Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/524

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&891519 - 4891559
JUL-DEC. 1977

&891518 (con.) nursinq. r^pecial services. By Jean Gayton Carroll. 53 p. fi Jean Carroll; 2<14uq77; 4891518.

4891519. Sears employe attitude research survey; catalog merchandise distribution center version. 7 p. Q Sears, Roebuck and CoBpany: eNov7« (in notice: 1975); 4891519.

4891520. Pesquisa de opiniao dos funcionarios da Sears: versao-Sears Roebuck, S4. 5 p. e Sears, Roebuck and Company: 7Jun7e: 4891520.

4891521. Sears employee attitude research survey: retail version. 6 p. 4dd. ti: Sears employe attitude research survey: retail version. Sears, Roebuck and Company; 1itJun76; 4891521.

4891522. Multi-media Sunday school. Curriculum unit theme: Christ. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Daryl Dee Dale. Daryl Dale; 74pr77; 4891522.

4891523. Brooklyn real estate reqister; record of real estate transfers and mortgages. Suppl. no. 2, 4ug. 1977. 8 p. O Beal Estate Register, Inc.; 224uq77; 4891523.

48915214. Philadelphia real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortqaqes. Suppl. no. 7, July 1977. 20 p. 3 Philadelphia Real Estate Directory, Inc.; 264uq77; 4891521.

4891525. Supplement to Suburban real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortqaqes, 4uqust 1977. 18 p. © Philadelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc.: 194uq77: 4891525.

4891526. Supplement to East Hontqomery County real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortqaqes, 4uqust 1977. 10 p. e Philadelphia Real Estate Directory, Inc.; 194ug77; 4891526.

4891527. Supplement to Lover Bucks County directory: record of real estate transfers and mortqaqes, July 1977. lip. e Philadelphia Real Estate Directory, Inc.; 254uq77: 4891527.

4891528. Essei County real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortqaqes. Section no. 1-2. Suppl. no. 2, 4uq. 1977. 2 V. in 1. 6 Real Estate Directory, Inc.; 194uq77; 4891528.

4891529. Westchester County real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortqaqes. Suppl. no. 1U, &uq. 15, 1977. 6 p. e Realty Directory Pub- lications, Inc.; 164uq77; 4891529.

A891S30. Westchester County real estate directory; record of real estate transfers and mortqaqes. Suppl. no. 13, 4uq. 1, 1977. 6 p. e Realty Directory Pub- lications, Inc.; 14uq77: 4891530.

4891531. Elvis: a 3 hour special. 3 v^ e Drake-Chenault Enterprises, Inc.; 194ug77: 4891531.

aers; 12 loomed necklaces. By Ray C. Davis, created by Creative Bead Supplies. 33 p. e Ray C. Davis; 7Jal77; 4891532.

4891533. The Holy beggars* gazette; a journal of Chassidic Judaism. Editors: Elana Rappaport 6 Steven L. Haimes. 56 p. © Judaic Book Service, owned by Steven L. Baimes; 7qilug77; 4891533.

4891531*. The Fixer. From 4 story of trust, by Hachman of Breslav. Translated C illustrated by Miriam Succot E Eliyah Succot. 1 V. © Judaic Book Service, ovned by Steven L. Haimes; 1Sep77; 4891534.

4891535. United's D-U50G type 4 fire damper. Bulletin no. 15-2-877. 2 p. 4ppl. au: United Sheet Metal, division United McGill Corporation £ Robert E. Schorr. United Sheet Metal, division of United HcGill Corporation; 254ug77; 4891535.

4891536. Digital temperature indicator model 32. Product bulletin VM 2086. Folder. Q Victory Engineering Corporation; 29JU177; 4891536.

4891537. The 4utomated reliability test system (4eTS) a neii concept in gyro vheel assembly reliability testing. No. P-366. By C. ». Pepin. 31 p. 4ppl. au: The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. © The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.; 21Dec76; 4891537.

4891538. The Hires report, peninsula residential market activity for the second quarter, 1977. Editors: Gerald I. Simon, Vernon 4. Quarstein, staff assistants: Barbara Joynes £ Janetta Ovens. 84 p. 4dd. ti: Quarterly Hires report, peninsula residential market activity, 2nd quarter, 1977. 4ppl. au: Hampton Institute. © Hampton Institute; 234U977; 4891538.

4891539. Leeval-Bell, fail and vinter 1977. 428 p. 4ppl. au: Lynn Carr. © Leeval-Bell, division of Popular Services, Inc. ; 20Hay77: 4891539.

4891540. Popular club Flan, fall and vinter 1977. 428 p. 4ppl. au: Lynn Carr. © Popular Club Plan, division of Popular Services, Inc.; 20May77; 4891540.

4891541. Grace Holmes Club Plan, fall-vinter 1977. 428 p. 4ppl. au: Lynn Carr. 9 Grace Holmes Club Plan, division of Popular Services, Inc.; 20May77; 4891541.

4891542. Clifford's, fall and vinter 1977. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Lynn Carr. S Clifford's, division of Popular Services, Inc. ; 20Hay77; 4891542.

4891543. Signet Club Plan, fall and vinter 1977. 428 p. 4ppl. au: Lynn Carr. © signet Club Plan, division of Popular Services, Inc.; 20Hay77: 4891543.

4891544. The Politics of "experience." Folder. Reprinted from Radix. NM: editorial revisions fi additions. © Spiritual counterfeits Project, Inc.; 174ug77;

4891544. By Etta Marie fiodamaker 4shley. 32 p. C Anna Mae Ashley Heit 6 Thomas Hilliam 4shley; 304ug77; 4891545.

4891546. The 4iiiazing six. Edited by Gary O'Heill 5 Bruce Steinike, story by Gary O'Neill £ Bruce steinike, script fi artvork by Gary O'Neill, letterer: Bruce Steinike. 39 p. e Gary O'Neill; 7Jun77; 4891546.

4891547. Three poems vritten in Ireland. By Hargo Lockuood. 1 v. © Margo Lockvood; 14ug77; A891547.

4891548. Don't miss out; the ambitious student's guide to scholarships and loans. 2Qd ed. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Robert Leider. O Octameron 4ssociates; lSep77; A891548.

4891549. Gems about Jim. 4uthor: James Taylor Moss, Jr. , illus. by Margaret Nevman. 28 p. James Taylor Moss, Jr.; 1Sep77; 4891549.

4891550. Stitches in time: Hohavk Valley, 1777-1851. Editor: Janet G. Scripture. 1 V. © Rome Historical Society: 21Jul77; 4891550.

4891551. Soundco catalog, fall 1977. By Craig D. Pardey. 48 p. © Soundco; 74ug77; 4891551.

4891552. Port of Boston handbook, 1977-1978. Vol. 2. Production by Curtis Guild and Company, Publishers, Inc. 192 p. Appl. au: Boston Shipping Association, Inc. © Boston Shipping 4ssociation, Inc. ; 31Aug77; 4891552.

4891553. Thank you. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Archer L. Scott. e Archer L. Scott; 14Jul77; A891553.

A891554. An Introduction to medical malpractice as a public policy issue. By Jerry Lubliner fi Mary H. Bednarski. 50 p. (Learning packages in policy issues, PI 1) © Jerrj Lubliner; 27Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 489 1554.

4891555. Visual presentation: a practical manual for architects and engineers. By Ernest Edvard Burden, Jr. 88 p. © Ernest £. Burden; 15May77; 4891555.

4891556. Textures of our Earth. Bayetage tapestries by Nancy Hemenvay (Nancy Bemenvay Barton) . 1 v. @ The President and Trustees of Bovdoin College; 5Aug77; A891556.

A891557. The King is coming and other favorite Gospel songs. By Rilliam J. Gaither £ Gloria Gaither, arr. for accordion (vith lyrics fi chords) by Pietro Deiro. 39 p. NM: compilation £ arrangements. 6 Hilliam J. Gaither; 24Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A891557.

A891558. Discovering, choosing and folloving Jesus Christ. By iilliam H. Venable. 66 p. fi sheets (3 p.) Add. ti: Discovering, choosing, folloving Jesus Christ. © Killiam U. Venable; 174ug77; AS91558.

A891559. Guidelines and program; adult training center. 1 v. 3 Fred Toguchi Associates

Architects; 31Aug77; A891559.


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