Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/427

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4887524 (con.) illustrated by Asholc Dav Ashok Davar: 13Hay77: i887521.

A887525. The Mystery of Lincoln Det«eiler and the doq Mho barked Spanish. By Jean Boblnson, dravinqs by Gioia Fiafflmenqhi. 128 p. O on text: Jean Bobioson; 21Apr77; A887S25.

1887526. The Mystery of Lincoln Detneiler and the doq who barked Spanish. By Jean Robinson, drawings by Gioia Pianmenqhi (Gioia Piaumenqhi Caputo) 128 p. e on illus. ; Foilett Publishinq Company (in notice: Pollett Publishinq Coapany, a division of Foilett Corporation); 21Apr77; A887526.

A887527. Tales of the elders: a memory book of men and women who came to America as immiqrants. 1900-1930. Britten 6 photographed by Carol Ann Bales. 160 p. e on illus.; Carol Ann Bales; 15Mar77; A887527.

A887528. Tales of the elders: a memory book of men and women who came to America as immigrants, 1900-1930. Hritten 6 photoqrapbed by Carol Ann Bales. 160 p. 6 on text: Carol Ann Bales: 15Mar77; A887528.

A887529. An Acquaintance with qrief. By Christine Smidt. 118 p. e Herald Publishinq House; 19Auq77; A887529.

A887530. Warren B. Austin at the 0. N. , 1916-1953. By Georqe T. Mazuzan. 233 p. iS Kent State Oniversity Press; 29Jul77; A887530.

&887531. The Annotated code of the public general laws of Maryland; transportation, 1977. Compiled G revised by Maryland Governor's Commission to Bevise the Annotated Code, edited, annotated C indexed by the editorial staff of the Hichie Company under the supervision of U. H. Uillson & J. H. Vaughan. 2 v. Add. ti: 1977 transportation volumes to the annotated code of the public qeneral laws of Maryland; Annotated code of Maryland: transportation, 1977. e The Michie company; 29Jun77; A887531.

AB87532. Constitutional aspects of Uaterqate: documents and materials. Vol. U. Compiled e edited by A. Stephen Boyan, Jr. 676 p. NM: additional text C compilation, e A. Stephen Boyan, Jr.: 30Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A887532.

A887533. The Sieqe of Villa Lipp. By Eric Ambler. 275 p. C Eric Ambler; 9May77; A887533.

A8875311. An Exchanqe of eagles. By Owen Scla. 30H p. Owen Sela; 19Apr77: 4887534.

A887535. Kinqkill. By Thomas Gavin. 398 p. on new text, revised text, editinq 6 compilation; Thomas Gavin; 9May77; A887535.

A887536. Turn aqain home. By Herbert Narker. 245 p. Herbert Narker; 14Apr77; A887536.

B887537. Sacred families. By Jose Donoso, translated from the Spanish by Andree Conrad. 206 p. Appl. au: Alfred t. Knopf, Inc. Translation of Tres novelitas burguesas. O on translation; Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; 31May77; A887537.

A8a7538. Farther off from heaven. By Hilliam Humphrey. 241 p. Portions prev. pub. in Sports illustrated. S on new text, compilation, editing e revision; yillian Humphrey; 2May77: A887538.

A887539. America by design: science, technology, and the rise of corporate capitalism. By David F. Noble. 384 p. David F. Moble; 2May77; A8875J9.

A887540. The Art of fishing with worms and other live bait. By Harold P. Blaisdell, with photos, by Mark Mitchell. 241 p. Harold F. Blaisdell; 14Jun77; Aee7540.

A887541. I never told anybody: teaching poetry writing in a nursing home. By Kenneth Koch. 259 p. e Kenneth Koch; 22Mar77; A887541.

A887542. Galactic dreamers: science fiction as visionary literature. Edited S introduced by Bobert Silverberq. 275 p. NB: introd., compilation & editing. 6 Bandom House, Inc.; 28Jun77; A887542.

A887543. The Bloodworth orphans. By Leon Forrest. 383 p. Leon Forrest; 14Apr77; A887543.

A887544. Chief counsel: inside the Ervin committee — the untold story of Hatergate. By Samuel Dash. 275 p. Samuel Dash; 180ct76: A887544.

A887545. The Fall of public man. By Gichard Sennett. 373 p. Portions of chap. 13 prev. pub. in the afterword to Forest hills diary. on new text, revised text, compilation 6 editing: Bichard Sennett; 18NOV76; A887545.

A887546. Cristina: portraits of a princess. By Beth Archer Brombert. 402 p. © on text 6 compilation; Beth Archer Brombert; 2May77; A887546.

A887547. The Gentle barbarian; the life and work of Turgenev. By Victor Sawden Pritchett. 243 p. O V. S. Pritchett; 14Apr77; A887547.

A887548. Duke: the musical life of Oake Ellington. By Bill Gutuan. 184 p. NM: text. Bill Gutman; 5Apr77: 4887548.

A887549. The Book of darts. By Jack McClintock, line drawings by Ivan Powell. 161 p. O Jack McClintock; 5Apr77; A887549.

A887550. Going too far: the personal chronicle of a feminist. By Bobin Morgan. 333 p. Portions prev. pub. in Ms. £ others. on revised text, new text, editing G compilation: Bobin Morgan: 25Apr77; A887550.

A887551. Heart of ice. By the Coote de Caylus (Anne Claude Philippe Caylus) adapted by Benjamin Appel, illustrated by James K. Lambert. 58 p. 6 on adaptation; Benjamin Appel; 22Jul77: A8875S1.

A887552. Heart of ice. By the Comte de Caylus (Anne Claude Philippe Caylus), adapted by Benjamin Appel, illustrated by James K. Lambert. 58 p. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire of J. K. Lambert. O on illus.; Bandom House, Inc.; 22JU177; A887552.

A887553. Nursery chymes. Selected by Marie, illustrated by Douglas Gorsline. 1 v. on illus. G compilation. Bandom House, Inc.; 28Jun77; A887553.

A887554. Animal babies. By Harry McNaught. 1 v. Add. ti: Animals babies. fiandom House, Inc.; 5JU177; A887554.

A887555. Instructor's manual for Essentials of psychology, by Walter Mischel and Harriet Nerlove Mischel. Prepared by Lloyd M. Bogart, Harry u. Gardiner, Thomas H. Harris & others. 156 p. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc. O Bandom House, Inc.; 29Apr77; A887555.

A887556. The Serial: a year in the life of Marin County. By Cyra HcPadden, illus. by Torn Cervenak. Ill p. Portions of this book originally appeared in the Pacific sun. 6 on all new text, revisions G illus.; Cyra McFadden; 17May77; A887556.

A887557. I want to stay here! I want to go there! A flea story. By Leo Lionni. 1 v. on text e illus.: Leo Lionni: 22Jul77; A887557.

A887 558. How things don't work. By Victor J. Papanek G James Hennessey, photos., illus. & designs by the authors, Sara Hennessey, Ira Velinsky G Mike Hhalley. 154 p. on text G all prev. unpub. photos. 6 illus.; Victor Papanek G James Hennessey; 23May77; A887558.

A887 559. Nine black American doctors. By Bobert C. Hayden G Jacqueline L. Harris. 144 p. Q on text; Bobert C. Hayden G Jacqueline Harris; 15Sep76; A887559.

A887560. Nine black American doctors. By Bobert C. Hayden G Jacqueline L. Harris. 144 p. O on illus. ; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (in notices Addison- Uesley) ; 15Sep76: A887560.

A887561. The Earth and land use planning. By Gary B. Griggs G John A. Gilchrist. 492 p. Appl. states ail new except for various figures G photos, credited to other sources. 6 Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 12Jul77; A887561.

A887562. Biological and agricultural index, August 1975 to July 1976. Edited by Bita D. Goetz, indexers: Nancy S. Cannon, Subhra Ghosh. Howard E. Ualber, Joyce M. Howard G Bao S. Kolagotla. 2326 p. Appl. au: The H. U. Uilson Company. NM: compilation with editorial revision. C The H. H. Wilson Company; 17Aug77; A887562.

A887563. The Heaven makers. By Frank Herbert. 183 p. Somewhat different version of this novel serialized in Apr. 6 June 1967 issues of Amazing stories. Q on rev. text G editing; frank Herbert; 23Feb77;



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