Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/437

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A887935 - 1887982
JUL-DEC. 1977

A88793a. ENH eight aaqle drive adapters; catalog 6 price list. Polder (6 p.) O EHH Coapanv (in aotice: ENH) : 2taq77; 188793<1.

»887935. &n AlterDative to insurance. 5 p. HH: additions. C Self Assurance* Inc. ; 7Hav77: A887935.

A887936. Analog I/O interface systea users manual: preliainary. Nay 1977. 1 v. O Computer Automation* Inc.; 5Jul77; A887936.

1887937. fieflections of a soul. By Lester Gardner. 18 p. C Lester Gardner; 22Aug77; A887937.

A887938. Norman's Nicely knit dolls; a unique collection — designed in full 6 half scale — for use on knitting machines. By Nary Louise Norman. 40 p. O Hary Louise Norman: 8Auq77: A887938.

A887939. Cherokee Products Corporation catalog. No. 771. 160 p. NH: editorial revision with additional text & illus. Cherokee Products Corporation: 2Feb77; A887939.

A8879it0. A Proposal to conduct a study of dental service prepayment in the private sector; technical proposal. BFP no. 8BA 231-7E-0331, Aug. 12, 1977. 1 v. 6 Arthur Young and Company; 12Aug77; A8e791t0.

A8879m. nulta multum. By Budolph D. Bach. 207 p. O Kudolph D. Bach: 1Apr7e: 1887911.

A887942. Frederick the Great; vargame rules for the 7 Tears Bar. By David Park Newport. 56 p. t, sheets (6 p.) O David Park Newport; 19Auq77: A887942.

A887943. Educational statistics, an indivi- dualized approach. Pt. 2; probability and inferential statistics. By Bobert A. Karabinus G Sara B. Hard. Sheets. O Sobert A. Karabinus: 15Aug77: 1887943.

A887944. Old and new ideas for Jimmy Carter. 1 p. Appi. auz Aries Pursell. O Aries Pursell; 1Jun77; 1887944.

1887945. Heaories of Horn and Dad. 1 p. Appl. au: Aries Pursell. O Aries Pursell: 1Jun77; A887945.

A887946. Time. 1 p. Appl. au: Aries Pursell. e Aries Pursell: 1Jun77: A887946.

A887947. Be honest with our teenagers. 1 p. Appl. au: Aries Pursell. Aries Pursell; 1Jun77; A887947.

A887948. fiockland, HA, area telephone directory, August 19 77. New England Telephone and Telegraph Company: 19Auq77: A887948.

Ae87949. Optometric Extension Program, continuing education courses. Vol. 49, Sept. 1977. 1 V. Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc.; 22Aug77; A887949.

A887950. Narco avionics VBP 48 antenna mul- ticoupler; installation manual. 4 p. Narco Scientific Industries* Inc.; 15Apr77; A887950.

A887951. The Adventures of C. B. Babbit; giant story coloring book, story by Holly Eddy, drawings by Vern Henkel. 1 v. Ippl. au: Colorful Fund Baising, Inc. O Colorful Fund Baising, Inc.; 15Auq77: A887951.

1887952. Domino cards. Cards & 2 p. Ippl. au: Clarence J. Kellogg. O Clarence J. Kellogg; 191ug77; 1887952.

A887953. Ironbridqe Gorge, England. Folder. (Great trips/Europe, trip 7) Ippl. au: Earl steinbicker. 6 Earl steinbicker; 11ug77; 1887953.

1887954. Bruges, Belgium. Folder. (Great trips/Europe, trip 8) Ippl. au: Earl Steinbicker. O Earl Steinbicker; 11ug77; A887954.

1887955. Lindau, Germany. Folder. (Great trips/Europe, trip 9) Appl. au: Earl Steinbicker. C Earl Steinbicker; 1Aug77: A887955.

A887956. Schneeberg, Austria. Folder. (Great trips/Europe, trip 10) Appl. au: Earl Steinbicker. C Earl steinbicker; 11ug77; 1887956.

1887957. Intibes and Cannes: Cote d*Azur, France. Folder. (Great trips/Europe, trip 11) Ippl. au: Earl Steinbicker. O Earl Steinbicker; 11ug77; 1887957.

1887958. The New high-fiber approach to relieving constipation naturally. By fiuth Adams £ Frank Hurray, introd. by Sanford Sieqal. 320 p. Appl. au: Larchmont Books, Inc. Larchmont Books, Inc.; 30Jun77; A887958.

A887959. flood stoves; how to make and use them. By ole Hik, photos, by Hanya Hik. 194 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 13 text, photos. & diagrams. 9 Ole Uik; ieiuq77: A887959.

A887960. Program your heart for health. By Frank Hurray, foreword by Hichael Walczak, introd. by E. Cheraskin. 368 p. Appi. au: Larchmont Books, Inc. O Larchmont Books, Inc.; 30Jun77; A887960.

A887961. Hoouey: the life of the world's master carver. By John P. Hayes, foreword by Henry Horgan. 135 p. John P. Hayes; 19Aug77; A887961.

A887962. Tel-Hor: past performances of greyhounds throughout the country — winter of 1977; Revere ed. 1 v. Tel-Hor, Inc. (in notice: Tel-Hor Company, Inc.); 261pr77; 1887962.

1887963. The Cat fisherman. 7ol. 1: pond fishing. By Gary Lawrence Bodgers. 1 v. Gary Lawrence Bodgers; 6Aug77; 1887963.

1887964. Conrad. By Eleanor Ueinbaum, drawings by Carol Bodgers. 32 p. Idd. ti: Conrad's scrabble babble. Eleanor Beinbaum; 18lug77; 1887964.

1887965. Free flight paradox. Poems by Gerald DeAngelis. 1 v. O Gerald DeAngelis; 23Aug77; A887965.

A887966. The Parent's reading handbook; how you can improve your child's reading at home. By Irving s. Bosenthal. 33 p. O I. S. Bosenthal; 26Aug77: Ae87966.

A887967. Pickens County cowpunchers. By Gerald L. Holmes, photography by Bill Ellzey. 1 V. O Gerald L. Holmes; 11A>ig77; A887967.

1887968. SCIBAB. Vol. 15, no. 10, Har. 15, 1977. 9 p. Appl. au: J. H. Uillemin. O J. H. Billemin; 9Jul77; A887968.

A887969. SCIEIB. Vol. 15, no. 9, Har. 1. 1977. 10 p. C sheets. Ippl. au: J. H. uillemin. O J. a. uillemin; 9Jul77; 1887969.

1887970. Ipplications of Spitbol. By llan L. Tharp. 1 V. O llan L. Tharp ; 221ug77; A887970.

A887971. Getting the facts. Booklet I. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 v. (Specific skill series) C Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 23Aug77; 1887971.

1887972. Getting the facts. Booklet U. By Bichard 1. Boning. 1 v. (Specific skill series) C Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 23Aug77; A887972.

A887973. Getting the facts. Booklet G. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 v. (Specific skill series) NH: 70t of text new 6 updating. O Barnell Loft, Ltd. ; 231ug77; 1887973.

1887974. File in style. 1 v. ippl. au: Freda Klingenberg. C Freda Klingenberg; 231ug77; 1887974.

1887975. Hytrol Bi-lites, lugust issue, 1977. Folder. Hytrol Conveyor Company, Inc.; 17iug77; A887975.

A887976. Figi's Gifts in good taste, 1977. 67 p. Figi's, Inc.; 5Aug77; A887976.

A887977. Oliver Supply Company: food service supplies and equipment catalog. 1 v. e Summit Catalog Company; 17Aug77; A887977.

1887978. Singing telegrams. 2 p. Ippl- au: Paul 1. Lindenbaum whose pseud, is Paul Linden. Paul 1. Lindenbaum whose pseud, is Paul Linden; 221ug77; 1887978.

A887979. Hagic lamp. By Lovell Buchanan. 30 p. O Lovell Buchanan; 18Aug77: Ae87979.

A887980. Invisible underwear. 1 p. Appl. au: John H. Bauser. O John H. Hauser d.b.a. Ahamo Company; 18Aug77; A887980.

A887981. Delta Power hydraulic valves. 14 p. Delta Power Hydraulic Company; 51ug77; 1887981.

1887982. Converting, building and marking a high school track for metric events. Prepared by Berle E. Schwab. 61 p. O aerie E.

Schwab; 201ug77; 1887982.


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