Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/406

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A886658. Kama of physical ailments and abnormalities- 100 p. (Circulating file) © Edqar Cayce Foundation; 3Jua77: A886658.

A886659- Kundalin influence through the body- 90 p- (Circulatinq file) Edqar Cayce Foundation; 6Jun77; A886659.

A886660. Love and spirituality- 53 p- (Circulatinq file) 6 Edqar Cayce Foundation; 6Jun77; A886660-

A886661. Beqinninq readinq* tfritinq and spelling. No. 5-6. ^2 V. (Beqinninq reading) Appl. au: La Vonne s. Boqers. Q La Vonne S. Rogers; 1Auq77: a886661-

A886662- Ancient continental deposits. Edited by Franklyn Bosworth Van Houten- 367 p. (Benchmark papers in geology, vol. 43) NH: front matter, commentaries, original translations & indexes. © Doirden, Hutchinson and Ross« Inc.; 5Aug77; A886662.

A886663- Air photography and coastal problems- Edited by Mohamed T. El-Ashry- 425 p- (Benchmark papers in geology, vol- 38) Ntl: front matter, commentaries, original translations £ indexes. O Dovden* Hutchinson and Boss, Inc.; 5Aug77; A886663-

A886664. Sea water: cycles of the major elements. Edited by James I- Drever- 344 p- (Benchmark papers in geology, vol. 45) NH: front matter, commentaries, original translations & indexes. @ Dovden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc- ; 25Jul77; A886664-

A886665. Optical communication theory- Edited by B- 0- Harger. 336 p- (Benchmark papers in electrical engineering and computer sciences, vol- 18) NM: front matter, commentaries, original translations & indexes- © Dowden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc. : 5Auq77: A886665-

A886666. Imprinting. Edited by Eckhard Heinrich Hess G Slobodan B. Petrovich- 333 p- (Benchmark papers in animal behavior, vol. 5) NH: front matter, commentaries, original translations G indexes- @ Dovden, Hutchinson and Boss, Inc-; 5Auq77: A886666.

A886667- The Mechanics of export commodity marketinq: a study of produce, processed product, hide, and grain exporters' marketinq channels and practices. By Daleen Diane Richmond. 314 p. G Daleen Diane Bichnond; 27Jul77; A886667,

A886668. The Films of Frank Capra. By Victor Scherle & Hilliam Turner Levy, introd- by Hilliam Orville Douglas. 278 p. NH: text fi compilation of photos- © Victor Scherle £ William Turner Levy; lAug77; A886668-

A886669- American National Standard spindle noses and tool shanks for horizontal boring machines. ANSI 85-40-1977, revision of B5- 40-1 968. Secretariat: Society of Automotive Engineers, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, National Machine Tool Builders* Association £ The American Society of Mechanical Engineers- 23 p- NH: additions £ updating. © The American

A886670. American National Standard gas turbine installation sound emissions. ANSI B133-8-1977. Secretariat; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 14 p- © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 29Jun77; A886670.

A886671. Rules for construction of pressure vessels. Division 2: alternative rules. 1977 ed- 514 p. (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 8) © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 30Jun77: A886671.

A886672. Rules for construction of pressure vessels- Division 1. 1977 ed- 505 p- (ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 8) © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 30Jun77; A886672.

A886673- Bules for inservice inspection of nuclear power plant components. Division 1. 1977 ed- 199 p- (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 11) © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 1JU177; A886673.

A886674- Bules for construction of nuclear power plant components. Division 1: appendices. 1977 ed. 487 p- (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) Q The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 1Jul77; A886674.

A8e6675. Rules for construction of nuclear power plant components. Division 1 : subsection ND, class 3 components- 1977 ed- 277 p- (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 1Jul77; A886675-

A886676- Eules for construction of nuclear power plant components. Division 1: subsection NC, class 2 components. 1977 ed- 311 p- (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 1Jul77; A886676-

A886677. ASME Steam tables: thermodynamic and transport properties of steam. Prepared by C. A. Meyer, B- B. McClintock, G. J. Silvestri G B- C- Spencer, Jr. for the ASME Committee on Properties of Steam- 3rd ed- 329 p- Appl- au: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. © The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 23Jun77; A886677-

AB86678. Something wonderful happened; the first Easter for beginning readers- By Joan Chase Bowden, illustrated by Aline Cunningham. 1 v. (I can read a Bible story series.) Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. © Concordia Publishing House; 3Aug77; A886678-

A886679. Led by a star; the Hise Men for beginning readers. By Jeannette McNeely, illustrated by Aline Cunningham. 1 v. (I can read a Bible story series) Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. © Concordia Publishing House; 3Aug77; A886679-

&886680- The Son who came home again; the Prodigal Son for beginning readers- By Joan Lowery Nixon, illustrated by Aline Cunningham. 1 v. (I can read a Bible story series) Appl- au: Concordia Publishing House- © Concordia Publishing House; 3Aug77; A886680-

A886681- Hey, God, what about? By James T- Cumming £ Hans Moll, art by Kathy Counts. 104 p- Appl. au: Concordia Publishing House. @ Concordia Publishing House; 2Aug77; A8e6681.

A8866a2- The Holy Bible for children: a simplified version of the Old and New Testaments- Edited by Allan Hart Jahsmann, illus. G maps by Don Kueker. 415 p- Appl- au: Concordia Publishing House. NM: editorial revision £ compilation. © Concordia Publishing House: 2Aug77: A886682.

A886683. Hausa tales and traditions: an English translation of Tatsuniyoyi na Hausa- Vol. 2. Originally compiled by frank Edgar, translated fi edited by A. Neil Skinner. 502 p. NM: translation G glossary. O The Regents of the University of Wisconsin System; 6Jul77: A886683-

A8a6684. Bausa tales and traditions: an English translation of Tatsuniyoyi na Hausa. Vol. 3. Originally compiled by Frank Edgar, translated £ edited by A. Neil Skinncr- 368 p. NM: translation G glossary. © The Begents of the Oniversity of Wisconsin System; 6Jul77; A886684-

A886685. Famous people on film. By Carol A. Emmens. 355 p. © Carol A. Emmens; 9Auq77; A886685,

A886686. Indians of North and South America: a bibliography based on the collection at the Hillard E. Yager Library-Museum, Hartwick College, Oneonta, N- 1- By Carolyn E. Holf G Karen B. Polk. 576 p- O Carolyn E- Uolf; lAug77; A886686-

A8e66e7- Historical dictionary of Costa Rica- By Theodore S. Creedman. 251 p. (Latin American historical dictionaries, no. 16) © Theodore S. Creedman; 1Aug77; A886687.

A8e66d8. Interdisciplinary studies in the humanities: a directory- By Elizabeth Bayerl. 1091 p. © Elizabeth Bayerl; 15Aug77; A886688.

A886689- TV trivia crossword puzzle book. 96 p. © Newspaper Enterprise Association, Inc.; 4Aug77; A886689.

A886690. Project Re-entry: a program of stroke rehabilitation and resocialization; volunteer training manual. Issued by Community Service Project of California Medical Association Auxiliary. 38 p- Add- ti: Project Re-entry: a program for people. Appl. au: Lorraine Pasch McMiece. © Lorraine P- McNiece; lJul77; A886690.

A886691. Silver dollar fortune telling. By Leslie Fox £ Sue Ida Fox. 187 p. © Les Fox G Sue Fox d.b-a. Carson City Associates, Inc.; 18Aug77; A886691-

A886692. Student rights and responsibilities scenarios- Prepared by the Wisconsin Association of School District Admi- nistrators Bicentennial Committee. 63 p. Appl- au: Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators. © Wisconsin

Association of School District Administrators; 16Aug77; A886692.


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