Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/245

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JUL-DEC. 1977

£880120 (COD.) 133. 151 S 152-153. Bobect J. Gleasoo; 29JU177; 4880120.

t880121. Beyond the rainboH. By Hacy Tberese HcGowan. 54 p. 6 Hary Therese HcGoHan; 5JU177: A880121.

i880122. Letters od the passing of grandfather. Jerry Johnston. 9 p. Jerry hnc^t-nn' 1.Tiil77r lftfl0177- By Jerry Johnston. ^ p. o Johnston; IJul??; A880122.

A880123. fiocky fiiyer resident's reference, 1977-1978. Editor: Florence 0. Borton. 48 p. League of Soaen Voters of fiocky Bi»er; 25JU177; A880123.

A880 12U. Beflections. Author: Grace U. Schunann. illustrator: Stacy Sears* photographer: Vern Soff . 29 p. Grace H. Schunann: 30Jul77: A88012U.

A8e0125. DBOG: an 8080 interpretiye debugger; a prograa for entering* debugging and storing asseably language prograas. By Christopher Andrew Titus G Jonathan A. Titus. 1 y. Christopher A. Titus £ Jonathan A. Titus; 1Aug77; A880125.

Ae80126. HOBBy* daddy: a book of guestions and answers for children of divorce and their parents. 1 v. Appl. au: Sean F. Callahan. O Sean F. Callahan: 18Jan77; A880126.

A880127. This is the way the baby rides. Folder. Appl. au: Deborah D. Bichards £ Giseia Horiarty. Action for Child Trans- portation Safety; 2Jun77; A880127.

A88012e. Tiny BacraBe plant hanger. Photography by Brian Baker. Card. Appl. au: Bartin A. Follose. Bartin A. Follose: 30JU177; A880128.

A880129. Carolina Bountain clogging: cloq and hoedown basics. By Floyd T. Brooks & Eloise S. Brooks, cover S photos, by Scott Trees. 57 p. Floyd T. e Eloise S. Brooks: 6Jun77: A880129.

A880130. Barder than rain. Poeas by Stuart Peterfrennd. 82 p. Hany poens first appeared in Colorado State review 6 others. NM: additional text 6 coBpi- lation. O Ithaca House; 1Jul77: A880130.

A88ai31. Beference guide* August 1977. 155 p. C Telecredit, Inc.; 1Aug77: A880131.

A880 132. Zero-base budgeting in colleges and universities. By I. Jaaes Barvey. SO p. L. JaBes Barvey: 21Jul77; A880132.

A880133. The COBplete guide to $2 5,000.00 Keno. By Keith L. Hall £ Bonald L. Tiknyhr. 70 p. Keith L. Hall £ Bonald L. Vikayhr; 1Aug77: A880133.

A880134. Basic electronic devices and circuits. By Donald J. Granthaa. 355 p. (Granthaa electronics- with-Batheaatics series, voi- H) BH: additions € revisions. Donald J. Granthaa; 17Jun77; A880134.

A880 135. The Patient registration systea user A880136. General stores systea user docuaen- tation. 203 p. O Central Data Center; 1Jun77; AB80136.

A880137. Becoaing a child of God. By Stephen F. olford. 211 p. O Stephen F. Olford; 25JU177; A880137.

A880138. Encounter with anxiety. By Stephen F. Olford. 21 p. O Stephen F. Olford; 25JU177: A880138.

A880139. Encounter with loneliness. By Stephen F. Olford. 23 p. Stephen F. Olford; 25JU177; A880139.

A880140. Encounter with fear. By Stephen P. Olford. 24 p. Stephen F. Olford: 25JU177; A88014a.

Ad80141. Becoaing a aan of God. By Stephen F. Olford. 24 p. O Stephen F. Olford; 25JU177; A880141.

A880142. Becoaing a servant of God. By Stephen F. Olford. 24 p. Stephen F. Olford; 25JU177; A880142.

A880143. Bow to save energy and save your job. By Stephen Boberts. 14 p. Appl. au: The Kirkley Press, Inc. O The Kickiey Press, Inc.; 1Aug77; A880143.

A880144. Walking, talking, advertising. Folder. The Kirkley Press, Inc.; 30Jun77; A880144.

A8e0145. Bow to work with your stockbroker. By Jay G. Phillips, pseud, of Jules P. Goldsaith. 22 p. Jay G. Phillips; 2Aug77; A88014S.

1880146. Bape: the criae against women. By Beba Deal. 32 p. Paaphlet Publications, division SUA £ Beba Deal; 3Jan77; A8e0146.

A880147. Diary of a battered housewife. By Lois H. Hake. 38 p. O Paaphlet Publications, division BHA £ Lois H. Hake; 3Jan77; A880147.

A880148. Log cabin construction. By Glenn 0. Saint John G Anna Lorraine Saint John. 24 p. Glenn Saint John £ Lorraine Saint John; 29JU177; A880148.

A880149. Balfcourt basketball. By Jack Berschlag. 82 p. Jack Berscblag; 10nar77; A860149.

AB801S0. Christaas cards froa Ualter Drake. 36 p. NB: additions. O Ualter Drake and Sons, Inc.; 1Aug77; A880I50.

A880151. The Hoving box. By Bebecca Fuller £ Nancy Lyons. 1 v. £ cards in box. The Footprint Press; 22Jul77: A880151.

A8801S2. The Story of Grandaa Hater. By Lissa Bengtson, illus. by Barge Bazzo. 40 p. O Lissa Bengtson; 10Jul77; A8801S2.

Aa801S3. Bow to saash a saokingbird. By Victor a. Bartin, illus. by Khapa. 186 p. Appl. au: Egar Press, Inc. Egar Press, Inc.; 13JU177; A880153.

A880154. An Intellectual freedoa priaer. Editor: Charles B. Busha. 221 p. O Libraries Onliaited, Inc.; 1Jul77; A880154.

A880155. Hungarian cookery: recipes new and old; a coaplete guide to aastering authentic Hungarian cooking. Edited by Edward Heiss. 276 p. Edward Heiss; 28Jul77; A88aiS5.

A8801S6. Ackeraan and Del fiegato's Cancer: diagnosis, treataent and prognosis. By Lauren Vedder Ackeraan G Juan Angel Del Begato. 5th ed., by Juan Angel Del fiegato £ Harlan Jacobson Spjut. 1013 p. OThe C. V. Hosby Coapany; 15Jul77; A880156.

A880157. The Andrew Bicks and Charles Stone faailies. By Lucile Kaufaann Bovak. 129 p. O Lucile Kaufaann Bovak; 10Jul77; A880157.

A880158. The John I. Sobota faaily and allied £aailies--Hozdic, Hovak, Sboyaa and Tanossy. By Lucile Kaufaann Bovak. 84 p. O Lucile Kaufaann Bovak; 10JU177; A880158.

A880159. Paul's concept of freedoa in the context of Hellenistic discussions about the possibilities of huaan freedoa; protocol of the twenty-sixth colloguy, 9 January 1977. By Bans Dieter Betz, editor: HilhelB Huellner. 51 p. Center for Heraeneutical Studies a.a.d.o. Center for Berneneutical Studies in Hellenistic and aodern Culture; 20Jul77; A880159.

A880 160. Heraeneutic of the idea of revelation; protocol of the twenty-seventh colloquy, 13 February 1977. By Paul fiicoeur, editor: Bilhela Buellner. 36 p. Center for Heraeneutical Studies a.a.d.o. Center for Heraeneutical studies in Hellenistic and Bodern Culture; 20JU177; A880160.

A88ai61. Proa the bottoa of the barrel (a history of black workers in the Chicago Post Office froa 1921) By 0. Grady Gregory. 52 p. O O. Grady Gregory; 1Aug77; A880I61.

A880I62. Blindness and early childhood deve- lopaent. By David U. Barren. 308 p. Aaerican Foundation for the Blind, Inc.; 31Bar77; A880162.

A880 163. A Guide to expanding social services to the blind under Title 20 of the Social Security Act. By John L. Duncan. 113 p. Aaerican Foandation for the Blijid, Inc.; 30Aug76; A880163.

AB8Q164. International guide to aids and appliances for blind and visually iapaired persons. 2nd ed. 255 p. O Aaerican Foundation for the Blind, Inc.; 10Jun77; A880164.

A880165. Coaputers in urban and regional governaent; papers froa the fourteenth annual conference of the orban and Begional Inforaation Systeas Association, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 1976, Atlanta, GA.

Editor: Ononeze Bartin Anochie. 655 p.


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