Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/338

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A883967 (con.) Alvin ». iilliams. Bicrofiln. © ilvin t. Billiams; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883967.

A883968. Perceivei product quality and intrinsic motivation as a partial function of personal orientation and siaulated norlcinq conditions. By Dennis Bobert Poster. Hicrofila. 6 Dennis Bobert Poster; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A883968.

A883969. A Study of the prediction of academic achievement in fifth-qrade mathematics "for certain" intellectual and nonin- tellectual variables measured in qrades one and three within selected ethnic qroups. By Georqe Bashinqton Wimbush. Microfilm, e Georqe Bashinqton Bimbush; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A883969.

AB83970. Nonverbal cues of teacher warmth as perceived by students. By Bosemary Susan Gafner. Microfilm. 9 Bosemary Susan Gafner; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883970.

Aa83971. Beadinq disablility: diagnosis, prescription and remediation techniques for school psycholoqists. By Sharon Kay Bhite Hawk. Microfilm. © Sharon Kay Bhite Hawk; 15Jul77; A883971.

A883972. The Genesis of English landscape etching. By Richard Steven schneiderman. Microfilm. 6 Bichard Steven Schneiderman; 15JU177: A883972.

A883973. Dicarboxylic and neutral amino acid transport in an established mouse lymphocytic cell line. By Morris Charles Finkelstein. Microfilm. O Morris Charles Finkelstein; 15Jul77; A883973.

A88397'l. Beqional mappinq of mammalian genes: human qalactokinase, murine 18S and 28S ribosomal BNA, and investiqation of a new parasexual method for determininq recombination frequencies between qenes. By Susan Maria Elsevier. Microfilm. O Susan Maria Elsevier; 15Jul77; A88397it.

A883975. Four essays in the theory of uncertainty and portfolio choice. By Jonathan Eaton. Microfilm. Jonathan Eaton; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883975.

A883976. The Polarization of the neutrons produced by the photo-disintegration of deuterium. By Lawrence Joel Drooks. Microfilm. © Lawrence Joel Drooks; 15JU177: A883976.

A883977. Screw propulsion in American lake and coastal steam navigation, 18110-1860; a case study in the diffusion of tech- noloqical innovation. By Donald Bay Dohrmann. Microfilm. O Donald Bay Dohrmann; 15Jul77: A883977.

A883978. Moses in the letter to the Hebrews. By Mary Rose D* Anqelo. Microfilm. © Mary Bose D'Angelo; 15JU177; A883978.

A883979. The Alcoholism— as-disease model and correlates of treatment. By Billiam Daley. Microfilm. © Billiam Daley; 15JU177; A883979.

Ae83980. The Advantage of incumbency in congressional elections. By Albert David cover. Microfilm. © Albert David cover; 15JU177; 1883980.

A883981. Biblical poetics: a linguistic approach. By Alan Mitchell Cooper. Microfilm. e Alan Mitchell cooper; 15Jul77; A383981.

Ae83982. The Isle of ladies: a fifteenth century English Chaucerian poem. By Anne Bosemarie Conroy. Microfilm. Anne Bosemarie Conroy; 15Jul77; A883982.

A883983. Cognitive development and the acqui- sition of semantic knowledge in northern Belize. By Robert Arthur Rubinstein. Microfilm. S Robert Arthur Rubinstein; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A883983.

A8B3984. Don Juan Tenorio by Don Jose S^orrilla: a new translation and introduction. By Michael David Miner. Microfilm- 9 Michael David Miner; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883984.

A883985. History of the Dominican Congregation of Our Lady of the Eosary of Sparkill, New york, 1876-1951. By Sister Mary Lucille Collins, O.P. (Mary Isabelle Collins) Microfilm. © Sister Mary Lucille Collins, O.P.; 15JU177; A883985.

A883986. Developing a model for counseling services in Maryland community colleges: a survey study. By Marvin Allen Boss. Microfilm. © Marvin Allen Boss; 15Jul77; A883986.

A883987. An Operational model using the institutional goals inventory for determining the effectiveness of a college's administration. By John Thomas Pohto. Microfilm. © John Thomas Pohto; 15JU177; A883987.

A88398e. Studies on liver phosphorylase kinase. By Barbara Ann Bahl Mozayeny. Microfilm. O Barbara Aon Bahl Mozayeny; 15Jul77; A883968.

A883989. Studies on the opacity factor of Streptococcus pyogenes Lancefield type 2. By Octavio yinceut Martinez. Microfilm. © Octavio Vincent Martinez; 15Jul77; A883989.

A883990. A Model of the visual system for tree recognition. By Michael Terry Hyson. Microfilm. O Michael Terry Hyson; 15JU177: &88399.0.

A883991. A comparative study of self-disclosure and self-concepts of the drug abuser and the non-drug abuser. By Thomas Bilson. Microfilm. O Thomas Bilson; 15Jul77; A883991.

A883992. Bhythmic aspects of the behavior of an intertidal sandy beach organism; Emerita talpoida. By Ariynn Quinton Bhite, Jr. Microfilm. ^'p Ariynn Quinton Bhite, Jr. ; 15JU177; A883992.

A883993. Greek tragedy in the nineteenth century: three case studies. By Thomas Herbert Lane. Microfilm. © Thomas Herbert Lane; 15JU177; A883993.

A883994. The Red notables: French communism and socialism at the grassroots. By Denis Charles Joseph Lacorne. Microfilm. © Denis Charles Joseph Lacorne; 15Jul77; A883994.

A883995. The Function of christological proof from prophecy for Luke and Justin. By Billiam Stephen Kurz. Microfilm, e Billiam Stephen Kurz; 15Jul77; A883995.

A883996. Meaning and structure in the initial clinical interview. By Robert Samuel Kruger. Microfilm. © Robert Samuel Kruger; 15Jul77; A883996.

A883997. The Primal scene: a study of fantasy and perception regarding parental sexuality. By Michael Fred Hoyt. Microfilm. © Michael Fred Hoyt; 15Jul77; A883997.

A883998. The Rhetoric of representation in 19th century short narrative forms. By Virginia Katherine Howe. Microfilm. © Virginia Katherine Howe; 15Jul77; A883998.

A883999. An Investigation of some of the long-term psychological effects of open classroom teaching on primary school children in England. By Robert Alan Horwitz. Microfilm. © Robert Alan Horwitz; 15Jul77; A883999.

A88i(000. Theology as grammar: an inquiry into the function of language in the theology of Karl Barth. By Elsabeth Slaughter Hilke. Microfilm. O Elsabeth Slaughter Hilke; 15JU177: A884000.

A884001. Important directions for a feminist critique of religion in the works of sigmund Freud and carl Jung. By Naomi Ruth Goldenberg. Microfilm. © Naomi Ruth Goldenberg; 15Jul77; A88it001.

A88lt002. Aegean faience of the Bronze Age. By Karen Polinger Foster. Microfilm. 9 Karen Polinger Poster; 15Jul77; A88400 2.

ABBtOOS. The Effect of counseling task sessions conducted by fifth grade counselors versus a school counselor on the self-coocept of selected children. By Sandra Lee Bendel. Microfilm. © Sandra Lee Bendel; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; ASBtOOS.

A884004. The Status of campus laboratory schools in Pennsylvania. By John Robert Mallino. Microfilm. © John Bobert Mallino; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A884004.

A884005. Saint-Evremond's prose style. By Alfred Mark Silvia. Microfilm. © Alfred Mark Silvia; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A884a0S.

A884006. The Effects of a behavioral group counseling method on the study habits, attitudes and academic achievement of some differently qualified students. By Barbara LaMar Porter. Microfilm. © Barbara LaMar Porter; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884006.

A884007. An Exploratory investigation of the

products/needs matrix as a methodology for


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.