Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/56

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A872566. James 1:17, every thing He have is a gift from God! poster- Add. ti: James 1:17 poster- Appl- aii: Robert Bucce. e Distribiiidora Internacional De nateriales Evangelicos a.a.d. : DXHE; 1Jal76: A872566.

A872567. The Toledo Haseam of Art: a guide to the collections. 95 p. e The Toledo Huseum of Art: 30Dec76; 4872567.

A872568. Horth American Indians today; teachers guide. 28 p. @ National Geographic Society: 6Apr77: A872568.

A872569. Joiirney: hon to get started; teachers guide. Photos, by Jonathan T. Hright. 20 p. Appl. aa: National Geographic Society. © National Geographic Society; 11Apr77; A872569.

A872570. Siberia- Prepared by the Television and Educational Films Division, National Geographic Society, text-editor: Donald M. Cooper, uriter: Pamela S- Bhyne, picture editor: Anne B. Keiser, art director: Yeorgos N. Lampathakis & artist: Randall Rives. poster. 8 National Geographic Society: 114pr77; A872570.

A872571. The Whole family memory book- 1 v. Appl. au: Hilton Kanen. e Milton Kaaen: 5Hay77: A872571.

A872572. Superstar special; collector's ed- No- 14. Editor: Florine McCain 6 other editors. 106 p. e Sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 7Jun77: A872572-

A872573. He need some decent heroes, August 21, 1977. By Frank Lee. 1 p- Appl- au: Liguori Publications. @ Liguori publications; 10Jun77; A872573-

A8725711. He all have our problems, September 4, 1977. By John Farnik. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. 6 Liguori publications; 10Jun77; A87257a-

A872575. Help for those under stress, August 28, 1977. By Hugh J. O'Connell^ 1 p. Appl. au; Liguori Publications. Liguori Publications: 10Jun77: A872575.

A872576. The Deeper levels of marriage, September 11, 1977. By Hugh J. O'Connell,. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. @ Liguori Publications: 10Jun77; A872576-

4872577. Hou to celebrate an old fashioned Christmas in your home, 1977- Edited 6 compiled by Edward Kutloiiski. 96 p. Appl. au: House of Hhite Birches, Inc. House of White Birches, Inc.; 12May77: 4872577.

4872578- Institutional food service operation: block M and P. 1 v. e The Culinary Institute of America; lMay77: A872578.

A872579. Statistics on social work education in the Onited States: 1976. Compiled by Ann w. Shyne e G. Robert Hhitcomb, Kith the assistance of Susan Reichman G Denise Waterman. 71 p- 6 Council on Social Work Education, Inc.; 6Jun77; A872579.

A872580- Assessment and application. By Sally J- Rogers & Diane B. D'Eugenio. 80 p. (Developnental programming for infants and young children, vol- 1. Editors: D- Sue Schafer & Martha S- Moersch) The Dniversity of Michigan; 22Apr77; A872580.

A872581. Early intervention developmental profile. By Sally J. Rogers, Diane B. D'Eugenio, Sara L. Brown, Carol H. Donovan 6 Eleanor W- Lynch. 16 p. (Developmental programming for infants and young children, vol. 2. Editors: D- Sue Schafer 6 Martha S- Moersch) NM: editorial revision, introd., additional 6 updated entries. © The University of Michigan; 22Apr77; A872581.

A872582- Stlmulation activities. By Sara L. Brown £ Carol H- Donovan. 145 p. (Developmental programming for infants and young children, vol. 3. Editors: D. Sue Schafer & Martha S. Moersch) The Dniversity of Michigan; 22Apr77; A872582.

A872583. The Pursuit of happiness: a view of life in Georgian England- By J. B. Plumb, catalogue entries by Edward J. Nygren 6 Nancy L. Pressly- 1 39 p. 6 Yale Center for British Art; 15Apr77; A872583-

487258a. The Canbe Collective builds a be-hive. Written by Bert Garskof, illustrated by Brenda Louise Zlamany, coordinated by Sandy Hellman. 90 p. Bert Garskof; 19May77; 4872581.

A872585- The study game workbook; a guide to writing and note taking. By Laia Hanau, & Theo Niemeyer, pseud, of Theodora E- Lambson. 112 p. NH: additional text. O Laia Hanau; 10ct76: AB72585-

4872586. Twenty-five lessons in citizenship. By D. L. Hennessey, pseud- of Lenore Hennessey Richardson, revised by Lenore Hennessey Richardson. 88th ed. 93 p- 9 Lenore H- Richardson, pseud-: D. L- Hennessey; 30Dec76; A872586.

A872587. Colorado west: land of geology and wildflowers. By Robert G- Young 6 Joann W- Young. 239 p. © Robert G. Young e Joann w. Young; 13aay77; A872587.

A872588- I played around with Schubert. By Deborah Ann Eckart- 54 p. O Deborah A. Eckart; 13Bay77; A872588-

A872589- Bessie Sue, la muneca de Carmelita Garcia, por Edward H. Hutchins, ilustrado por Bonnie M. Smith, traducido por Tom Fairclough- 1 v- Translation of Elizabeth Anderson's doll Bessie Sue, prev. reg. 4794505. NM: translation, e Box 21, Inc.; 20Oct76; 4872589.

4872590. Logan County, Virginia, marriage records 1853-1860 and 1850 census- By Ethel Evans Albert 6 Troy Taylor. 148 p- NM: compilation. © Ethel Evans Albert; 20tlov74; A872590.

A872591. Classified ads are costly! By J- C. Zastrow- Folder- Add. ti: Progress Publishers mailing lists brochure.. O Progress Publishers; 1Jun77; A872591.

A872592, Contracts for architectural and engineering services. By Arthur T- Kornblut- Folder (4 p.) (Guidelines for improving practice: architects and engineers professional liability, vol- 7, no. 3) Add- ti: Guidelines: contracts for architectural and engineering services- © Victor O- Schinnerer and Company, Inc.; 31May77; A872592.

4872593. Pleiades Hicroware: Sorcerer, a disassembler program for 8080 based microcomputers. 1 v. Appl. au: George William Gilbert (George Gilbert) © George Gilbert, sole owner of Pleiades Microware; 1Apr77; A872593.

A872594- Optometric Extension Program, continuing education courses- Vol- 49, June 1977. 1 V. @ Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc.; 20May77; A872594-

A872595. Notes for human sexuality. By Clifford J. Dennis. 2nd ed. 52 p. Add. ti: Notes on human sexuality. © Clifford J. Dennis; 6Apr77: 4872595.

A872596. Anxiety: the locus coeruleus connection- By D. E. Redmond, Jr., J. W- Maas, Y- H. Huang, D- B. Snyder & J. Baulu. 25 p. © D. E. Redmond, Jr.; 4Hay77: A872596.

A872597- Do Do's Beaded plant hanger with fruit. BSH no. 148. Folder- © Dodo Sales, Inc.; 23Jun77: A872597.

A872598. Maya/dreams. By Tom HcKeown. 12 p. © Tom McKeown; 21Jun77; A872598-

A872599. Theory 1 — written: music 301G; second semester- By William B- Stacy, issued by Correspondence Study Department, University of Wyoming. 120 p. Add- ti: Music 301G: Theory 1, written. Appl. au: The Dniversity of Wyoming- The University of Wyoming; 21Jun77; 4872599.

4872600- Specif ications and related contract documents for the construction of York Steak House, Towne Hall, Middletown, Ohio. Documents prepared by Richard Henry Eiselt, for York Steak Bouse Systems, Inc. 1 V. © Richard Henry Eiselt; 6Jun77; 4872600-

4872601. Being good enough isn't good enough- By Jack Cottrell- 96 p- Appl- au: Standard Publishing Company. © Standard Publishing Company: 1Jan76: A872601-

4872602. Body for sale; fresh, inspirational insights. By Wes Reagan. 94 p- Appl. au: Standard Publishing Company. © Standard Publishing Company; 1Jan76; A872602.

A872603- Gleanings from God's word- By Uerschel B- Dean. 96 p. Herschel B. Dean; 1Jan76; A872603.

4872604- 46 sharp points for well-rounded talks. By Don Sharp. 96 p- Appl. au: Standard publishing Company- © Standard Publishing Company; 1Jan76: A872604.

A87260S- What are we waiting for? Jesus is here- By Wes Beagan- 96 p. Appl- au: Standard Publishing Company. Standard publishing company; 1Jan76; A872605-


Do you know who you are? Youth


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