Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/210

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4878713. Short stories. By Salvadore J. Coppola. 60 p. One smart nigqer appeared in Black tiiaes, Nov. 1974. 6 Salvadore J. Coppola; 25JU177; 4878713.

4878714. Statement of financial accounting standards. Mo. 15: 4ccoiintinq by debtors and creditors for troubled debt res- tructurinqs. 84 p. Financial 4ccountinq standards Board; 30Jun77; 4878714.

4878715. Statement of financial accounting standards. No. 16: Prior period adiustments, June 1977. 40 p. @ Financial 4ccountinq Standards Board; 8Jul77; 4878715.

4878716. Status report. No. 50, July 7, 1977. Folder. @ Financial 4ccounting Standards Board: 9Jul77: 4878716.

4878717. Status report. No. 49, June 17, 1977. 2 p. 6 Financial Accounting Standards Board: 17Jun77; 4878717.

4878718. Knob twisters CB maintenance notebook. By Eddy Cooke. 30 p. O Eddy Cooke; 15JU177: 4878718.

4878719. The Life of Christ in the Book of John: student handbook. By Frank Hamrick. 49 p. 4ppl. au: Positive 4ction for Christ, Inc. NS: p. 19-49. e Positive Action for Christ, Inc.; 114pr77; 4878719.

A878720. Astro-tec: astrological technicalities. By Alyce c. Benee, pseud, of Alice Hae Perlonitz. Cards. Alice Mae Ferlonitz; 27tlay77: A878720.

A878721. Borderline personality disorders. Edited by Peter Hartocollis. 535 p. Papers of the International Conference on Borderline Disorders, held in ToC>eka, KS, on Bar. 19-21, 1976. 6 International Oniversities Press, Inc.; 20Jul77; A878721.

A878722. The Family camping handbook: a complete guide to camping in North America. By Jerome Knap € Alyson Knap. 189 p. 6 Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 15Jul76 (in notice: 1975); 4878722.

A878723. Mastering the art of tying flies. By 41f Halker, illustrated by the author. 191 p. e Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 151lov76; 4878723.

4878724. The Tanks are coming: American immigration to Australia. By Dennis Laurence Cuddy. 254 p. & Dennis Laurence Cuddy; 25JU177; A878724.

4878725. Make your oun furniture; hoii to do it the fun and easy way. By Paul Howard, illustrated by J. Hodgkinson, edited by Fiona Hccall. 160 p. Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 154ug76 (in notice: 1975); 4878725.

4878726. Ultrasonic examination G-159 engine truss assemblies, March 28, 1977. 3 p. (Grumman 4erospace Corporation quality control test procedure, no. 55-P-1) e Grumman 4merican 4viation Corporation; 15Jnl77; A878726.

A878727. Maintenance manual for Gulf stream 2. Vol. 1, interim revision 13-1, 6 June 1977. 1 V. Add. ti: Interim revision 13-1 for Maintenance manual for Gulf stream 2. Q Grumman American Aviation Cor- poration; 6Jun77; 4878727.

A878728. Built to last: a handbook on recycling old buildings. Prepared by the Mas- sachusetts Department of Community Affairs, Office of Local Assistance & Gene Bunnell. 125 p. Q The Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation in the Onited States; 15JU177: A878728.

A878729. Clinic appointments system; users* manual & program documentation. Prepared by Betty Francisco. 2 v. Appl. au: The North Carolina Memorial Hospital. The North Carolina Memorial Hospital: 1Jun77: 4878729.

4878730. Piaget: educational perspectives. Edited by Donald J. Sheeban. 260 p. NM: introd., pref. e compilation. Donald J. Sheehan; 11May77; 4878730.

4878731. Metallurgy; student guide. By Donald E. Onsworth. 5th ed. 108 p. Based on the textbook Metallurgy (5th ed.) 6 4merican Technical Society; 15Jul77; 4878731.

4878732. Doussan, Incorporated, New Orleans, contract catalog 15. 396 p. 6 Doussan, Inc.; 304pr77: 4878732.

4878733. 4 Peaceable classroom: activities to calm and free student energies. By Merrill Harmin & Saville Sax, illustrated by Joe Loverti. 137 p. e Hinston Press, Inc.; 23Jun77; 4878733.

4878734. Margaret, the good queen; a story about Queen Margaret of Scotland. Britten by Jan Johnson, illustrated by Constance Crawford. 1 v. 6 Hinston Press, Inc.; 15Jun77; A878734.

4878735. Mother Seton starts a school: a story about Elizabeth Seton. Mritten by Jan Johnson, illustrated by Lorna Tomei. 1 v. Binston Press, Inc.; 15Jun77; 4878735.

A878736. The Boy who made his pennies go a long way: a story about Martin Oe Forres. Written by Dolores Beady, illustrated by Hick Cooley. 1 v. Binston Press, Inc.; 15Jun77; 4878736.

A878737. The Images of Jesus: exploring the metaphors in Matthew's Gospel. By Daniel O'Connor & Jacques Jimenez, illus. . by Tomie De Paola. 187 p. 6 Daniel O'Connor 6 Jacques Jimenez; 17Jun77; A878737.

A878738. Welcome; parent book. Parent book development: Bose Marie Werner, parent book editor: David Galusha. 64 p. (The Easter people series, grade one) Appl. au: Winston Press. S Binston Press, Inc.; 4Hay77: A878738.

4878739. Happy together; teacher manual. By Mary Colling Bielle. 131 p. NH: 90X new. e Winston Press, Inc.; 13Jun77; 4878739.

A878740. Happy together; student material.

A878741. Survival: a guide for pro-teen parents. 47 p. NM: devotional passages, p. 19-44 added, e Positive Action for Christ, Inc.; 3Jun77; A878741.

4878742. The Life of Christ in the Book of John; teacher's outline manual. 175 p. Positive 4ction for Christ, Inc. ; 14JU177; 4878742.

4878743. Paragon kiln model 4-24B: wiring diagram and parts identification. Folder. 4dd. ti; Paragon recommended firing schedule poster for Paragon kiln model A-24B. Paragon Industries, Inc.; 19Jul77; A878743.

A878744. New for commercial production. Paragon high fire kiln model A-29B. 2 p. NM: editorial revision 6 pictorial matter. e Paragon Industries, Inc.; 21Jul77; 4878744.

A878745. Paragon kiln model A-29B wiring diagram and parts identification. Folder. Add. ti; Paragon recommended firing schedule poster for Paragon kiln model 4-29B. Paragon Industries, Inc.; 19Jul77; 4878745.

4878746. Female sterilization acceptability study admission record. 1 p. d IFBP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Besearch Program; 13Jul77; 4878746.

A878747. The Micromanipulator Company price list, prices effective September 1, 1977. 19 p. Appl. au; Bobert D. Hancock d.b. a. The Micromanipulator Company. 6 The Micromanipulator Company; 20Jul77; 4878747.

4878748. Fundamentals of cooling water theory and treatment; programmed instruction course. 1 V. NM: additional text. 3 Chemed Corporation: 304pr76; A878748.

A878749. Fundamentals of cooling water theory and treatment; programmed instruction course. 1 V. Q Chemed Corporation; 13Sep7 2: AB78749.

4878750. Teacher's guide for Basic foods and nutrition, secondary schools. 45 p. O Saint Louis Public Schools; 30Jun77; A878750.

4878751. Teacher's guide for Creative clothing, secondary schools. 29 p. O Saint Louis Public Schools; 30Jun77; 4878751.

4878752. Teacher's guide for Creative foods, secondary schools. 47 p. Q Saint Louis Public Schools; 30Jun77; A878752.

4878753. 4daptationism; the ultimate egali- tarianisn. By Jack T. Tomlinson. 1 v. e Jack I. Tomlinson; 23Jul77; 48787S3.

A8787S4. Flame cutting and brazing with Mapp gas. 17 p. Q Simmons— fioardman Publishing Corporation; 21Jul77; 4878754.

4878755. Cut the deck/stack the deck; teacher's

manual. By Bobert B. Cahill & Herbert J.


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