Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/422

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A887316 (con.) compilatloa 6 additional material. e Stuart Hamill; 18iuq77: &887316.

A887317. Halfway to heaven. Poems by Paul Salyers. 63 p. NH: compilation £ additional material. 6 Paul Salyers; 18Auq77: A887317.

A887318. Amen. By lehuda Amichai, translated from the Hebrew by the author 6 Ted Huqhes, introd. by Ted Huqhes. 110 p. Yehuda Amichai: 1Juu77; A887318.

AB87319. Amen. By lehuda Amichai. translated from the Hebrew by the author 6 Ted Huqhes, introd. by Ted Huqhes. 110 p. O on introd.: Ted Hughes: 1Jun77; A887319.

A887320. Edith the qood: the transformation of Edith Bunker from total woman to whole person. By Spencer Harsh, foreword by Jean Stapleton. 82 p. Appl. au: Tandem Productions, Inc. Tandem Productions, Inc.: 1 may 77; A887320.

A887321. North America from earliest discovery to first settlements: the Borse voyaqes to 1612. By David Beers Quinn. 621 p. e David B. Quinn; 13Jul77: A887321.

A887322. The Miracle of vision; the workings & the wonders of the human eye. By Arthur S. Freese. 181 p. Arthur S. Freese; 27Jttl77: A887322.

A887323. Basic writings from Being and time (1927) to The Task of thinking (19611) By Martin Heidegger, edited, with general introd. E introductions to each selection by David Farrell Krell. 397 p. Appl. au: Harper and Eow, Publishers, Inc. Portions originally appeared in different form in What is called thinkinq? 6 others. 6 on Enqlish translation: Harper and Eow, Publishers. Inc.; 15Jun77; A887323.

A887324. Basic writings from Being and time (1927) to The Task of thinking (1961) By Martin Heidegger, edited, with general introd. G introductions to each selection by David Farrell Krell. 397 p. Portions originally appeared in different form in Hhat is called thinking? 6 others. O on general introd. & introductions to each selection; David Farrell Krell; 15Jun77; A887324.

A887325. The Psychology of being human. By Elton Burbank McNeil 6 Zick Eubin, editor: Ted fiicks, production editor: Jon Baker, artist: Billie Teaman. 2nd ed. 616 p. Appl. au: Harjorie McNeil. S Hariorie McNeil 6 Zick Eubin: 15Feb77: A887325.

A887326. Time to wonder. By Bernard J- Beiss. SOU p. HM: additions B revisions. e Holt, Einehart and Binston; 3Jan77; A887326.

&887327. Eiders on the Earth. By Bernard J. Ueiss. 54U p. NM: additions 6 revisions. e Holt, Einehart and Binston: 3Jan77; A887327.

A887328. Hermit of Peking: the hidden life of Sir Edmund Backhouse. By Hugh Eedwald Trevor-Eoper. 316 p. Prev. pub- abroad 1976, AFt't661. 6 on revised text, lOX; Hugh Trevor-Eoper; 22Mar77: A887328.

A887329. Does anybody give a damn? Nat Hentoff on education. 215 p. Portions prev. pub. in The New Yorker E New York news magazine. 9 on new text, editing B compilation; Namar Productions, Ltd.; 22Har77; A887329.

A887330. Players. By Don DeLillo. 212 p. Portions prev. pub. in Esquire. 6 on new text B revision; Don DeLillo; 22Jul77; A887330.

A8B7331. In the Miro District, and other stories. By Peter Hillsman Taylor. 201 p. Portions prev. pub. in The New Yorker 6 others. O on editing S compilation; Peter Taylor; 22Mar77; A887331.

A887332. Faddy: a naturalist's story of an orphan beaver. By E. D. Lawrence, illustrated by Bill Elliott. 210 p. O on text; B. D. Lawrence: 22Mar77: A887332.

A887333. Paddy: a naturalist's story of an orphan beaver. By E. D. Lawrence, illustrated by Bill Elliott. 210 p. © on illus. ; Bill Elliott: 22Mar77; A887333.

A887331. Patriots and liberators: revolution in the Netherlands, 1780-1813. By Simon Schama. 715 p. 6 on new text, revised text, editing, compilation, notes, bibliography, index, glossary 6 chro- nology; Simon Schama; 29Mar77; A887331.

A887335. Patriots and liberators: revolution in the Netherlands, 1780-1813. By Simon Schama. 715 p. Appl. au: Eafael Palacios. © on maps B diagrams; Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; 29Mar77; A887335.

A887336. Bud and Lou: the Abbott and Costello story. By Bob Thomas. 221 p. NM: new text 6 compilation of photos. 6 text. O Bob Thomas; 21Apr77; A887336.

A887337. Pathology in gynecology and obstetrics. By Claude Gompel £ Steven G. Silverberg. 2nd ed. 592 p. 6 J. B. Lippincott Company; 20Apr77: 4887337.

A887338. "Hhatta-gai": the Babe Didrikson story. By Biliiam Oscar Johnson 6 Nancy P. Billiamson. 221 p. NM: 75* of text. O Nancy P. Billiamson 6 Biliiam Oscar Johnson; 22Apr77; A887338.

A887339. Blood relations. By Eoberta Silman. 213 p. NM: new stories £ compilation. e Eoberta silman; 22Apr77; A887339.

A887310. The Han who killed Mick Jagqer; a novel. By David Littlejohn. 216 p. 6 David Littlejohn; 22Apr77; A887310.

A8e7311. The Visible scientists. By Anita Rae Simpson Goodell. 212 p. NM: 2 additional chapters B revision. Anita Eae Simpson Goodell; 9May77: A887311.

A887312. Orchids for mother; a novel. By Aaron Latham. 315 p. © Aaron Latham; 22Apr77; A887312.

A887313. Cromwell. By Roger Howell, Jr. 269 p. O Eoger Howell, Jr.; 22Apr77; A887313.

A887311. Our like will not be there again: notes from the west of Ireland. By Lawrence Millman. 209 p. © Lawrence Millman; 9MaY77; A887311.

A887315. Bernard the Brave: a Miss Bianca story. By Margery Sharp, illus. by Leslie H. Morrill. 128 p. © Margery Sharp; 29Mar77; A887315.

A887316. Nobody comes to dinner. By Frank Emerson Andrews, illustrated by Lydia Dabcovich. 32 p. © on text; F. Emerson Andrews; 10Bar77 (in notice: 1976); A887316.

A887 317. Nobody comes to dinner. By Frank Emerson Andrews, illustrated by Lydia Dabcovich. 32 p. © on illus.; Lydia Dabcovich; 1CMar77 (in notice: 1976) ; A887317.

A887318. Nontrespassory takings in eminent domain. By Biliiam B. Stoebuck. 260 p. © The Michie Company; 20May77; A887318.

A8e7319. A Virginia cause under the rules of equity practice and procedure. By Brockenbrough Lamb. 151 p. Appl. au; Brockenbrough Lamb, Jr. NH: additions £ revisions. © Brockenbrough Lamb, Jr.; 26Bay77; A887319.

A887350. Maryland appellate reports, 1976. Vol. 32. State reporter: James H. Norris, Jr. 786 p. Appl. au: The Michie Company. a The State of Maryland; 11llay77; A887350.

AB87351. An Attorney's guide to malpractice liability. By Duke Nordlinger Stern. 619 p. NM: text fi compilation. © The Michie company; 11Apr77; A887351.

A887352. State aid to private higher education. By A. E. Dick Howard. 1020 p. 6 The Michie Company; 2'(May77; A887352.

A887353. professional marketing program: selling skills; moderator's guide. 1 v- © Systeoa Corporation; lNov76; A887353.

A887351. Nutritional assessment and intravenous support: the use of amino acids for protein-sparing nutrition. 2 v. £ slides. Appl. au: Lester J. Nigro. © Medical Directions, Inc.; 22Aug77: A887351.

A887355. Professional marketing program: selling skills: participant's resources. 13 v. £ folder in portfolio. © Systema cor- poration; 1NOV76; A887355.

A887356. Brunswick, Jekyll Island, Saint Simons Island, including Sea Island, GA, telephone directory, July 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company; 21Jun77; A887356.

A887357. Vidalia, including Lyons. Johnson Corner, GA, telephone directory, August 1977. © Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 19Jul77; A887357.

A887358. Lyons, Johnson Corner, including Vidalia, GA, telephone directory, August 1977. © Southern Bell Telephone and

Telegraph Company; 19Jul77; A887358.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.