Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/456

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118887KU - &888779
JUL-DEC. 1977

&88871t3 (con.) introd. by Isaac Bashevls Sinqer £ translated by Joseph sinqer. 282 p. NH: iotrod. 6 reviews. © fiachel Heinstein; 27Jun77; &888743.

i88874lt. The 0-S. experience — the later years. Lecture 2. By Eric Frederick Goldman. (In America: heritage and horizons, p- 33-119) e Eric F. Goldman: 5ipr77; 4888744.

4888745. America: heritage and horizons. Edited by Phineas J. Sparer. 7 1 p. Appl. states all new except lecture 2 which has a separate claim. S Memphis State University Press: 5Apr77: A888745.

&888746. The Story of Prankston, Texas and neighboring communities. Editors: Kathleen Cook Fitzgerald, Nell HcLane 6 Quanah price. 370 p. Add. ti: Frankston and its neighbors. 6 Frankston Bicen- tennial Committees: 30Jun77 (in notice: 19761: A888746.

S8B8747. Thirsting for the Lord: essays in Biblical spirituality. By Carroll Stuhlmueller, edited by B. Bomanus Penrose, drawings by Lillian Brule S introd. by Alcuin Coyle. 322 p. Appl. au: Society of Saint Paul, employer for hire. MM: compilation, editorial revision 6 additional text. 6 Society of Saint Paul: 51Iay77: 4888747.

A888748. An Investigative study of the decline of the traditional wood block printing technique and the role of the art museum in preserving its tradition. By Dorothy Jean Krueqer. 72 p. 4dd. ti: Preser- vation of the wood block techniques and their traditional printing in the art museum. S Dorothy Jean Krueger; 19Jul77: A888748.

4888749. 4 History of the Ohio College Library Center, 1967-1972. By Kathleen Lynn Post (Kathleen Lynn Post Maciuszko) 164 p. © Kathleen Lynn Maciuszko: 1Jan75 (in notice: 1977); 4888749.

4888750. 4ncestors and descendants of Captain Hilliam Layton Yancey and his wife Frances Lynn Lewis, 1600-1900. Compiled by Eebecca L. Yancey. 290 p. © Bebecca L. Yancey: 1Auq77: 4888750.

4888751. Hanson relatives; ancestors 6 des- cendants of Love, Susan, Nahum 6 Charles Hanson & ancestors of some of the spouses of Hanson descendants. Compiled by Charlotte 4. Edqerly Nicely. 372 p. e Charlotte A. Nicely: 18Jul77; A888751.

4888752. Botsford genealogy: the line of Samuel, 1.1.3.. third son of Elnathan 1.1., grandson of Henry, 1. Vol. 1. Material for this book was assembled, verified, arr. 6 indexed by Helen Botsford Faucher. 1058 p. Appl. au: The Botsford Family Historical Association, Inc. © The Botsford Family Historical Association, Inc.: 1Aug77: A888752.

A888753. Our library lives in a bus. By Laura E. Enerson, illus. by Bobin. 45 p. © on text: Laura E. Enerson; 1il4pr77; 4888753.

4888754. Our library lives in a bus. By Laura E. Enerson, illus. by Robin, pseud, of Robert H. Barnes, sr. 45 p. © on illus.; Robert H. Barnes, Sr. ; 144pr77: 4888754.

4888755. Once upon Quoketaug: the biography of a Connecticut farm family, 1712-1960. By Rudy J. Favretti. 171 p. © Rudy J. Favretti; 10Dec74: 4888755.

4888756. Neighbours. By John Rhitman Monroe Neal, compiler: Annette Bay Hunt, editors: Luther Cleveland Nabors 6 Grover Cooley Nabors. 320 p. Add. ti: Neighbours, Neighbors, Nabours, Nabors, Nabers. G. C. Tom Nabors: 1Peb77: 4888756.

4888757. The Dse of relationship contracts in the counseling of couples. By John S. Hirst. 114 p. © John S. Hirst; 14Dec76; 4888757.

4888758. IBIS, 1977. Editor: Eric P. Schimmel. 308 p. 4dd. ti: IBIS yearbook, 1977. © Eric P. Schimmel & the Board of Student Publications of the Oniversity of Miami; 14Mar77: 4888758.

4888759. Play it again King Kong. By David H. Faqen. 283 p. © David H. Fagen; 26JU177: 4888759.

4888760. Parts and accessories catalogue: bicycles and mopeds. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Peugeot. O Cycles Peugeot (a.S.4.) Inc.; 21Har77: 4888760.

4888761. 4ctivity selector charts: an index for clinical upgrading of balance and upper extremity range of motion and muscle strength. 4 p. 4ppl. au: Lois Jaffe. e Lois Jaffe; 24May77: 4888761.

A888762. Motorola hep program: semiconductor cross reference guide and catalog. 180 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. © Motorola, Inc.; 1Apr77: 4888762.

4888763. Master selection guide and catalog. 249 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. ©Motorola, Inc.; 14Apr77; 4888763.

4888764. Auerbach corporate EDP library C600, April 1977. Sheets, 1 v. 6 2 folders. © Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 6May77; A88a764.

4888765. IPH replacement parts for Delco Remy alternators. Catalog 14 76. 1 v. Add. ti: Alternators and parts, 1; IPM guaiity parts, eguipment and supplies. © International Products and Manufac- turing, Inc. (IPM a.a.d. for International Products and Manufacturing, Inc.); 130ct76; A888765.

A888766. Drafting marriage contracts in Florida. 199 p. © The Florida Bar; 26Jul77; 4888766.

4888767. Curtis C-46 : paper airplane. 2 p- 4ppl. au: Morton shorr (Hort Shorr) £ Geoffrey H. Nixon (Geoff Nixon) S Mort Shorr £ Geoff Nixon; 12Jun77; 4888767.

4888768. God's love shines over all: a collection of original poems. By Blanche V. Cochran. Prev. reg. 1967 as Words of love and life. NM: additions. 9 Blanche V. Cochran; 204pr77: 4888768.

4888769. Garden reading method. Grade 2: bluebird workbook. By Mae Garden. 55 p. NM: p. 55. a Mae Garden, Inc.; 34ug77; 4888769.

4888770. Preparing for a career- Publications no. 130-052. By Henry C. Ryniker. 1 v. (Career counseling series, vol. 2) Appl. au: Technical Education Research Center-SB. O Technical Education Research Center-SS; 1Jul76; 4888770.

4888771. A Parents guide to technical education. Publication no. 130-053. By Henry C. Ryniker. 64 p. (Career counseling series, vol. 3) Appl. au: Technical Education Research Center-SH. © Technical Education Research Center-SW; 1Jul76; A888771.

A888772. A Student guide for securing a job. Publication no. 130-054. By Henry C. Ryniker. 75 p. (Career counseling series, vol. 4) Appl. au: Technical Education Research Center-SH. Technical Education Research Center-SB; 1Jul76; 4888772.

4888773. Career counseling the disadvantaged. Publication no. 130-055. By Henry C. Ryniker. 45 p. (Career counseling series, vol. 5) Appl. au: Technical Education Research Center-SB. © Technical Education Research Center-SB; 1Jul76; A888773.

4888774. 4 Laser/electro-optics technology equipment list. Publication no. 130-020. Prepared by 4. Damommio. 68 p. 4dd. ti: LEOT equipment list; LEOT educational equipment and supplies. Appl. au: Technical Education Research Center-SB. 9 Technical Education Research Center SB; 1JU176; A888774.

4888775. Technical Education Research Center laser electro-optics technician program; evaluation manual. 129 p. 4dd. ti: LEOT evaluation manual. Appl. au; Technical Education Research Center-SB. 9 Technical Education Research Center-SW; 1Jul76; A888775.

4888776. Counseling for careers. Publication no. 130-051. By Henry C. Ryniker. 44 p. (Career counseling series, vol. 1) Appl. au: Technical Education Research Center-SH- 9 Technical Education Research Center-SH; 1Jul76; A888776.

4888777. Lincoln County, Kentucky, marriages (1780-1850) and tombstone inscriptions. Compiled by Shirley Dunn. 174 p. 9 Shirley Dunn; 7Jul77; A888777.

A888778. The First half of 1976: a Texas review of wildcat completions and new field discoveries. Managing editor: Jack L. Biggins. 311 p. Add. ti: 1976 wildcat round-up: a Texas review of wildcat completions and new field discoveries in the first half of 1976 with discovery plats; 1976 wildcat round-up (first half of 1976) © International Oil Scouts 4ssociation; 24Jun77: 4888778.

4888779. Congress; instructor's manual. Designed by Barry R. Lawson £ Marjorie S. Jeffries. 19 p. © Marjorie S. Jeffries; 15Sep76;



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