Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/313

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4882937 (con.) iDternatioDal Lutheran Laynen's League; 19Jun77: (1882937.

»882938. Doinq your ohd thing; Lutheran Hour serBon. By Osuaid BoffBaan, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) International Lutheran LayBen*s League; 26Jun77; 4882938.

4882939. FreedoB and responsibility; Lutheran Bour serBon. By Arain C. Oldsen, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) O International Lutheran LayBen's League; 3Jul77; 1882939.

A8829U0. Love yourself properly; Lutheran Bour seraon. By Arfflin C. Old sen, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p. ) e International Lutheran Layaeu's League; 3JU177: A8829»0.

A8829U1. HoH love got started; Lutheran Hour seraon. By Arain C. Oldsen, presented by The Lutheran Bour. Folder (6 p.) International Lutheran Layaen's League; 10Jul77; A8829lt1.

4882942. Love everybody; Lutheran Hour seraon. By ArBin C. Oldsen, presented by The Lutheran Bour. Folder <6 p. ) In- ternational Lutheran Layaen's League; 17JU177: A882942.

A882943. King's crusader. By John Jakes. 304 p. MH: revisions. John Jakes; 15Jul77; 4882943.

A882944. The Budapest action. By Joseph Bosenberger. 202 p. (Death aerchant, no. 23) O Pinnacle Books, Inc.; 1SJul77; 4882944.

A882945. A Case of indelicate chaapaqne; a gouraet's guide to dying out. By Fred Halliday. 146 p. Appl. au: XCB Liaited Partnership, eaployer for hire. O XCB Liaited Partnership: 15Jul77; 4882945.

4882946. Hatch set. By Orlando 8. Petrocelli. 370 p. 0. E. Petrocelli; 15Jal77: 4882946.

4882947. Preparation of aodels for F.H.E. Phase 6. FHB/1. Contributor: Felix F. Voycheshiu. 4 p. (Restorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch: 1Aug77; A882947.

A882948. The Posterior partial veneer crovn; or. Posterior 3/4 croan. Phase 7, aT/FHB 8. Contributor: Felix F. ioycheshin. 4 p. (Bestotative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) C The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch: 7Jul77: A882948.

4882949. Essentials for croiin and bridge restorations and types of bridges. Phase 7, BT/FHB 12. Contributor: Felix P. Roycheshin. 4 p. (Restorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 12JU177: 4882949.

A8S2950. Classification and selection of retainers. Phase 7. ET/FHB 11. Contributor: Felix F. Boycheshin. 3 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) The Oniversity of Texas Health Science center at Houston, Dental Branch; 7Jul77; A882950.

A882951. Handibular bicuspid full croHn preparation. Phase 7, BT/FHE 7. Contributor: Felix F. Hoycheshin. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science center at Houston, Dental Branch: 7Jul77: 4882951.

A882952. Haxillary and aandibular bicuspid 3/4 crovns. Phase 7, BI/FUE 10. Contributor: Felix F. aoycheshin. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 7JU177; A882952.

A8829S3. Haxillary and aandibular aolar 3/4 crown preparations. Phase 7, HT/FHB 9. contributor: Felix F. Uoycheshin. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 7Jul77; A882953.

A882954. Loss of natural tooth. Phase 8, FHE/17. Contributor: Douglas H. Lyon. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) Add. ti: Loss of a natural tooth. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 1Aug77; A882954.

A882955. Objectives of Fixed Multiple Besto- rations Departaent. Phase 7, BT/FHB 5. Contributor: Felix F. Hoycheshin. 3 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch: 7Jul77; A882955.

AB82956. History of crotin and bridge prost- hodontics. Phase 7, BT/FHB 6. Con- tributor: Felix F. Ioycheshin. 3 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science center at Houston, Dental Branch; 7Jul77; A882956.

A882957. Haxillary central incisor three-quarter croun. Phase 8, FHB/14. Contributor: Felix F. ioycheshin. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science center at Houston, Dental Branch; 1Auq77; A882957.

4682958. Cutting instruaents and principles of tooth surgery. Phase 6, FHB/2. contributor: Felix F. Hoycheshin. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 14ug77; 4882958.

4882959. The Full veneer gold crown; the fabrication of a full gold cro»n retainer for the aaxillary right first aolar in F.H.B. aanikin aodel no. 1. Phase 6, FHE/4. Contributor: Felix F. Hoycheshin. 6 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 14ug77; 4882959.

Ae82960. The Full gold cast croan. Phase 6, FHB/3. Contributor: Felix F. Ioycheshin. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) The Oniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch: 14ug77: 4882960.

4882961. The Anterior three-quarter crown preparation. Phase 8, FHB/13. Con- tributor: Felix F. Hoycheshin. 4 p. (Bestorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health Science center at Houston, Dental Branch; 14ug77; 4882961.

4882962. Pontics. Phase 8, FHB/16. Contributor: Felix F. Hoycheshin. 6 p. (Restorative therapy aodule fixed aultiple restorations series) O The Oniversity of Texas Health science Center at Houston, Dental Branch; 14ug77; 4882962.

4882963. Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Dredging and Its Environaental Effects, Mobile, January 26-28, 1976. Edited by Peter 4. Krenkel, John Harrison £ J. Cleaent Burdick 3rd. 1037 p. 4dd. ti: Dredging and its environaental effects. Appl. au: Aaerican Society of Civil Engineers. Aaerican Society of Civil Enqineers; 15Sep76; 4882963.

4882964. Soybean digest blue book. Vol. 37, no. 8b, June 1977. Editor: Lynn Hunyer. 180 p. Appl. au: Aaerican Soybean 4sso- ciation. 4aericatt Soybean 4ssociation; 8Jun77; 4882964.

A882965. Auerbach data processiuq aanageaent, July 1977. 2 p. 6 5 V. O Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 19Jul77; 4882965.

4882966. Auerbach data base aanageaent, July-August 1977. 2 p. 6 6 v. Add. ti: Auerbach inforaation aanageaent series data base aanageaent, July-August 1977. O Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 18Jul77; A882966.

A882967. Auerbach data coaaunications aanageaent, July-August 1977. 2 p. 6 5 v. Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 18Jul77; A882967.

A882968. The Horseplayer's guide to picking winners. sould All-Day, Inc.; 15Feb77; A882968.

A882969. Hediua rare: a look at the book and its people. By Saauel S. Vaughan. 39 p. (B. B. Bowker aeaorial lectures, new series, no. 4) An abridgeaent prev. appeared in Publishers weekly, Nov. 22, 1976. C B. R. Bowker Coapany; 22Jul77; A882969.

A882970. Setting national priorities: the 1978 budget. Editor: Joseph A. Pechaan. 443 p. Appl. au: Brookings, eaployer for hire. O The Brookings Institution; 14JU177; 4882970.

4882971. Huaanistic perspectives: current trends in psychology. Edited by Barry HcHaters. 248 p. Appl. states all aaterial is original except four articles by Gibb, Bogers, Jeroae £ Hells. Hadsworth Publishing coapany. Inc.; 18Jul77; 4882971.

A882972. Life-span developaental psychology: introduction to research aethods. By Paul B. Baltes, Hayne Uaring Beese S John B.

Sesselroade. 272 p. Hadsworth


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