Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/291

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JUL-DEC. 1977

^682010 (con.) p. Q Situation Hanagement Systems, Inc.; 22Apr77; 1882010.

A882011. The Salarv coanittee qroup discussion. 3 p. O Situation Hanaqenent Systeas, Inc.; 22*pr77; A882011.

1882012. Negotiation pokec. 2 p. d Situation aanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.: 22ipc77: 1662012.

1682013. Salary neqotiation exercise. 2 p. Situation Hanaqenent Systeas, Inc. ; 221pr77: 1882013.

1682014. coalition pokec. 2 p. Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc. ; 221pc77; 168201U.

1382015. Behavior neqotiation in nock qroups. 6 p. O Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.; 224pr77; 1882015.

1862016. Get touqh. 3 p. Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas. Inc.: 221pr77: 1862016.

1882017. Group pEoblea solving--obtaiainq consensus. 2 p. C Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.; 221pr77: 1882017.

1882018. 1 Guide to practicinq new influence behaviors. 12 p. O Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.; 221pr77: 1882018.

1882019. Criteria for eoployaent. 2 p. Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.; 221pr77: 1682019.

1682020. Barqains and coalitions. 3 p. Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc. ; 221PC77: 1662020.

1882021. Choosinq an appropriate influence style: qroup decision aakinq and consensus. 2 p. Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.: 221pr77; 1882021.

1862022. Tell and sell. 3 p. Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc. ; 221pr77: 1882022.

1882023. Sudden death salary neqotiation. 2 p^ Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc. ; 221p[77; 1882023.

1882024. Leadership practice. 2 p. 6 Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc. : 22Apr77: 1882024.

1862025. Ideal orqanization. 2 p. 6 Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc. ; 221pr77; 1882025.

1862026. Best outcoae. 2 p. Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.; 221pr77; 1882026.

1882027. Personal disclosure, listeninq exercise. 4 p. O Situation Hanaqeaent Systeas, Inc.; 221pr77: 1882027.

1682028. Exercises in need for acceptance and fear of relection. 2 p. O situation Management Systems, Inc.; 22Apr77; A882028

1882029. Operation eapathy: the process of understanding others. 2 p. 6 Situation Hanageaent Systeas, Inc.; 22Apr77; 1882029.

1882030. Stating likes. 2 p. O Situation Hanageaent Systeas. Inc.: 221pr77: 1662030.

1682031. Eapathizing vitb opposing views. 3 p. Situation Hanageaent Systeas, Inc.; 22ipr77; 1862031.

1882032. Janet Bacon* s L J aulti-aodal approach to beginning reading, an introduction. 1 V. Janet Bacon: 1Jul77: A862032.

1882033. Hacraae fever. By Patty Schulte. 23 p. Craft Publications, Inc.; 16Hay77: 1882033.

1882034. The Ins and outs of purse weaving. By Jackie Stephens. 23 p. Q Designer irtistic Crafts, Inc.; 9Jun77; 1882034.

1862035. Ueavinq for hoae decor. By Shirley Now & Georqe Now. 47 p. 6 Designer Irtistic crafts. Inc.; 5Jul77; 1682035.

1882036. Cookbook weaving 1. By lay S. Ispell. 31 p. O Craft Publications, Inc.; 8Jun77: 1882036.

1882037. Hacraae pets. 6 advanced aacraae projects by Hartha Holton. 23 p. O Craft Publications, Inc.; 8Jul77; 1882037.

1882038. Heavinq: the how-to for those who want to. By Cathy Bonds & Carol Hilsaps. 23 p. d Desiqner Irtistic crafts. Inc.; 8Jul77; 1882038.

1862039. Fancy knots: aacraae with the look of lace. By Judy Peacher & Lucille Haaaons. 23 p. e Craft Publications, Inc.; 5JU177; 1882039.

1882040. Behavior analysis foras for clinical intervention. By Joseph B. Cautela. 223 p. 6 Eesearch Press Coapany; 271pr77; 1882040.

1882041. FNS — life beliefs questionnaire. By Jack Down. 1 1 p. O Jack Down; 1Jan77; 1882041.

1862042. New Jersey uninsured aotorist coveraqe guide. By John J. Nooney. 33 p. Idd. ti: New Jersey uninsured ootorists coveraqe quide. John J. Nooney: 15Jan77; 1882042.

1882043. Career education suppleaent for social studies correlated to the curriculun guides for the secondary school social studies prograa. By Joseph P. Bannon. 21 p. Ippl- au: Board of Education of the City of chicaqo. Board of Education of the city of Chicaqo; 30Jun77; 1882043.

A882044. Career education suppleaent for science correlated to the curriculum guides for the secondary school science prograa. By Joseph P. Rannon. 14 p. Ippl. au: Board of Education of the City of Chicago, Board of Education of the City of Chicaqo; 28Jun77; 1882044.

1882045. The Sholtive aethod. 2 p. Ippl- au: John P. Huther (Jack) O Jack Huther; 22JU177; 1882045.

1882046. Existentialisa in literature and draaa. Philosophy 107 1. By Hubert L. Dreyfus. Sheets (104 p.) O Hubert L. Dreyfus; 15Jun77: 1882046.

1882047. Hore bric-a-brac: a book of ausings. By llta Crowley. 81 p. llta Crowley; 14Jun77; 1882047.

1882048. Syabolic chess, afteraath Jordan fiiver. Sheets (8 p.) Ippl. au: Edward Dorian Brogden. O Edward Dorian Brogden; 2Upr77; 1882048.

1882049. The Teacher and the child with spina bifida. By Betty Pieper (Elizabeth Pieper) 25 p. Betty Pieper; 24Apr77; 1862049.

A882050. Uhen sooething is wrong with your baby, looking in and reaching out. By Betty Pieper (Elizabeth Pieper) 27 p. O Betty Pieper; 24Apr77: A882050.

A882051. Southport by the sea. Book 2. By Thoaas DeV. Fredericks, illustrated by Kia Dodge 6 Karen Dodge. 35 p. Thoaas DeV. Fredericks; 4Jun7; A882051.

A882052. Talisaan, 1976-77. Editors: Adelbert Corey e Buni Bailey, sketches: Judy Hillard. 90 p. Hacoab County Coaaunity college; 9Hay77; A882052.

1882053. laerican's coin book. By Charles Hayhew'. 32 p. O Charles Hayhew; 13Jun77; 1882053.

1882054. Indigo and the antiquity of dyeing. By Frederick H. Gerber, lay-out artist: Juanita G. Gerber. 59 p. Frederick H. Gerber; 8Jul77; 1882054.

A882055. Parent resource directory. 82 p. Appi. au: Hinnesota Early Learning Design & Childbirth Education Association. d Hinnesota Early Learning Design; 1Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1882055.

1682056. 1 Day gone by in silence. Text by Eleanor B. Bhodes. 1 v. Eleanor B. Bhodes; 31Hay77; 1882056.

A882057. Cone on inl Opening the door to closet wine aaking. By Benry Ford, illustrated by Hel Nedrud. 1 v. d Henry Ford; 21Hay77; A8a2057.

1662058. Fair trial/free press; teacher's guide. By Sebecca J. Novelli e E. Todd Clark. SO p. Ippl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. O Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 3Jan77; 1882058.

1882059. Teacher's guide for The Promise of eguality: equal rights and equal opportunity in Aaerican life. By Carlton S. Hartz. 45 p. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. O Benziger Bruce and

Glencoe, Inc.; 31Jan77: A882059.


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