Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/355

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A88it663 (con.) internatioDal relatioos class. By Haren Allan Stein. Hicrofili. O Hacen Allan Stein: 15Jul77; A88lt663.

A88t6eit. Foreign licensinq policy in nulti- national enterprises. By Piero Telesio. Hicrofila. C Piero Telesio; 15Jul77: A68lt66U.

A881I665. Patients* and therapists* differential expectations of psychotherapy as correlates of patient dcopout. By Bosalyn Sherry Smith. Hicrofila. Sosalyn Sherry Smith; 15Jul77; A8811665.

i88«666. Orqanizational desiqn and adaptation in social service aqencies: an administrative systems perspective. By Oavid William Younq. Bicrofila. 6 David Uilliam Tounq: 15JU177: A8811666.

A88I4667. The Occupational characteristics and residential location of Chicago central business district employees. By Sari Johanna Bennett. nicrofilm. 6 Sari Johanna Bennett: 1SJul77: A88U667.

A88U66S. The Development of brand-related attitudes, skills* and knowledqe in children. By Steven Leonard Diamond. Microfilm. e Steven Leonard Diamond; 15JU177: A884658.

A881t669. An Empirical analysis of two ocqa- nization development interventions in a larqe production orqanization. By Baudall K. Bess. Hicrofila. Bandall K. Hess; 13JU177; A88i«669.

A88l(570. A Study of NOS account strateqies: the Hassachusetts and New Bampshire expe- rience. By Hicfaael Joseph Biley. Hicrofilm. C Hichael Joseph Biley; 15JU177; A88"t670.

A88l(671. A Neiqhborhood in transition: a lonqitudinal study of the perceptions of neiqhborhood desirability during the early staqes of racial change. By Cornelius Ualter Sullivan. Hicrofilm. e Cornelius Baiter Sullivan; 15Jul77; A884671.

A8B11672. Bobust decision-directed fiiterinq. By Georqe Halter Gawrys. Hicrofilm. Georqe Walter Gaiirys: 15Jul77; A88U672.

A884673. Huanca-Quechua dialectology. By Bodolfo Harcial Cerron-Palomino. Hicrofilm. e Bodolfo Harcial Cerron-Palomino; 15JU177: A88lt673.

A88lt67lt. Bobert Beitzel (1819-1898) and his German- American periodical Der Arae Teufel. By Bandall Paul Donaldson, nicrofilm. C Bandcill Paul Donaldson; 15JU177; A88"t674.

A884675. The Process of imaqination in John Dewey's philosophy of aesthetic expe- rience. By Laurence Baymond Tenzer. Hicrofilm. C Lawrence Baymond Tenzer; 15Jul77; A884675.

A88H676. Lyrical positivism. By Carlee H. Lippman. Hicrofilm. Carlee U. Lippman; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); Aa8«676.

A88lt677. International facility planninq: reqarding the application of scientific approaches. By Dong Sung Cbo. Hicrofilm. e Dong Sung Cho; 15JU177; A8811677.

A8811678. Local spaces with three cells as H-spaces. By Nancy Linekeu Haqelgans. Hicrofilm. O Nancy LineXen Hageigans; 15JU177; A88a678.

A884679. World food projection models, pro- -jections* and policy evaluation. By Bideo Hashimoto. Hicrofilm. 6 Bideo Hashimoto; 15Jal77: A884679.

A884680. The Hechanical processes of deformation of granitic basement, and the role of ductile deformation zones in the deformation of Blue Bidge basement rocks in northern Virginia. By Gautam Hitra. Microfilm. O Gautam Hitra; 15Jal77; A88U680.

A88I4681. Husical change and commercial recording in Egypt, 19011-1932. By Ali Jihad Bacy. Hicrofilm. Ali Jihad Bacy; 15Jul77; A88lt681.

A88II682. The Social learning approach as considered by Edgar S. Dunn, Jr., John Friedmann, Charles Hampden-Turner and Donald A. Schon : its possible contri- butions to social welfare policy and planning in America. By Thomas Dale Watts. Hicrofilm. O Thomas Dale Watts; ,ce: 1975) ; A88"4682.

15JU177 (i A88l(683. An Analysis of the professional aspects of public accountancy. By Hichael Irwin Groner. Hicrofilm. O Hichael Irwin Groner; 15Jul77; A884683.

AeSlbSU. Hines, migrants and masters: an ethnography of labor turnover at a Namibian mine. By Bobert James Gordon. Hicrofilm. © Bobert James Gordon; 15JU177: A88i*68a.

A884&85. Institutionalizing innovation. By Hariann Jelinek. Hicrofilm. Hariann Jelinek; 15JU177; ABSHSSS.

A881I686. Effect of religious orientation, purpose in life, and locus of control on the death anxiety of college students. By Walter Joseph Sullivan. Hicrofilm. O Walter Joseph Sullivan: 15Jul77: ABBIbSe.

A88 14687. Organizational conflict: a consequence of community participation in a ghetto- based mental health program. By Aaron Schmais. Hicrofilm. O Aaron Scbmais; 15JU177; A884687.

A88lt688. International mass retailing; a clinical analysis of current decision making processes in selected European ventures. By Charles Waldman. Hicrofilm. Charles Waldman; 1SJul77; A8eit688.

A884689. Ethnic identity and social negotiation: a study of a Filipino community in California. By Edwin Boado Alairol. Hicrofilm. Edwin Boado Almirol; 15JU177; A88U689.

A88469a. The String quartets of Peter Winter (17 54-1825) By Gary Lee Zellec. Hicrofilm. NH: introd. , biography

Aa84691. Effect of Corynebacterium parvum on immune reactivity of normal dogs and autologous marrow graft recipients. By Haya Sofia Pineiro. Hicrofilm. O Haya Sofia Pineiro; 15Jul77; A884b91.

A884692. The Evolution of corporate new venture divisions. By Norman David Past. Hicrofilm. O Worman David Fast; 1SJul77; A884692.

AB84693. A Comparative study of rectal and urethral gonorrhea with special reference to diagnosis and cuituring techniques. By Nicholas Bruce Biccardi. Hicrofilm. Nicholas Bruce Biccardi; 15Jul77; A884693.

AB84694. Supervision and training of prospective pianists for the Church of the Nazarene. By Joyce Evonne Neuenschwander. Hicrofilm. O Joyce Evonne Neuenschwander; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976); A88a694.

A884695. Influence of psycho-social factors in a newly integrated school. By Jo Ann Elkins Schilhab. Hicrofila. O Jo Ann Elkins Schilhab; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A884695.

A884696. A Linear planning model for education with applications to Senegal. By Phillip G. LeBel. Hicrofilm. O Phillip G. LeBel; 15Jun77; A884696.

A884697. Effects of social skill training and group counseling on adolescent self- and peer perceptions. By Harion Jean Nesbit. nicrofilm. O Harion Jean Nesbit; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884697.

A8e4698. Social structure and the immigration process as factors in the analysis of a non-white immigrant minority: the case of the pilipinos in Hidwest City, U.S.A. By Antonio J. Alvarez Pldo. Hicrofila. O Antonio J. Alvarez Pido; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884698.

A88II699. Length of service, community social relationships, and perceptions of community figures: a study of police personnel. By Donald Alan Seckler. Hicrofilm. 6 Donald Alan Seckler; 15Hay77 (in notice: 1976); A884699.

A884700. Existing and desired collective negotiations relationships as perceived by administrators, board of education members and teachers in selected Illinois school districts. By Judith Elaine Schmidt. Hicrofilm. Judith Elaine Schmidt; 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884700.

Aa847ai. A Theory of diseguilibrium decision making under uncertainty with an application to labor markets. By Peter Joseph Coughlin. Hicrofilm. Q Peter Joseph Coughlin; 15Hay77; A884701.

A884702. Ontario colleges of applied arts and technology in transition. By Stanley Adam Staanard. Hicrofilm. O Stanley Adam Stannard; 15Hay77; A884702.

A884703. Analysis of Orion, ballet (with) original composition

By James Earl


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