Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/280

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A881542 - A881587
JUL-DEC. 1977

ASSISItl (con.) Telephone CoDpany of the South-Georgia; 18JU177; i881541.

&881542. Acufff Arnett, Caprock« TX» and others telephone directory* August 1977. Add«  ti: South Plains, T!. e South Plains Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; 19Jul77; A881542.

A8815II3. Bestecly, BI, and vicinity telephone directory, August 1977. Beti England Telephone and Telegraph Company: itAug77; ABSISaa.

A881S'iil. Rochester, Dover, Somersuorth, NH, and others telephone directory, August 1977. 6 New England Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: 28Jul77; A8815itt.

A8815it5. Anne Arundel County, HD, criss-cross directory. 1977 ed. Appl. au: Byland Price Stewart 3rd. 6 Stewart Directories, Inc.; 30Jun77; S881545.

A881546. Acute care policy, April 1977. 16 p. Hetropolitan Health Planning Corpo- ration; 25Jun77; A8B1546.

A88151t7. Genealogy via newsletter. By S. Burr Coryell. 19 p. 6 H. Burr Coryell; 1Aug77; A8815a7.

A881548. Superstock brand name savings. 1 v. Appl. au: Narshall Binston. America's Hobby center. Inc.; 1Aug77: A88154S.

A881549. Chapman yesteryears. By Florence Chapman Pike. 58 p. Florence Chapman Pike: 1Aug77: A881549.

A881550. Derma- Vac controlled suction scientific facial laboratory training manual; prelim, ed. 56 p. Appl. au: James B. Brenner. Derma-Vac, Inc.; 23Jun77: A881550.

A881551. A Short story featuring Inky "at sea." By Stephen J. Jayner. 3 p. 6 Stephen J. Jayner a.k.a. s. J. a.k.a. Steve Jayner; 5Aug77: A881551.

A881552. Piano repairing for beginners. By Dennis E. Kurk. 81 p. Dennis Kurk; 5JU177; A881552.

A881553. Inside/out and face the sun. Poetry by Lorrie Farrington (E. Lorraine Farrin- gton) , drawing by Ed Dyson. 14 p. e Lorrie Farrington: 10Jan77; A881553.

A881S54. Smart shopper clothing and shoes, 1977. 15 p. Appl. au: Genevieve V. Coleman. e Smart Shopper: 1Aug77: A881554.

A881555. Automatic musical instruments pricing guide, 1977-1978. Compiled by Billiam H. Edgerton. 192 p. Billiam H. Edgerton: 15Apr77: A881555.

A881556. Government approved tax forms, 1977. 24 p. Appl. au: Arthur E. Shapiro. Arthur E. Shapiro: 23Jnn77; A881556.

A881557. Modern office forms. Catalog 8. 24 p. (Designer collection) Appl. au; Arthur E. Shapiro. O Arthur E. Shapiro; 9tlar77; Aa81557.

A881558. Tax form programming guide, 1977. 16 p. Appl. au: Arthur E. Shapiro. Arthur E. Shapiro: 24Jun77; A8815S8.

A881559. Bow long has this been going on. 1 p. Add. ti: How long will this keep going on. Appl. au: Frank H. Stanavage. Frank H. Stanavage; 14Apr77; A881559.

A881560. The Christmas crown; a Christmas story for all ages. By N. ilarcia Billiams, illus. by Bill Hurphy. 1 v. ON. Harcia Billiams; 3Aug77: A38156a.

A881561. Lawn mower repair opportunities manual. 1 v. e Foley Hanufacturlng Company: 21llay77: A881561.

A881562. Songs to a grandson. By John Finlator, drawings by Bryan. 45 p. 6 John Finlator: 1Aug77; A8815e2.

A8ei563. Parto con anestesia. 7 p. Add. ti: Delivery with anesthesia. El Camlno Hospital (in notice: ECH) ; 28Jul77; A881563.

A881564. Back to back (Jeff Busby's four card all-backs routine) Britten £ illustrated by Gene A. Matsuura. 1 v. Jeffrey B. Busby; 2Jul77; A881564.

A881565. Charlie's monument: an allegory of love. By Blaine H. yorgason. 64 p. 6 Blaine H. Yorgason; 190ct76: A881565.

A881566. Thoughts and reflections. By Dorothy Brannum. 1 v. 6 Dorothy Brannum; 20Jan77; A881566.

A881567. FPDA membership directory, 1977- 79 p- 3 Fluid Power Distributors Association, Inc.; 26Hay77; A881567.

A881368. aedical abbreviations: a cross reference dictionary. Compiled by Medical Abbreviations Dictionary Task Force of the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association. 3rd ed. 157 p. Appl. au: Michigan Occupational Therapy Association. e Michigan Occupational Therapy Asso- ciation; 14JU177; A881568.

A881569. Handgun control: issues and alter- natives. By Joseph D. Alviani S Billiam S. Drake. 63 p. Appl. au: United States Conference of Mayors. NM: compilation, editorial revision & additions. 6 Onited States Conference of Mayors; 30ct75: A881569.

Ae81570. eta's Guide to metric measurement. Book 1. By Carl H. Seltzer. 60 p. Add. ti: ETA guide to metric measurement. 9 Educational Teaching Aids (in notice: ETA, Educational Teaching Aids, a division of A. Oaigger and company) ; 2SJul77: A881570.

A881571. New Bochelle, NI, lellow Book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. 25th ed. e Jfellow Book Publishers; 1Aug77; A881571.

A881572. Garden City, NY, Yellow Book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. 27tb ed. 6 Yellow Book Corporation; 2Aug77; A881572.

A881573. Garden City, NY, Yellow Book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 27th ed. Q Yellow Book Corporation; 2Aug77; A881573.

A881574. Huntington, Centerport, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, and others Yellow Book street address and numerical directory, 19 77-78- 45th ed. Yellow Book Corporation; 3Aug77; A881574.

Aa81575. New fiochelle, MY, Yellow Book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 25th ed. O Yellow Book Publishers; 1Aug77: A881575.

A881576. Huntington, Centerport, cold Spring Harbor, NY, and others Yellow Book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 45th ed. e Yellow Book Corporation; 3Aug77; AB81576.

A881577. The Day of the rapture. By Andrew H. Martin, Jr. £ Julia B. Martin. 8 p. Andrew H. Martin, Jr. e Julia B. Martin (in notice: Andy e Judy Martin) ; 2Aug77; A881577.

A881578. Sex predetermination dial. Appl. au: Job Elizes. Job Elizes; 4Aug77: A881578.

A881579. Ellison's French menu reader; for a quick translation of French menus. By Al Ellison (Alan Ellison) 164 p. e Al Ellison; 21Jul77; A881579.

A881580. Physical fitness. Folder. (Health information series) Q American College Health Association: 2Aug77; A881580.

A881581. The Log-in: a continuing education log book for nurses, 42 p. Appl. au: Sharon Lunn. Glenn Educational Medical Services, Inc.; 5Aug77; A881581.

A881582. Aspects of a collection: 18th and 19th century painting from the Newark Museum, April 6-30, 1977. 44 p. Appl. au: Billiam H. Gerdts £ Fearn Thurlow. e The Newark Museum; 7Apr77; A881582.

A881583. Faith food for autumn. By Kenneth E. Hagin. 95 p. Add. ti: Faith food: daily devotions for autumn. Q Kenneth £. Hagin Evangelistic Association, Inc. ; 27Jul77; A881583.

A881584. Larry Jennings on card and coin handling. By Nina Jennings, Jeff H. Busby, Jules Lenier £ Charlie Miller, edited by Jeff B. Busby, illustrated by Ken Taylor. 67 p. NM: compilation, editorial revision, additional text £ illus. e J. B. Busby; 4May77; A881584.

A881585. Alternatives to alcohol abuse: a social learning model. By Peter M. Miller £ Marie A. Mastria. 190 p. Besearch Press Company; 22Feb77; A881585.

AB81586. Child abuse and neglect case studies; 50 case histories related to child abuse and neglect. By Abe B. Fosson £ H. Otto Kaak. 196 p. Medical Examination Publishing Company, Inc.; 26JU177; A881586.


Blue Cross manual. Revised July 1,


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