Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/255

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JUL-DEC. 1977

Abs0S44, Rain, circles, walls and everyday things. By Rac, pseud. of Rebecca Ann

Compton, illus. by Vern Hippensteal. © Rebecca Ann Compton; 24may7b;

lv. ABBOS44,


Your body qross or great: what'll it be? Weitten 6 illustrated by Anne Daniel, pseud. of Georganne Paccell Sohmer. 30 p. © Georganne Farrell Sohmer (whose pseud. ia Anne Daniel); 21Dec76; AsH0545,

A880 546.

Focus on your fabulous face. Written & illustrated by Anne Daniel, pseud. of Georganne Parcell Sohmer. 30 p. © Georganne Farcell Sohmer (whose pseud. is Anne Daniel); 21Dec76; ABB0546,


Beauty tips for a brighter you. Written 6 illustcated by Anne Daniel, psaeud. of Geocqanne Farrell Sohmer. 40 p. © Georganne Farrell Sohmer (whose pseud.

is Anne Daniel); 21Dec76; Assb0547, A8B0548.

In qrandma'ts day. By Feances Cc, Braaten. 1 ¥. © Frances Braaten;

“Mar77; adsosus, ABB0549.

Sad clown. Poster. Add. tis Poem=-"Sad Clown." Appl. au: Kathleen A. Cashman (K. Cashman) © Kathleen M. Cashman, full legal nawe of K. Cashman; WJun77; AHB0549,


Proceedings of a Symposium on Coal

flow and Where to Use It, Colorado Springs, January Jl-Pebruary 2, 1977, Prepared by Cameron Engineers, Inc. for the American Chemical Society. 326 p.

© Cameron Engineers, Ine.; WMar76; a860550.


Shofars, dreidles, qroqqers and me; a child's holiday yearbook. By Roberta Shevin & Sheila Stieglitz, photography by Gabriella Landau. tv. © Roberta Shevin & Sheila Stieqlitz; tWun77; asso0551.


Reversible obstructive airway disease (ROAD) lop. Appl. aus John T. Fuscaldo. © John T. Fuscaldo; iMac77; AHBO05S2.

A880553. Suggestions for emergency care of

wheezing. By John T. Fusealdo. 1 p. © John T. Fuscaldo; Vimhar77; Asb0553, ABBOS5S4,

Vasomotor rhinitis. 1 p. Appl. au: John T. Fusealdo., ©O John fT. Fuscaldo; Vimac77; Ass0554,


Food sensitivities. 2 p. Appl. aur John T. Puscaldo. © John T. Fuscaldo; Vitac77; AG80555.

A860 556.

Dey skin, sensitive skin, and eczema, 2 Pp. Appl. au: John T. Fuscaldo. © John T. Fuscaldo; iMar77; A880556.


Poison ivy. 1 p. Appl. aus John T. Fuscaldo. © John T. Fuscaldo; ihar77; A880557.


Information for new patients. 7 p. Appl. aur John T. Fuscaldo. © Joho 't. Fusecaldo; Visac77; Asb055H.


Food allergies in infants and children.


by John T. Fusealdo., 2p. © John T. Fusecaldo; WVimar77; Assb0559, AKHO5OO,

Teeatment of allergic chinitis. 1 p. Appl. aur Joho T. Fusealdo, © John T. Fuscaldo; Vimac77; AKHO5SO0,


Allecgy history. by John T. Fuscaldo. 6 p. © John T. Fusealdo; timar77; AUH0561.


Content therapy and content analysia.

By Bdward Stone. tv. © Bdward Stone; WSPeb76; ABB0562. A880563.

Belmont County, Ohio before 1830, By Irene fount Ochsenbein & Catharine Foreaker Fedorehak. 235 p. © Irene Mount Ochsenbein & Catharine Forweaker Fedorchak; 6Jun77; Ass0564.


Spelling “eqg=2ama"; instructions. By George Henry Wilson, Jr. 1p. NMs revisions, additional text 6 pictorial

material. © George HWenry Wilson, Jr.; Wreb77; ABBO564. A880565.

ydconastics. by Jeffrey Lee Damberg. 7 p. © Joffrey Lee Damberg; 28Apr77; A880565. A880566.

Play and learn program. Iseued by

Institute of Child Centeced Education, Nova University. 7 v. in folder. Appl. au: Marilyn M. Segal, Glen Nimnicht & Marta Arango. © Nova University; JiMar77; AsbvOS66.

AG80567. Jack Tworkov: recent paintings and

drawings. lv. Appl. aus Phyllis Plous, © The Kegents, University of California; JWJan77; Avsb0567,


(The) Paper works. Paintings, photos. 6 texts by Guy Williams. tv. O The Regents, University of California; dJJan77; = ABHO5SOB,


The Return to Corregidor, By Harold Templeman. Sheets. O tlarold Templeman; WIulL77; = ABBOSO9.


Taages of women in literature: Boglish 226-3; independent study. By Renee B. Horowitz, issued by Center for Lifelong Learning, Division of Continuing Education, University of Colorado at Boulder. 50 p. © The Regents of the University of Colorado; ijJun77; Assb0570.


Guide to scholastic publications. By James E. Skillington Jed. 1 ve © James B. Skillington 3rd.; 25Sep76; A880571.


How-where-when you can enter the U.S. Governaent sponsored monthly oi) and gas lease drawings on thousands of acres. 1] Pp. Appl. aus Jean Detchemendy. NM: compilation, abcidgement & additions. © Jean and Company, Ltd., Solely owned by Jean Detchemendy; Wul/7; ABs0572.


Bekins non-negotiable warehouse ceceipt and contract. 5 p. Appl. aur Marvin S. Maltzman & Jim MeBlwee. © The Bekins Company; Wul77; Ass0574.

ABBOST4. Security systea/}; a wanagement summary.


JUL. = DBC. 1977 1) p. (Program product) © OneLine Software International, Ine.; Wun); AHBOSTA, AUHO575.

Security systema/1; terminal operator's

guide. 5 p. (Program product) © On-Line Software International, Inc.; IWdun?); ad80575.


TUG/ACS LCES; a user's reference manual.

25 p. © Aspen Computer Science, Inec.; 2i0un77; ABB0576, Ab80577.

Williaw Blake in the act of his time; a faculty-qraduate student project. Organized by Corlette Rossiter Walker,

103 p. © The Regents, University of California; Wdan77 (in notice: 1976)% Au80577.


Yum Bear; a tale of a small bear on the

banks of the Olentangy River. By Julia Shea Chase (Julia Mm. Chase) tv. © Julia M. Chase; 340Jun77; ABHO57A,


Nostalgic pyrography from "the Strawberry Pateh"; patterns for wood= burning. By Jan Weibel (Janet Marie Weibel), photography by Wallace Pho= tographec. 24 p. & insert in folder.

© Jan Weibel; W9mac77; ABb0579. ABBO5HO,

Basy steps to excellent credit. 4 p. Appl. au: Paul L. S@ith. © Paul L. Smith; dJun77; aAassosso,


Enquiry into aging; answers to the questionnaire on sexuality and aging. Folder & 1 p. Appl. aus editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Inc. © Sandoz, Ine.; 2iddun77; A8B05801.


Controversial Philadelphia ophthal~ mologist makes eye-opening statement on headache.' Folder. Appl. au: editorial staff of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Ine. © Sandoz, Ine.; S8dul77; A880 582.

Abb0 584,

In various pain states reduce the anxiety that builds the tension that intensifies the pain. Folder. Add. tis Anxiety, tension, pain. Appl. aus editorial staff of Sandoz Pharaaceuticals, division of Sandoz, Ine. © Sandoz, Inc.; 24gun77; ABNOSHS.


In depressive neurosis anxiety often accompanies depression. Folder. Appl. au: editorial staff of Sandoz Pharaa~ ceuticals, division of Sandoz, Ine. © Sandoz, Inc.; OJul77; AdBOSH4.

A860585. Ohio genealogical periodical index: a county guide. By Carol Willsey Flavell.

46 p. © Carol Willsey Flavell; 15Jdun77; A860585. A880 586.

Communion with the sun. By Todd

Rundgren. On cvecord sleeve for albu entitled Ra. (With Magic dragon theatre 6 others) © Barmark Music, Ine.; IWeb77

(in notice: 1976); Asbs05h6. A680 587.

Magic dragon theatre. By Todd Rundgren & Kasia Sulton. On record sleeve for album entitled Ra. (With Communion with the sun 6 others) © Barmack Music, Inc.;

WFeb77 (in notice: 1976); Ass05H7.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.