets. Burroughs Corporation; 12Hay77; A877864.

A877865. Disney checkers. Kit. NM: all ne» art £ some game rule revisions. 6 Bait Disney Productions; 8Jun77; A877865.

A877866. Hospital malnutrition; study guide. By C. E. Butterworth, Jr. 9 p. (Cassette- a-month, 10, J976) Appl. au: The American Dietetic Association. The American Dietetic Association, Department of Education (in notice: The American Dietetic Association) ; 20Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A877866.

A877867. Alcoholism; study guide. By Gerhard Freund. 15 p. (Cassette-a-month, 4, 1977) Appl. au: The American Dietetic Association, e The American Dietetic Association, Department of Education (in notice: The American Dietetic Associa- tion) ; 8Jun77; A877867.


The Face of Europe. By Peter N.


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