Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/382

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4885676 - 4885716
JUL-DEC. 1977

4885675 (con.) Victor Fanberq. © Victor V. Fanberq; 2Nov76: 4885675.

4885676. 4-4dvanced Locksmith •s 5 and 6 pin JuDkunc code. Britten by Victor Fanberq. 1 V. e Victor Fanberq: 2Nov76: 488567b.

4885677. The Spirit: the first 93 dailies. By Bill Eisner. 1 v. Prev. pub. 1940 as daily newspaper strip. NM; revisions. e Bill Eisner: 54pr77; 4885677.

4885678. How you can quit smoking. By Billiaa F. Nelson, Jr. 1 v. Add. ti: How you can stop sDokinq. 6 Billiam F. Nelson, Jr. (in notice:. Bill Kelson); 14uq77; 4885678.

4885679. Bustle and Bonnet Doll Club favorite recipes. 44 p. S Bustle and Bonnet Doll Club of Southern California (in notice: Bustle and Bonnet Doll Club) : 26Jul77: 4885679.

4385680. The Radical nature of Christianity; church qroHth eyes look at the super- natural mission of the Christian and the church. By Naldo John Herninq. 220 p. e Ualdo John Uerninq: 11Hay76 (in notice: 1975): 4885680.

4885681. Estroqens and menopause. 22 p. & Dorsey Laboratories, division of Sandoz, Inc.; 84uq77; 4885631.

4885682. The Top method for quitar. By Cecil Bay Jones. 13 p. 4ppl. au: Harqaret 4nn Jones, e Cecil Bay Jones: 294pr77: 4885682.

4885683. The National Kheelchait Athletic Association constitution and rules; traininq techniques and records. 131 p. e National Bheelchair 4thletic 4sso- ciation: 10llay77: 4885683.

4885684. 4 Guide to your open-water dive. By Thomas J. Griffiths. lip. Thomas J. Griffiths (in notice: Tom Griffiths); 64pr77: 4885684.

A885685. The Strand. By Violet V. Enqlund. 123 p. e Violet V. Enqlund; 14aq77; 4885635.

4885686. Study of home health services in Illinois. Issued by Illinois Council of Home Health Services. 4 p. 6 insert. 4ppl. au: Geneva Tulqa. Geneva Tulga; 1Har76: 4885686.

4885687. Bhite dwarf. 4 Beadinq given by Olf Goebel. 26 p. Appl. states all new except Christine, Pink stucco e Age six. Some text prev. pub. in Huron review, sprinq 1977 e others. O Ulf Goebel: 284pr77; 4885687.

4885688. Metro hospital: a true to life medical qame. Kit. 4ppl. au: S. L. Markland. e S. L. Harkland: 7Hay77; 4885688.

4885689. Hhose copyright man? By aerrilyn E. Barrick. 44 p. e Merrilyn E. Barrick; 204pr77: 4885689.

4885690. Five-minute homilies on the qospels of cycles 4, B, C (every homily beqins with a story) By 4rthur J. Tonne. 177 p. Portions prev. pub. in Pastoral life. NM: additions, revisions & compilation. e 4rthur J. Tonne; 30Jun77; 4885690.

4885691. 50th anniversary year; treasures from the flower gardens of the world for ladies and gentlemen. By Barry Dayl a.k. a. Henri Monet. Folder. 4dd. ti: 50th anni- versary: 1927-1977, Henri Monet, e Barry Dayl a.k. a. Henri Monet; 5Jul77: 4885691.

4385692. 4 Poetic assortment. A Collection of poetry & prose written by Theresa Bo Seifert, sketches by 4nthony Seifert & Andrew Cala. 80 p. 9 Theresa fi. Seifert; 16Jun77: A885692.

4885693. Kittery sketch book. By Billiam Stanley Groqan. 37 p. Billiam S. Grogan; 19Dec76; 4885693.

4885694. Dntitled; the literary magazine of University College, Butgers — the state University, 1977- Editor-in-chief; Jane Sukoneck 6 other editors. 28 p. @ Bobert B. Kusch; 9May77; 4885694.

4885695. Nuclear energy in the developing world. Lectures by Edward Teller. 140 p. 4ppl. au: The BITBE Corporation, e The MITEE Corporation; 204pr77; 4885695.

4885696. Balk with history. Editor: Joan L. Franks. 68 p. @ Chattanooga 4rea Historical 4ssociation; 14Jan76; 4885696.

A885697. Employee discipline and arbitration: case stories in private and public employment, with suggested questions for discussion. By Morris Stone. 79 p. 3 American Arbitration 4ssociation; 15Jun77; 4885697.

4885693. Bheeling and dealing; winning the bicycle game: a bicycle guide to lavs, shops, safety, selection, buying, security, maintenance. 20 p. 4ppl. au; Deborah Ingram & Mark Tullis. (B Student Consumer 4ction Union of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Bill: 16May77; 4885698.

4835699. A Christian looks at Hormonism. By Billiam J. Mitchell. 53 p. Nil: additions £ compilation. Q Billiam J. Mitchell; 254pr77; A885699.

A885700. A True story of the State of Missis- sippi. By Tommie Matchingtouch. 44 p. Add. ti: No, it is not necessary for Africa to be your home just because you are black. 3 Tommie Matchingtouch; 24Mar77: A885700.

4885701. Beginning at Cold Springs: the history of 411en. Oklahoma, 1882-1976. By Hope Patterson Mclnroy. 296 p. NB: additions, revisions & compilation. © Hope Patterson Mclnroy: 25Jul77 (in notice: 1976): 4885701.

A88S702. Introducing the Early Financial Aid Planning Service. Folder. © College Entrance Examination Board; 5Aug77; 4885702.

4885703. Explaining financial aid to students and parents. Prepared by the College Scholarship Service of the College Entrance Examination Board. 1 1 p. 4ppl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. NM: updating. 8 College Entrance Examination Board; 5Aug77; A885703.

A885704. Career skills assessment program of the College Board; specifications for career awareness skills; experimental ed. 6 p. 3 College Entrance Examination Board; 8Aug77; A885704.

A88570 5. College Board ATP reports, 1977-78. Prepared by Educational Testing Service. 23 p. 4ppl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. 3 College Entrance Examination Board; 27May77; 4835705.

4835706. The Food chemical news guide; weekly replacement pages, July 18, 1977. 1 v. 3 Food Chemical News, Inc. ; 18Jul77; 4885706.

4885707. The Food chemical news guide; weekly replacement pages, July 11, 1977. 1 v. e Food Chemical News, Inc.; 11Jul77: 4385707.

4385708. The Food chemical news guide; weekly replacement pages, July 4, 1977. 1 v. 9 Food Chemical News, Inc.; 4Jul77; 4885708.

4835709. The Food chemical news guide; weekly replacement pages, June 27, 1977. 1 v. Food Chemical News, Inc.; 27Jun77; 4885709.

4885710. The Pesticide chemical news guide; replacement pages, July 1, 1977. 1 v. 3 Food Chemical News, Inc.; 14ug77; 4885710.

A885711. The Food chemical news guide; weekly replacement pages, Aug. 1, 1977. 1 v. 9 Food Chemical News, Inc.; 14ug77: 4835711.

A885712. The Food chemical news guide; weekly replacement pages, July 25, 1977. 1 v. e Food Chemical News, Inc.; 25JU177; A385712.

A835713. Bradford National Corporation, August 5, 1977. By Bobert K. O'Connor. 1 p. (Computer-based services industry) Appl. au; The Fourteen Research Corporation. 3 The Fourteen Research Corporation; 54ug77; 4885713.

4885714. Option strategy: an exploration of defensive leverage. By Howard Diamond. 1 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Research Corporation. 9 The Fourteen Research Corporation; 2Aug77; A885714.

4835715. The Utility attrition index. By Billiam H. Bucknell. Sth ed., suppl. 1. 4 p. 4ppl. au: The Fourteen Research Cor- poration. 9 The Fourteen Research Corporation; 14ug77; 4885715.

4885716. 4utomatic Data Processing, 4ugust 5, 1977. By Bobert K. O'Connor. 1 p. (Computer-based services industry) Appl.

au: The Fourteen fiesearch Corporation.


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