Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/574

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4893521 (con.) envelope- (Scholastic Aaericaa citi- zenship proqraB, pt. 1) O Scholastic Haqazines, Inc.; 15iuq77; A893521.

4893522. Faailies: scope activity kit; ditto masters. Britten & compiled by the editors of Scholastic scope maqazine. Sheets (6 p.) in envelope. Appl. au: Scholastic Haqazines* Inc.* employer for hire. Q Scholastic Haqazines, Inc. ; 15Sep77; 1893522.

4893523. State and local qovernments; skills spiritmasters. Sheets (32 p.) in envelope. (Scholastic American citi- zenship proqram, pt. 3) Q Scholastic Haqazines, Inc.; 15Aug77: A893523.

A89352». Comedy; scope activity kit; ditto masters. Written £ compiled by the editors of Scholastic scope maqazine. Sheets (6 p.) in envelope. Appl. au; Scholastic Haqazines, Inc. , employer for hire. @ Scholastic Haqazines, Inc. ; 15Sep77; A893524.

A893525. Outsiders; scope activity kit; ditto masters. Written 6 compiled by the editors of Scholastic scope maqazine. Sheets (6 p.) in envelope. Appl. au: Scholastic Haqazines, Inc. , employer for hire. © Scholastic Haqazines, Inc.; 15Sep77: A893525.

A893526. Politics and people; skills spirit- masters. Sheets (32 p.) in envelope. (Scholastic Aaerican citizenship proqram, pt. 4) Scholastic Haqazines, Inc. ; 15Auq77: A893526.

A893527. Laaqhinq together. Compiled by Barbara K. Walker, illustrated by Simms Taback. 106 p. HH; compilation G text. Q Barbara K. Walker; 15Sep77; A893527.

A893528. Lauqhinq toqether. Compiled by Barbara K. Walker, illustrated by Slums Taback. 106 p. e on illus.; Simms Taback; 15Sep77; A893528.

A893529. Lucky Book club crossuord puzzles. 1 v. NH: revisions 6 instructions. Q Sc- holastic Haqazines, Inc.; 15Sep77: A893529.

A893530. Biqbt hand note proqram. By Daniel J. Emmons & Hary Jeanne Zuisler. 54 p. Dan Emmons £ H. J. zuisler; 12Sep77: A893530.

A893531. SBA: a ne» method of ratinq the qreatest batters. By Joseph Onq. 3 p. 6 Joseph Onq; 27Auq77; A893531.

A893532. The Greatest pitchers; an all-time ratinq. By Joseph Onq. 2 p. Joseph Onq; 27Auq77; A893532.

4893533. Self inventory. 7 p. Appl. au: Winifred P. Johnson. O Winifred P. Johnson; 10Sep77; 4893533.

A893534. Northwest trek book: a learninq and activity book. By Nancy Field E Sally Hachlis. 26 p. 6 Doq-Eared Publications; 5Auq77; A89353a.

A893535. colleqe arithmetic. By Anne E. Teppo. a. Teppo; 314ug77;

4893536. Husic by matrix. By William D'Aqostino, music written from the graphs by Philip cianci. 1 v. e William D'Aqostino; 22Auq77; 4893536.

4893537. Hinitector thickness gage HK-3. Inspector thickness gage. 2 p. © Zormco Electronics Corporation; 1Jul77; 4893537.

A893538. Zoreico-Zahn-computerized viscosity cups. Zorelco aini-weight-per-gallon-cup. 2 p. e Zorelco, Ltd.; 294ug77; 4893538.

48-93535. Hinitector thickness qage.. 150 minitector scales. 2 p. © Zormco Electronics Corporation; 25Aug77; A893539.

4893540. Elcometer roughness gage. Elcojneter dial gages. 2 p. © Zormco Electronics Corporation; 254ug77; 4893540.

4693541. Holitector. Probe selection guide for models 105 and 166. 2 p. Zormco Electronics Corporation; 254uq77; 4893541.

4893542. Inspector thickness qage. Hinitector thickness gage HK-3. 2 p. @ Zormco Electronics Corporation; 1Jul77; 4893542.

4893543. Zorelco mini-weight-per-gallon-cup. Zorelco-Zahn-computerized viscosity cups. 2 p. © Zorelco, Ltd.; 29Auq77; A893543.

4893544. Polygraph quadri-zone comparison techuigue. 21 p. 4ppl. au; James Allan Hatte. James Allan Hatte; 9Sep77; A893544.

A893545. Basic chemistry: an outline of notes. By Hichael A. Buben. 34 p. © Michael 4. Buben; 6Sep77; A893545.

A893546. Treasures from the Chrysler Huseum at Norfolk and Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. Catalogue by Hario Amaya & Eric H. Zafran, edited by Hario Amaya. 60 p. © Chrysler Huseum at Norfolk; 11Jun77; 4893546.

4893547. Laboratory experiments in 4natomy and physiology: Biological systems 2. By Linda 4. Sabatino. 174 p. 4ppl. au; Donald S. Kisiel. © Donald S. Kisiel; 1Sep77; 4893547.

4893548. I believe in Jesus, I believe in the Lord. Words by Serafine Joyce Scarpa. 1 p. © Joyce Scarpa; 14Jul77; 4893548.

4893549. HHS; money management service, long term corporate financing. By Financial Directions. Folder. Appl. au: Bankers National Life Insurance Company. © Bankers National Life Insurance Company; 1Jun77; 4893549.

4893550. Skater's catalog. 15 p. © RC Sports, Inc.; 294ag77; 4893550.

4893551. The Beef story. By Teresa Sue Lambert, illus. by ^in Brovn Boucher. 64 p. © Teres Lambert; 10Sep77; A893551.

A893552. Synthetic fiber web slings. 15 p. Appl. au: Bay Wheeler. © Wire Rope corporation of America, Inc. ; 6Sep77; 4893552.

4893553. My coaching practices. 2 p. Appl. au; George F. Truell. a George Iruell Associates; 9Hay77; A893553.

AB93554. Analysis sheet for Hy coaching practices. 1 p. Appl. au: George F. Truell. © George Truell Associates; 9Hay77; A893554.

A893555. A Teacher's guide for Hiking skill book. By Nancy Cowles Cole. 14 p. Appl. au: Boy Scouts of America. 6 Boy Scouts of America; 15Aug77; A893555.

A893556. Exploring techniques; council exploring committee. 48 p. © Boy Scouts of America (in notice; Exploring Division BS4) ; 254ug77; 4893556.

4893557. The Troop leader's can-do kit for Swimming skill book. Folder & sheets. © Boy Scouts of America; 18Aug77; 4893557.

4893558. Financial audit service, September 1, 1977. Sheets. © Conning and Company; 1Sep77; 4893558.

A893559. Lyrical compositions. By Lynnette Kay Smith. 1 V. © Lynnette Kay Smith; 10Sep77; A893559.

A893560. Records retention and disposition schedules; a survey report. A project of the state and Local Records Committee of the Society of American Archivists. 30 p. © Society of American Archivists; 1Hay77; A893560.

A893561. How to become a publisher's field representative; paperback books. 20 p. Appl. au; Robert Raczyk (Skyway Pub- lications) © Skyway Publications; 2Sep77; 4893561.

4893562. Remember the King. 1 p. Appl. au; Elvin Wayne Keeney. Elvin Wayne Keeney; 2Sep77; A893562.

AB93563. Topical anesthesia female sterilization study method list. Pt. A. 2 p. © IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 15Aag77; A893563.

A893564. Topical anesthesia female sterilization study method list. Pt. B. 2 p. © IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 15Aug77; 4893564.

A893565. 6800 time delay package. 1 p. Appl. au: Howard Berenbon. © Howard Berenbon; 9Sep77; AB93565.

A893566. 6800 Bove data block program. 1 p. Appl. au; Howard Berenbon. © Howard Berenbon; 10Sep77; A893566.

A893567. Private sector labor law class outline.

By Hichael C. HcClintock. 1977 ed. 162


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.