Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/425

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t8874al - A887Ite2
JUL-DEC. 1977

«887«41. Social scientists and policy oakinq in the OSSE. Edited by Bichard B. Eemek. 1<|it p. Pcaeqer Publishers; 30Aug77: «887m41.

i887lllt2. CoBBunity control of econOBic deve- lopaent: the boards of directors of coBBunity developoent corporations- By Bita Hae Kelly. 174 p. This book is a revised yersion of a study, CoBBunity participation in directinq econoaic deyelopBent that was done by the author, pub. 1976. Sita aae Kelly; 30Auq77: A8871IK2.

i8874ll3. Oil and reqional developBent: examples froB ilqeria and Tunisia. By Kocrad Schliephake, translated by nerrill D. Lyew. 203 p. e The Institute for African Studies: 30Auq77: A8e711t3.

A8e7'IVU. The Nationalization of Venezuelan oil. By Jaaes F. Petras, Horris Horley £ Steven Saith. 173 p. Praeqer Publishers; 30Auq77: A887aiHI.

A887Itl|5. COBpetency-based education: a process for the iaproveaent of education. By Gene E- Hall £ Ho«ard L. Jones, cartoons by Charles Shaw. 376 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 31Dec76; A887l41t5.

A887lt46. The Inflation swindle. By Ernest J. Oppenheiaer. 190 p. O Ernest J. Oppenheiaer: 1Auq77: A887itii6.

A8874lt7. Lauqhinq; a historical selection of Aaerican huaor. coapiled by Charles Keller. 299 p. NH: coapilation. Charles Keller: 18Jul77: A887i|it7.

i88711l48. Cardiac arrhythaias in the neonate, infant and child. Edited by Niqel Keith Boberts £ Henry Gelband, forewords by Sidney Bluaenthal £ Brian F. Uoffaau. 533 p. Nfl: coapilation. Appleton- Centurv-Crof ts, a publishing division of Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 8Auq77: A887i4i|8.

A8871149. The Federal incoae tax: its sources and applications, 1978. By Clarence P. McCarthy. 1 v. e Clarence r. HcCarthy; 10AUQ77: A8871149.

A887a50. Four stories for four seasons. Stories fi pictures by Thoaas Anthony Oe Paola. 1 V. ToBie De Paola: 13Jun77: A887450.

A8871151. Auto racinq's younq lions. By Boss Bobert Olney. 127 p. NH: text £ coapilation of photos. Boss B. Olney: 2611ay77: A887it51.

A887U52. The Search: our quest foe iDtelliqent life in outer space. By Frank Stilley. 157 p. NH: text £ coapilation of photos. e Prank Stilley; 3Jun77: A887ii52.

A8871153. Huhaaaad Ali: the chaapion. By Arnold Hano. 127 p. NH: text. O Arnold Hano; 20Bay77; A887lt53.

A887i|5it. Pete Bose: "Bister 300." By Keith Brandt, pseud, of Louis Sabin. 123 p. HH: text. Keith Brandt (Louis Sabin) ; 19flav77: A887U54.

A887I155. Deadline. By Kathleen A. Beqley. 1<|B A887456. The Ted Siaaons story. By Jia Brosnan. 157 p. NB: text. Jia Brosnan; 30Jun77; A887ltS6.

A8871157. Set point: the story of Chris Evert. By Francene Sabin. 127 p. NH: text. O Francene Sabin; 16Hay77: Ae87457.

A8871I58. Steve Garvey: storybook star. By Joel H. Cohen. 158 p. NB: text. Joel H. Cohen; 19Jul77; A887<t58.

A887459. The Vorld of energy storage. By Haldo T. Boyd. 159 p. NB: text C coapilation of illus. e Baldo T. Boyd; 2Jun77; A887459.

A8871I60. Halt Disney. By Greta Ualker, illustrated by Buth Sanderson. 59 p. O on text; Greta Haiker; 23Bay77; A887II60.

A887lt61. Halt Disney. By Greta Ualker, illustrated by Buth Sanderson. 59 p. 9 on illus.; Buth Sanderson: 23Bay77: A887461.

A887462. Introduction to anesthesia: the principles of safe practice. By Bobert D. Orlpps, Jaaes £. Eckenhoff £ Leroy D. Vandaa, line drawings by Leroy 0. Vandaa. 5th ed. 557 p. 6 H. B. Saunders Coapany; 16Auq77; A887462.

A887463. Progress In aedlcal genetics, new series. Vol. 2. Edited by Arthur G. Steinberg £ others. 290 p. O H. B. Saunders Coapany; 15Auq77; A887463.

A887464. Vascular surgery. Edited by Bobert B. Sutherford fi others. 1401 p. 6 H. B. Saunders coapany; 16Auq77; A887464.

A887465. Badlology of the gallbladder and bile ducts. By Bobert N. Berk £ Arthur R. Cleaett. 407 p. 6 u. B. Saunders Company; 18Auq77; A887465.

i887466. Shepard's Southern reporter cltations- 1953-1977 suppl. to vol. 1, 1953. 2nd ed. 457 p. Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs: 12Aug77: A8S74e6.

A887467. Shepard's Southern reporter citations. Vol. 2 (1977) 2nd ed. 1309 p. e Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 12Auq77; A887467.

A887468. The Honan's day chicken cookbook. Edited by Carol Truax. 318 p. Appl. au: Fawcett Publxcatlons, Inc. NH: coa- pilation £ new text. O Fawcett Pub- lications, Inc.; 20Jua77: A887468.

A887469. 21 days to a trained dog. By Dick Haller, with Jeffrey Felnaan, illustrated by Bendy Frost. 141 p. O Ventura Associates; 20Jun77; A887469.

A887470. Illustrated furniture Baking. Hritten £ illustrated by Grahaa J. Blackburn. 176 p. C G. J. Blackburn, whose full naae is Grahaa Blackburn; 27Jun77; A887470.

Ae87471. Greenhouse gardening. By Jaaes Underwood Crockett £ the editors of Tiae-Life Books, Inc. 160 p. (The Tiae-Life encyclopedia of gardening) Appl. au: Tiae-Life Books, Inc., employer for hire. C Tiae-Life Books, Inc. ; 15Jul77; A887471.

A887472. Bobert Schuaann. By Helvln Haddocks £ the editors of Tiae-Life Becords. 23 p. (Great aen of ausic) Add. tl: Schumann and his ausic. Appl. au: Tiae-Life Books, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Tiae-Life Books, Inc.; 27Jun77; A887472.

A887473. Bichard Strauss. By Bobert Jones £ the editors of Time-Life Records. 23 p. (Great aen of ausic) Add. tl: Strauss and his ausic. Appl. au: Tlae-Life Books, Inc. , eaployer for hire. O Tiae-Life Books, Inc.; 15Aug77; A887473.

A887474. Russia besieged: World Har 2. By Nicholas Bethell fi the editors of Tlae-Life Books, Inc. 208 p. Appl. au: Tlae-Llfe Books, Inc., employer for hire. NH: text. O Tiae-Life Books, Inc. ; 15Jun7; A887474.

A887475. The Boat. By the editors of Time-Life Books, Inc. 175 p. (The Tiae-Life library of boating) NH: additional pictorial matter. C Tiae-Life Books, Inc.; 15JU177; A887475.

A887476. Pleasures of ausic; an anthology of writing about ausic £ ausicians froa Cellini to Bernard Shaw. Edited £ with a new pref. by Jacgues Barzun. 37 1 p. Prev. pub. 1951. NH: pref. £ abridgeaent. O Jacques Barzun; 2IJun77; A887476.

A887477. The Theory of aorallty. By Alan Donagan. 278 p. The University of Chicago; 9Aug77; A887477.

A887478. College: reward and betrayal. By Thomas J. Cottle. 190 p. Appl. states all new except for chap. 3, 4, 6, 9 £ part of chap. 8 which have been prev. pub. in a slightly different form. Chap. 3, 4, 6 fi 9 have appeared in slightly different form in Change magazine; part of chap. 8 appeared in Harvard magazine. The Onlversity of Chicago; 8Aug77: A887478.

A887479. Torture and the law of proof: Europe and England in the ancien regime. By John H. Langbelc. 229 p. Appl. states all new except for chap. 2, which has been prev. pub. In slightly different form. O The Onlversity of Chicago; 5Jul77; A887479.

AB87480. Experiaental results and evolutionary deductions. By Sewall Hrlght. 6 13 p. (Evolution and the genetics of popu- lations, vol. 3) © The University of Chicago; 20Hay77; A887480.

A887481. Les Bourgeois gentilshoaaes ; an essay on the definition of elites in Benaissance France. By George Huppert. 237 p. English only. O The Onlversity of Chicago; 20Bay77; A887481.

A887482. A Bibliographical guide to the history of Indian-white relations in the United States. By Francis Paul Prucha. 454 p. e The University of Chicago; 2May77;



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