Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/474

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A88448 - A889486
JUL-DEC. 1977

A889<(t8. APL data interface; proqrao descrip- tion/operations manual. Program no-; 5796-PKA. 5796-PKB, 5796-PKC. 112 p. (Installed user proqram) @ International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d. : IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation); 29Jul77: A889448.

A889449. Telecom munications control system- -advanced function (TCS-AF) — version 4; proqram loqic manual. Proqram no. 57H0-XXD. 2nd ed. 169 p. (Program product) @ International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 28Jul77; A889449.

A889450. Online student reqistration and accounting system; systems guide. Program no.: 5796-ANIi. 1 v. (Installed user proqram) S Rilliam Sainey Harper Colleqe; 5Auq77: A8891t50.

A889451. Interactive instructional system (OS/VS-TCAH) : operations quide. Proqram no. 57118-1X6. 65 p. (Proqram product) 6 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 28Jul77; A889a51.

A889it52. 5421 printer control unit; parts catalog. tth ed. 27 p. (IBB maintenance library) 3 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 27Jul77; A889452.

A889153. IBM svstem/3a basic assembler and macro processor; reference manual. Proqram no- 5726-AS1. 1 T. (Basic assembler reference) 9 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 27Jul77; A889453.

A889454. Business data processinq: cobol and Basic/Fortran versions also; student norkbook. By Mike Murach. 2nd ed. 126 p. e Mike Murach; 14Mar77: A889454.

A889455. Business data processinq: Cobol and Basic/Fortran versions also; overhead proiector foils. By Mike Murach. 2nd ed. 1 V. e Mike Murach; 28Peb77: 4889455.

A889456. Business data processinq: Cobol and Basic/Fortran versions also, second edition; instructor's quide. By Mike Murach. 168 p. NM: additional text 6 editorial revision. © Mike Murach; 28Feb77; A889456.

A889457. Basic: a direct approach. By Gerald Rohl £ Hike Murach. 69 p. 6 Mike Murach; 17May77; A889457.

A889458. Modern cost reduction practices; a special report on new methods of controlling costs. 83 p. © Alexander Hamilton Institute, Inc.; 19Aug77; A889458.

A889459. Curved 4-space. By David H. Brisson. 32 p. e David B. Brisson; 13Aug77; A889459.

A889460. Star Hars. Editors: Steve Francis £ Jim Pierce. 63 p. £ insert. Appl. au: Columbia Pictures Publications. DM: additional text, compilation £ other nev matter. O Columbia Pictures Publications; 29JU177: A889460.

A889461. California government and politics annual, 1977-78. Edited by Gary 1. Nilhelffl, Thomas fi. Hoeber G Eduin Salzman. 128 p. © California Center for Research and Education in Government; 17Aug77; A88 9461.

A889462. Caterpillar batteries. Folder. © Caterpillar Tractor Company; 15Aug77; A889462.

A889463. Biology digest: year end index, volume 2, issues 1-9, 1975-76. 288 p. Add. ti; Biology digest, 1975-76 cumulative index, volume 2, 1-9. MM: compilation of indexes. © Data Courier, Inc. (in notice: Data Courier, Inc., a wholly ovned subsidiary of the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Company) ; 30Sep76; A88 9463.

A889464. Mickey Mouse and Goofy explore energy. 1 V. © Bait Disney Productions; 231Jov76; A8894e4.

A88 9465. Experimental surfactant XD-8390. 00. 2 p. e The DOK Chemical Company: 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889465.

A889466, Experimental surfactant XD-7354.00. 2 p. © The Dow Chemical Company; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A889466.

A889467. Phonic Comics presents Bog's log; teacher-parent guide. By Susan M. Buehler, Beverly H. Faust £ Barbara 8. Louqhner, illustrated by Sylvia J. Emrich. Folder. © Susan M. Buehler, Beverly B. Faust 6 Barbara H. Loughner; 2Aug77; A889467.

A889468. California public sharply divided over homosexuals and their way of life. By Mervin D. Field. 1 v. (The California poll, release no. 946) Appl. au; The Field Institute. © The Field Institute; 12iug77; A889468.

A889469. Chemical resistance table for Gates industrial and hydraulic hose stocks. 16 p. © The Gates Rubber Company; 19Aug77; A889469.

A889470. Zaner-Bloser handwriting workbook; cursive. By Baiter B. Barbe. 128 p. Appl. au: Zaner-Bloser, Inc. © Zaner- Bloser, Inc.; 11Auq77; A889470.

A889471. Zaner-Bloser handwriting workbook; manuscript. By Halter B. Barbe. 95 p. Appl. au: Zaner-Bloser, Inc. NM; additions. © Zaner-Bloser, Inc.; 11Aug77; A889471.

A889472. Business conditions survey, fourth quarter, January 1977. 1 v. © Inter- national Business Forms Industries/PIA, Inc.; 15Jan77; A889472. A889473.

Business conditions quarter, April 1977. national Business Forms Industries/PIA, Inc.; 15Apr77; A889473.

A889474. "Apple-to-apple" price comparison: Joy original 85 dB A Twistair/new 80 dB A Twistair versus major competition, 150 horsepower air and water-cooled with and without aftercooler, with and without enclosure. 1 p. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 3Aug77; A889a74.

A889475. Joy "Unitair" air compressor, class BL-80 — model 25 B/C, class BL-80 — model 40 B/C, class BL-80H — model 40 B/C, class BI-80H — model 50 B/C; parts manual. Sheets (20 p.) NM; revisions. © Joy Manufacturing Company; 12Jul77: A889475.

A889476. Joy oil-free Twistair rotary screw compressor, model TO-280, 300, model TO-350, 375, model TO-460, 500. model TO-560, 600; operator's manual. 1 v. NM: revisions £ additions. © Joy Manufac- turing Company; 21Jun77; A889476.

A889477. Joy Twistair screw compressor, models TA-150 thru TA-290, models FCS-150 thru 8CS-290; operator's manual. 1 v. NM: revisions £ additions. Q Joy Manufac- turing Company: 19Jul77; A889477.

A889478. Rorkbook in linguistic concepts. By Bruce L. Pearson. 106 p. © Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; 1Apr77; A889478.

A889479. Altair 8800b turnkey PBOM monitor; user's guide. Sheets (19 p.) MITS, Inc.; 10Aug77; A889479.

A689480. Norman Grossman's Book of drum styles. 127 p. NM: editions, revisions £ additional text. © Amsco Music Publishing Company, division of Music Sales Corporation (in notice: Amsco Music Publishing Company); 28JU177; A889480.

A889481. Norman Grossman's Book of drum techniques. 87 p. NM: editions, revisions £ additional text. © Amsco Music Publishing Company, division of Music Sales Corporation (in notice: Amsco Music Publishing Company); 28Jul77; A889481.

A889482. National aerospace standard, June 1977. Sheets. Add. ti: National aerospace standards, June 1977. Q Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. ; 28Jun77; A8B9482.

A889483. The New York Times index. Vol. 65, no. 11, June 1-15, 1977. 100 p. © The New York Times Company; 5Aug77; A889483.

A889484. Pipet tips. 7 p. NM: compilation, revisions fi additions. @ Evergreen Industries, Inc.; 20Jun77; A88948a.

A889485. Economics: readings, issues, and cases. Edited by Edwin Mansfield. 2na ed. 473 p. © N. 8. Norton and Company, Inc.; 16May77; A889485.

A88948e. Hot Bod Magazine vans. No. 5. Editorial director: Lee Kelley fi other editors. 112 p. Appl. au; Petersen Publishing Company. © Petersen Publishing

Company; 11Auq77; AB89486.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.