Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/307

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t882688 - t882730
JUL-DEC. 1977

4882687 (con.) O Hitsuo Dyehaca d.b.a. BavaiiaDa Alaaoac Publishinq Conpaoy; 12IIar77; 1882687.

A8B2688. The Nurtary Dutritioo qaidebook. By Batec Pik. 27 p. Teledyne Bater Pile; IIHay77: A882688.

1882689. Portable Instapuce: portable water treatment systea; instructions. By Hater Pik. Folder. O Teledyne Bater Pik; 9May77: i882689.

1882690. The Nurtury infant feedinq systea: use C care quide. By Bater Pik. 20 p. Teledyne Hater Pik; illlay77: 1882690.

1882691. Still off uy rocker. By Clara BcGreH Cassidy. 37 p. Clara HcGrew Cassidy: 23Bay77; 1882691.

1B82692. Boh to create a braided ruq. By Clara HcGre» Cassidy. 38 p. Clara «cGre» Cassidy: 10Jun77: 1882692.

1882693. The Secret of Indian Caye. By Florine Morqan. 100 p. Florine Morqan; 23JU177: 1882693.

1882690. Chanpions of freedon. Vol. 3. Edited by Barbara J. Siith. 15« p. Billsdale Colleqe Press: 15Dec76: 18826914.

1882695. The Central Ifrican diaries of Halter Hutley, 1877 to 1881. Edited by Jaaes B. Bolf. 299 p. (Ifrlcan historical documents series, no. 4) O Trustees of Boston Oniversity (in notice; The Board of Trustees of Boston Oniversity) ; 15Say77 (in notice: 1976); 1882695.

1882696. Lanquaqe and linqoistic problems in Ifrica; proceedings of the 7tb Conference on Ifrican Linquistics. Edited by Paul Francis loon Fotey 6 Haiq Der-Houssikian- 486 p. Syaposiua held at the Oniversity of Florida, Gainesyille, ipr. 23-25, 1976. Paul Francis Imon Kotey & Haig Der-Houssikiau for the 7th Conference on Ifrican Linquistics; 18Jul77; 1882696.

1882697. The Deaotic verbal systea. By Janet H. Johnson. 3U4 p. (Studies in ancient oriental civilization, no. 38) Oniversity of Chicago; 23llay77 (in notice: 1976); 1882697.

1882696. Dodo's Goqo plant hanqer. Folder. Dodo Sales. Inc.; 12Jan77; 1882698.

1882699. 1 Tree, a christaas tree. By Nancy Inn Hilliaas Batkins. 6 p. 6 Nancy Inn Rilliaas Batkins: 10Jun77: 1882699.

1882700. Hood's Of Hichiqan; pen 6 ink drawings of Hichiqan* s history & heritage. By Baiter J. Husial. U? p. Halter J. Husial: 15Jun77; 1882700.

1882701. controlled aaintenance progran; instruction aanual. 11 p. Idd. ti: Instruction aanual for Controlled aaintenance proqraa. Inalysts, Inc.; 20Hay77: 1882701.

1882702. Bury * Ea Brown; aeabership fora. By Balph Plaisted. 1 p. Balph Plaisted; 1Apr77; A882702

1882703. Huntington technical dictionary. Edited by Don Billiaas, prepared in cooperation with the staff of Huntington Laboratories, Inc. 45 p. NH: coapilation i additional text. Huntington Laboratories, Inc. ; 151pr77: 1882703.

18827011. Introducing the world of work; a aanual for teaching econoaic concepts. 58 p. Ippl. au: Nellie J. Spinks t Elizabeth Schwaaaberqer. NH: introductory reaarks, editorial, activities, posters G additions to bibliography. O National Schools Coaaittee for Econoaic Education, Inc.; 15Jun77; 1882704.

1882705. lllerqy and iaaunology self-assessaent proqraa, 1977; syllabus. 228 p. Ippl. au; Allergy and Iaaunology Self-lssessaent Proqraa. Aaerican Icadeny of Allergy, Aaerican Association for Clinical Iaaunology and Allerqy, Aaerican Board of Allergy and Iaaunology, a conjoint board of the Aaerican Board of Internal Medicine & the Aaerican Board of Pediatrics, Aaerican Association of Certified Allergists 6 Aaerican College of lilergists; 18flay77; 1882705.

1882706. Doctor Personnel aanual, aedical office procedures. By aichael Saverson. 65 p. Bernard Publications Group; 5Jul77; 1882706.

1882707. The Cannabis conspiracy. Britten by Beuben Goldberg & David Seth Goldberg. 1 V. O David Seth Goldberg & Beuben Goldberg; 7Jul77; 1882707.

1882708. Istro I.Q. gaae. 2 p. Appl. an: Vincent J. Picataci. Vincent J. Picataci; 27Jun77; A882708.

1882709. Bid-llert. Vol. 1, issue no. 1. By Coaaerce Publishinq, Inc. Folder. Appl. au: Baiter B. Bhitaan. Coaaerce Publishinq; 24Jun77; A882709.

A882710. EBISl Benefit Funds, sprinq 1977 directory of pension funds. State of Hichiqan (excluding Detroit area) 314 p. Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77: A882710.

1882711. Hashinqton lobbyists/lawyers directory. Compiled by Amward Publications, Inc. 2nd ed. 239 p. Appl. au: Edward P. Zuckerman. Prev. pub. 1975 as Basbinqton influence directory. Amward Publi- cations, Inc.; 20Hay77; A882711.

1882712. Hy son, the doctor. By Sean Teedell, pseud, of Julius 1. Brenner. 1 p. Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. OOTI; 5NOV76: A882712.

A882713. The Counselor's response. By Sean Teedell, pseud, of Julius A. Brenner. 1 p. Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 6Nov76: A882713.

A882714. Ode to time. By Hal Hayes. 1 p. Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 25Jan77; A882714.

1882715. The Diqnity of work. By Sean Yeedell, pseud, of Julius 1. Brenner. 1 p. O Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 6Nov7e; 1882715.

1862716. Ind so they were eighteen. By Sean Teedell, pseud, of Julius A. Brenner. 1 p. O Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI: 6NOV76; A882716.

A882717. Teacher's reward. By Sean Yeedell, pseud, of Julius A. Brenner. 1 p. Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 25Jan77; 1882717.

1882718. Susan. By Sean Yeedell, pseud, of Julius A. Brenner. 1 p. Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 25Jan77; A882718.

A882719. 01 veyl a leprechaun! By Sean Yeedell, pseud, of Julius A. Brenner. 1 p. C Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 17Bar77; A882719.

1882720. 1 Parent's dilemma. By Sean Yeedell, pseud, of Julius 1. Brenner. 1 p. Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 1Jun77; A882720.

A882721. Everything you always wanted to know about my art but were afraid to ask! 3 p. Appl. au: Jerome Joseph Lunieski (Jay) Jeroae Joseph Lunieski a.k.a. Jay Lunieski; 19Apr77; A882721.

A882722. San Francisco Coamunity College District conmunity colleqe centers vocational ESL aaster plan. 50 p. O San Francisco Coamunity colleqe District; 1Jun76; A882722.

A882723. Flexonics high- and low-pressure expansion coapensators. Engineering guide no. 730. Folder (5 p.) Appl. au: Flexonics Division, OOP. Inc. (formerly Universal Oil Products Coapany) O Oniversal Oil Products Coapany; 22NOV70; 1882723.

1882724. Flexonics flexible connectors and accessories. Engineering guide no. 370. 11 p. Ippl. au: Flexonics Division, UPO, Inc. Portion prev. pub. 1970. O OOP, Inc.; 25Feb76; 1882724.

1882725. Summary of proceedings. Fourth Manageaent Institute, ipril 12-14, 1977, Saint Petersburg, Florida. 77 p. The Coaaittee on the Office of Attorney General of the National Association of Attorneys General; 24Jun77; A882725.

A882726. Pope and Young Club big gaae records. Vol. 5, no. 1 6 2, Hay 1977. 13 p. Pope and Young Club; 8Jun77: 1882726.

1882727. Super Franklin heat-o-vectot for your fireplace. By Bob 6 Linda Taber. 1 p. Add. ti: Heat-o-vector, super Franklin advertisement. Appl. au: Hack T. Storey. O Hack T. Storey; 15Apr77: A882727.

A8e2728. Hah-noo-tooB-too poo-doo-iay: a book for congas. By Efrea, pseud, of Efrain U. Logreira. 1 v. Efrain H. Logreira; 30Jun75; A882728.

A882729. Hho is she? By Terry Adkison. 2 p. Terry Adkison; 15Feb77; 1882729.

1882730. Code for sea trials, 1973. Prepared by

Panel H-19 (Ship trials) of the Ships'


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