Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/461

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»8889a6 - i888991
JUL-DEC. 1977

18889116. ADericao Associatioo of Lav Libraries biographical directory, 1977. Edited by CoBBittee on Directories, Aaerican Association of Law Libraries. 3rd ed. 118 p. Appl- au: Best Publishing Coapany, enployer for hire. O Hest Publishing COBPany: «Aug77; 18889146.

A8889I47. Instructor's nanual to accoapany Police adainistratiou and Banaqenent. By Saa S. Souryal. 62 p. 6 Hest Publishing CoBpany; 18Jul77: A8e89il7.

18889118. Instructor's aanual for Corrections: organization and adainistratiou. By Henry Burns, Jr. 188 p. Rest Publishing COBpany; 2iug77; A888948.

A8889U9. Instructor's aanual for Criainal inyestiqatioD and presentation of evidence. By Arnold flarkle. 82 p. Hest Publishing coapany: 18Jul77: I8889a9.

1888950. Idaho digest annotated, August 1977. 62 p. Q Hest Publishing Company; 3Auq77; A888950.

A8889S1. 1977 sappleaent to Estate planning problems. By David Bestfall. 175 p. The Foundation Press, Inc. ; 3Aug77; A888951.

A888952. Hest's Indiana code annotated service, 1977. No. 5. 653 p. Hest Publishing Coapany; 19Jul77; A888952.

A888953. Oklahoaa session Ian service, 1977. No. 5. 1 v. Hest Publishing Coapany; 2Aug77: 1888953.

188895II. Oklahoaa session law service, 1977. No. U. 1 v. Hest Publishing Coapany; 29JU177: 18889514.

1888955. Hest's Bassachusetts legislative service, 1977. No. 1. p. 267-1485. Best Publishing Coapany; 41ug77; 1888955.

1888956. Arizona legislative service, 1977. No. 6. p. 921-1289. C Hest Publishing Coapany: 11Jul77; A888956.

1888957. Hest's Louisiana session law service, 1977. No. 3. p. 277-1442. Hest Publishing Coapany: 25Jul77: 1888957.

1888958. Irizona digest, annotated, lugust 1977; directly suppleaenting 1977 pocket parts. 190 p. Hest Publishing Coapany; 31ug77: 1888958.

A888959. Oklahoaa session law service, 1977. No. 3: chap. 61-173. 1 v. Hest Publishing coapany: 14Jul77: A888959.

A888960. Hest's California legislative service; 1977-1978 regular session. No. 5, 1977. 1 V. O Hest Publishing Company: 21Jul77; 1888960.

1888961. Florida digest. »ol. 1-14. 1977 cuaulative annual pocket part. 14 v. in 37 Hest Publishing Coapany: 27llay77: 1888961.

A888962. Sauggliug drugs: the worldwide connection. By Hichael Fooner. 48 p. N0: text & conpilation of photos. o Hichael Fooner; 22Jun77: A888962.

A888963. Hhen Hindwagon Saith caae to Hestport. By fiaaona Haher , lavishly illustrated by Torn Allen. 48 p. on text; Baoona Haher; 7Jul77: A888963.

A888964. Hhen Hindwagon Saith caae to Hestport. By Baaona Haher, lavishly illustrated by TOB Allen. 48 p. O on illus. ; Tob Allen: 7Jul77; A888964.

A888965. Hoonhopping through our solar systea. By Noraan F. SBith, illustrated by Bob Totten, general editor: Hargaret Patrington Bartlett. 42 p. O on text; Noraan F. Sai^th; 9Bay77: A888965.

A888966. Hoonhopping through our solar systea. By Noraan F. Smith, illustrated by Bob Totten, general ediitor: Hargaret Parrinqton Bartlett. 42 p. e on illus.; Bob Totten; 9llay77; A888966.

A888967. Can't you make them behave. King George? By Jean Fritz, pictures by Thoaas Anthony De Paola. 45 p. O on text; Jean Fritz; 17Auq77; A888967.

A8e8968. Can't you make them behave. King George? By Jean Fritz, pictures by Tomie De Paola (Thoaas Anthony De Paola). 45 p. e on illus.; Tomie De Paola; 17Aug77: A888968.

A888969. Mister Peale's mammoth. By Samuel Epstein 6 Beryl Hilliams Epstein, illustrated by Hartim Avillez. 63 p. on text; Sam 6 Beryl Epstein: 24aay77; 1888969.

A888970. Bister Peale's mammoth. By Samuel Epstein C Beryl Hilliaas Epstein, illustrated by Hartim Avillez. 63 p. e on illus.; Bartim Avillez; 24Hay77; A888970.

A888971. Haria's cave. By Hilliam B. Hooks, illustrated by Victor Juhasz. 60 p. C on text: Hilliam H. Hooks; 5Hay77: A888971.

A888972. Haria's cave. By Hilliam B. Hooks, illustrated by Victor Juhasz. 60 p. on illus.; Victor Juhasz; 5Hay77: A888972.

A888973. Pauline Pearls. By Harie B. Hald. 160 p. O Marie M. Hald; 11Auq77; 1888973.

1888974. Music man of the Hest. A novel by Hellman E. Gerke. 184 p. Hellaan £. Gerke; 26Aug77; 1888974.

A888975. Diamonds, love and compatibility (so yon think you've got a gem!) By Saul A. Spero. 119 p. O Saul A. Spero; 23Aug77; A8a8975.

A888976. Ice is also great. A novel by L. L. Saith. 200 p. NH: 90% new aatter. L. L. Smith; 16Auq77: A888976.

A888977. Love — from black women to black men; poetry and prose. Edited by Frances Johnson Barnes, introd. by Budy Dee. 79 p. O Frances Johnson Barnes; 3Aug77: A888977.

A888978. Adventures in the philosophy of religion. By Bobert Leet Patterson. 87 p. O Bobert Leet Patterson; 29Jul77: 1888978.

1888979. Poeas from the 1830s by a poor son of Ireland: Nicholas Duffy. Edited by George H. Duffey. 150 p. O George H. Duffey; 3iug77; A888979.

A888980. Naughty jokes — rated "E." By Jo Ann Box. 39 p. O Jo Ann Box; 31Aug77: A888980.

A88B981. Physical fitness and aental health before and after retirement. By Helen Hall Peters. 112 p. Helen Hall Peters; 31Aug77: A888981.

1888982. Ill dreams never die; a book of poems. By James c. Conant. 48 p. James C. Conant; 311ug77: 1888982.

1888983. The Eternal triangle: you, your neighbor and God. By Gary Price Todd. 151 p. NH: 90t Dew matter. Gary Price Todd; 29Aug77; A888983.

1888984. The Old Bhinebeck lerodroae. By E. Gordon Bainbridge. 123 p. E. Gordon Bainbridge: 241ug77: 1888984.

A888985. Heart echoes in verse. By Babel Glenn Baldeaan. 216 p. O Babel Glenn fialdeman: 29Aug77: A8889e5.

A888986. The Panama paradox. By flichael Holfe a.k.a. Gilbert Hilliaas. 280 p. O Michael Holfe a.k.a. Gilbert Hilliaas; 24Aug77; A88e986.

A888987. Film/cineaa/aovie: a theory of experience. By Gerald Mast. 299 p. Appl. states all new except fraae blow-ups froa pub. filas. Gerald Bast; 13Jul77: A888987.

A8B8988. The Spontaneous generation controversy froa Descartes to Oparin. By John Farley. 225 p. Appl. states all new except p. 92-120. e The Johns Hopkins University Press; 23Aug77; A888988.

A88S989. Bespect for life in medicine, philosophy and the law. By Owsei Temkin, Hilliam K. Frankena £ Sanford H. Kadish. 107 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 3. Chap. 3 prev. pub. in California law review 64, 1976. C The Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 28Jun77; A888989.

A888990. The Protocol of Neferyt (the prophecy of Neferti) By Hans Goedicke. 206 p. The Johns Hopkins University Press; 12Aug77; A888990.

A888991. A Model for income distribution, employment, and growth: a case study of Indonesia. By Syamaprasad Gupta, assisted by Ellen Andersson e Bonald Padula. 121 p. O The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, whose a.a.d. is The Horld Bank; 23AU977:



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