Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/399

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A886389 (con.) by Alan Fensin. 1 v. O The Niqht Life Guide Company; 29Jul77: A886389.

A886390. The Strinq theory of bovlinq. 1 y- Appl. au: Louis B. HcKenzie. 3 Louis H. BcKenzie; 16Auq77; A886390.

A886391. Pierce piano atlas. 7th ed. 352 p. e Millard Robert Pierce (Bob Pierce); 26JU177: A886391.

A886392. Computational Dumber loqic. By Gerald A. Weaver. 124 p. Gerald A. Heaver; 1Auq77: A886392.

A886 393. iDtroductiOD to Hawaii and the Doited States; a manual for students from abroad. By Nancy Alpert HoHer. 51 p. fi 2 folders. O The Foundation for Study io Hawaii and Abroad; 11Jul77; ABa6393.

A8863911. You can build financial security. By Colin Barrett. 19 p. Colin Barrett; 15Auq77: A88b39U.

A886395. The Story of computers, iritten 6 illustrated by Donald D. Spencer. 61 p. H!l: 2% new text e addition of 7 line drawinqs. 6 Camelot Publishioq Company, Inc.; 1Jul77: A886395.

A886 396. Astronomy. Folder. Q AstroHedia Corporation; 11Auq77; A886395.

A886397. A Course on the application of qroup theory to quantum mechanics. pt. 1-2. By Irene Verona Schensted. 3U2 p. NH: p. 70-340. e NEO Press; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8a6397.

Aa86398. Accessions/1976-77. 16 p. Appl. au : Hilliam C. Landwehr. e Sprinqfield Art auseum: 1ltAuq77: A886398.

A886 399. Successful supervision: a handbook for new income maintenance supervisors participatinq in the Basic orientation to supervision proqram. Sheets. Appl. au: Phyllis Beser. 66 p. entitled Developinq the new worker: a quide for supervisors, prey. pub. Bar. 1976. O Missouri Division of Family Services, Income Haintenance Staff Development Unit; 1JU177: A886399.

A88640a. 6600 telephone answerinq device proqram. 6 p. Appl. au: Howard Berenbon. Howard Berenbon; 17Auq77; A886400.

A886401. 6800 automatic telephone dialer proqram. 4 p. G paper tape. Appl. au: Howard Berenbon. Howard Berenbon; 17Auq77; A886401.

A8B6402. The Oriqinal Welch utility collet chuck for every machine shop! Helch utility collet chucks brochure — OCC. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. O The Uelch flanufacturinq Company; 12Auq77; A886402.

A886403. The Oriqinal Welch 5C super collet chuck for every machine shop! Welch super collet chucks brochure — SCO. 1 p. Add. ti: Welch super 5C collet chuck brochure sec Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. O The Welch Banufacturinq Company: 12Auq77; A886403.

A886404. The Oriqinal Welch adjustable super 5C collet stop, threaded. Welch super collet stop brochure — SA. 1 p. Appl. au: Robert A. Main, Sr. The Welch Banufacturinq Company: 12Auq77; A886404.

A886405. The Oriqinal Welch super 5C fixture mounts. Welch super fixture mount brochure — FM. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. The Welch Banufacturinq Company; 12Auq77; A886405.

A886406. The Oriqinal Welch super collet stop-set. Welch super collet stop-set brochure--SCS. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. O The Welch Banufacturinq Company: 12Auq77; A886406.

A886407. Welch super emerqency collets. Welch super emerqency collet brochure — EC. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. e The Welch Banufacturinq Company; 12Auq77; A886U07.

ABe6408. The Oriqinal Welch super step collets (pot chucks) Welch super collets (pot chucks) brochure--SSC. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. O Welch flanufacturinq Company: 12Auq77: A886408.

A886409. The Oriqinal Welch super adjustable drill and reamer holders. Welch super adjustable drill E reamer holder brochure — DH. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert A. Bain, Sr. The Welch Banufacturinq Company; 12Auq77; A886409.

A886410. Welch expandinq 5C collet kit. Welch expandinq 5C collet kit brochure — ESC. 1 p. Appl. au: Robert A. Bain, Sr. O The Welch Banufacturinq Company; 12Aug77; Ae86410.

A886411. Conoley-Harrison projected self-concept inventory: technical data. Developed by Colleen Wyatt Conoley 5 Helene Westbrook Harrison. 3 p. 6 Colleen Wyatt Conoley £ Helene Westbrook Harrison (in notice: conoley 6 Harrison); 15Jun77; A886411.

A886412. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. By Robert Lee Wyler. 1 v. e Bobert Lee Uyler; 18Auq77; A886412.

A886413. Conoley-Harrison projected self-concept inventory: instrucciones para frases de muestra. Developed by Colleen Wyatt Conoley & Helene Westbrook Harrison. 6 p. Spanish only. Colleen Wyatt Conoley 6 Helene Westbrook Harrison (in notice: Conoley 6 Harrison); 15Jun77; A886413.

A8B6414. Nuclear proliferation: prospects, problems and proposals. Conference report no. 3. 46 p. Add. ti: Issues in nuclear proliferation: a workinq conference. Appl. au: Joseph I. Coffey, Artis Frances Allen, Constance Rea £ Center for Arms Control and International Security Studies. Nfl: compilation £ additions, e Center for Arms Control and Inter- national Security Studies; 9Auq77; A886414.

A886415. The Rescuers, with sonqs from the film. 24 p. Accompanied by sound recordinq, req. N44771 6 record sleeve, req. KK249484. 6 Walt Disney Productions; 9Jun77; A886415.

smissions: automatic models 2285 CLT, CLBT 750, CT, CLBT 750DB, VCLT 750; parts cataloq, Dec. 15, 1976. 1 v. Add. ti: Allison transmissions, CT 700 series: parts cataloq, SA 1315F. O General Sotors corporation; 17Bay77; A885416.

A886417. Allison transmissions: automatic models BT 640, 643, HT 650, 653; parts catalog. Bar. 1, 1977. 1 v. Add. ti: Allison transmissions, BT bOO series, parts cataloq, SA 1316F. e General Botors corporation: 16Jun77; A886417.

A886418. Allison transmissions; automatic models »730D-6, V730D-8; parts catalog. Bay 2, 1977. 1 V. Add. ti: Allison trans- missions, V 730 series, parts catalog, SA 1442B. U General Botors Corporation; 20Jun77; A886418.

Aa86419. Revision pages for 5900-6000 series parts catalog, SA 1247G. Revision no. 1, Feb. 28, 1977. 1 v. O General Botors Corporation; 10Jun77; A886419.

A886420. Allison transmissions: automatic models BT 640, 643, HT 650, 653; service manual, revised Hay 1, 1977. 1 v. Add. ti: Allison transmissions, BT 640. 643. 650, 653 service manual, SA 1317E. General Botors Corporation: 10Jun77; A886420.

A886421. Revision pages for 1200-1400-2000 series parts catalog, SA1248G. Revision no. 1. Apr. 15. 1977. 1 V. O General Botors corporation; 8Jun77; A886421.

A886422. Allison transmissions: automatic models HT 740 D, HT 740 T, HT 750 DBD, HT 750 CBD; parts catalog, Dec. 1, 1976. 1 v. Add. ti: Allison transmissions HT 700 series parts catalog. SA 1268 G. General Botors Corporation; l6Jun77; A886422.

A886423. Allison torgmatic converters: models TC 500, TCA, ICB, TCD, TCL 500, TCDA, ICDB, TCLB, TCRD 500. TCDOA, TCLRD 500; parts catalog, June 1, 1977. 1 v. Add. ti: Allison torgmatic converters 500 series parts catalog, SA 1057V. General Botors Corporation; 21Jul77; A886423.

A886424. Allison transmissions: powershift model TT 3420-1; service manual. Bay 1, 1977. 1 V. Add. ti: Allison transmissions TT 3000 series service manual, SA 1584. e General Botors Corporation; 24Bay77; A886424.

A886425. The Early Christian epoch. Compiled by The Readings Research Department, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. 593 p. (The Edgar Cayce reading, vol. 6) Appl. au: Edgar Cayce Foundation. NH: compilation. Edgar Cayce indation; 180ct76; A886425.

A886426. Getting what you want. By J. H. Brennan. 171 p. J. H. Brennan; 12Aug77; A886426.

A886427. Champagne decorating on a beer budget. Text & illus. by Doreen Roy. 224 p. Doreen Roy; 29Jul77; A886427.

A886428. Classic furniture projects. By Andrew W. Barlow. 210 p. A. W. Marlow; 22JU177; A88642e.


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