Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/201

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4878343 - 4878379
JUL-DEC. 1977

48783142 (con.) Corporation (in Doticei InteroatiODal Business Hachines Corporation): 5Jal77; 4878342.

4878343. IBB 3791 controller data entry confiquration aaintenance inforaatiou. 3rd ed. 1 v. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d. IBH Cor- poration (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation) : 7Jul77; 4878343.

4876344. IBD 3773, 3774 and 3775 proqrauaable coBBunication terainals proqraaaer's quide. - 1 V. (IBH teclinicai newsletter, no. GII30-3068) NH: revisions & additions. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. IBH Corporation; liaar77: 4878344.

4878345. IBH 3270 infornation displajr systea planninq and setup quide; IBH 3274 control unit, IBH 3276 control unit/display station, IBH 3278 display station. IBH 3287 printer, IBH 3289 line printer. 1 v. (Svsteas) International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. IBH Cor- poration (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation); 6Hay77; 4878345.

4378346. Xerox Corporation: interia report, July 11, 1977. 36 p. C Hainvriqht Securities. Inc.: 11Jul77: 4878346.

4878347. Delta 4irlines, Inc. ; capsule report. July 18, 1977. 2 p. Uainuriqht Securities, Inc.: 18Jul77: 4878347.

4878348. Delta 4irlines, Inc.; basic report, July 18, 1977. 31 p. C iainnriqht Securities, Inc.; 18Jul77: 4878348.

4878349. Standard Brands, Inc.; basic report, July 6, 1977. 43 p. C iainnriqht Securities, Inc.; 6Jul77; 4878349.

4878350. Standard Brands, Inc.; capsule report, July 6, 1977. 2 p. Hainvright Securities, Inc.; 6Jul77: A878350.

4878351. Eli Lilly and Coapany; capsule report, July 12, 1977. 2 p. lainHright Securities, Inc.; 12Jul77; 4878351.

4878352. Eli Lilly and Coapany: basic report. July 12, 1977. 41 p. Hainvriqbt Securities, Inc.; 12Jul77: 4878352.

4B78353. Tandycrafts, Inc.; basic report, June 30, 1977. 17 p„ C aainvriqht Securities, Inc.; 30Jun77; 4878353.

4878354. Breaking targets. By Dan Otlich. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Betty 4nn Foiworthy. NH: cOBPilation, introd. , prologue, epilogue, anecdotes S cutlines. The Saturday E>eninq Post Coapany; 24Jun77: 4878354.

4878355. Easy story and coloring booJt. Written by Frances B. Uatts. 34 p. 4ppl. au: The Saturday Evening Post Coapany. Selected froa Children's playaate aaqazine. liH: COBPilation. C The Saturday Eveninq Post Coapany; 8Jul77: 4878355.

4878356. Indian crafts. Britten 6 illustrated by Katherine a. Senders. 34 p. 4ppl. au; The Saturday Eveninq Post Coapany. The Saturday Eveniiig Post Coapany; 8Jul77: 4878356.

4878357. Student's quide to accoapany Goodaan's Calculus for the social sciences. By Cynthia Hansour. 160 p. V. B. Saunders Coapany: 5Jul77: 4878357.

4878358. Study quide to accoapany Hatheas and Fox's The Physioloqical basis of physical education and athletics. By Donald U. Paterson & David 4. Cunninqhaa. 136 p. 4dd. ti: Study quide to accoapany The Physioloqical basis ^of physical education and athletics. H. B. Saunders Company: 12JU177; 4878358.

4878359. Cheaical profile filler package. No. 53, July 15, 1977. Sheets. Bevised aaterial taken froa Cheaical Barlceting reporter. NH; revisions. Q Schnell Publishing Coapany. Inc.; 15Jul77; 4878359.

4878360. Hetric aeasureaent for teachers; an activity approach. By Phares G. O'Daffer 6 Stanley B. Cleaens. 98 p. Text on p. 3-43 is adapted version of aaterial that originally appeared in Geoaetry: an investigative approach. Addison- He sley Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 15Jun76; 4878360.

4878361. Title Herrick digital veigh-feed systeas. 1 v. O HerricJe Scale Hanu- facturing Coapany; 15Har77; 4878361.

4876362. SPE-4IHE Peraian Basin Oil and Gas aecovery Conference, Harch 10-11, 1977; proceedings. 1 v. Conference held in Hidland, Texas. 4ppl. au: Society of Petroleua Engineers of 4IHE. 4Berican Institute of Hrning, Hetallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 10Har77: 4878362.

4878363. SPE-4IHE Deep Drilling and Production SyaposiuB. Aaarillo, Texas, April 17-19. 1977; proceedings. 1 v. Appl. au: Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. Aaerican Institute of Hininq, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 17Apr77; A878363.

4878364. Proceedinqs of the Council of Econoaics. 106th annual aeeting, 4aerican Institute of Hining, Hetallurgical, and Petroleua Engineers, Inc., 4tlanta, Georgia, (J.S.4., Harch 6-10, 1977. 188 p. 4dd. ti: Council of Econoaics proceedings. Appl. au: Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIHE. Aaerican Institute of Hining, Hetallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13JU177; A878364.

A878365. Evaluation of riser feeding aids. Sesearch report no. 83. By C. E. Bates. H. D. Scott, L. Sully £ J. E. Vren. 21 p. Appl. au: Steel Founders' Society of Aaerica. C steel Founders' Society of Aaerica; 18Jul77; A678365.

A878366. Distribution of steel castings sales by end use of product: report of 1975 confidential aarket research survey. 27 p. Steel Founders' Society of Aaerica; 28Sep76; A878366.

A878367. Foreign operations — source of incoae. By Hatthev J. Kust. 1 v. (Tax Hanageaent portfolios, 80-4th) Appl. au: Tax Manageaent, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claiaed on aaterials froa O.S. Govt, sources. NH: additions & revisions. O Tax Hanageaent, Inc.. a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. : 12JU177; A878367.

A878363. EBISA — eaployee stock ownership plans — qualification. By Jared Kaplan 6 Uilliaa B. Cowan. 1 v. (Tax Hanageaent portfolios, 317) Appl. au: Tax Hana- geaent, Inc. Appl. states no copyright claiaed on aaterials froa O.S. Govt, sources. O Tax Hanageaent, Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 12Jul77; A378368.

A878369. NFIB on the aove. 1 v. O National Federation of Independent Business; 20Jun77; A878369.

A878370. Savings and loan fact book '77. 128 p. Appl. states O.S. copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Onited States League of Savings 4ssociations; 1Jul77; 4678370.

Ae78371. Savings association entry into consuaer lending via credit cards. Prepared by L. Joseph Sala t Hayne F. Bengtson. 1 v. Appl. au: United States League of Savings Associations. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a*S, Govt, eaployees or contractors as a part of their official duties. United States League of Savings Associations: 23Jun77: A878371.

4878372. The Buying point in today's life insurance aarket; highlights froa the 1977 report on The Study of 4aerican aarkets. 16 p. Appl. au: The Harketing Departaent of U.S. News and Uocld Beport, Inc. O.S. News and Vorld Beport, Inc.; 5Jul77; 4878372.

4878373.' The Buying point in today's autoaotive afteraarket; highlights froa the 1977 report on The Study of 4aericaD aarkets. 21 p. 4ppl. au: The Harketing Departaent of U.S. News and iorld Beport. Inc. O O.S. News and Horld Beport, Inc.; 19Jui77; 4878373.

4876374. Be've found a better way: USS Cold-Flo. 16 p. Add. ti: Cold-Flo converter, OSS. O United States Steel Corporation (in notice: USS Agri-cheaicals, a division of United states Steel Corporation) ; 22Jun77; A878374.

A878375. Suaaer weekly reader dinosaur kit. NH; original aaterial 6 coapilation. Xerox Corporation: 10Har77: A87e375.

4878376. Blinker, the safety idea; coloring book. 8 p. O Technika. Inc.; 21Jul77: A878376.

A676377. The Glass Plate Gaae. By Dunbar Charles Aitkens. Folder. O Dunbar Aitkens; 22JU177; A878377.

4878378. For Kitty. By David Joel Friedaan. 1 p. David Joel Friedaan; 16JU177; 4878378.

4878379. Pulaonary stenosis, aortic stenosis, ventricular septal defect: clinical course and indirect assessaent — report froa the

Joint Study on the Natural History of


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