Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/622

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A895523 - A895566
JUL-DEC. 1977

A895523. Eiploclnq the Colorado hiqh country. By Jeremy A. Aqnen. 150 p. Jereny Agneii; 30JU177; A895523.

A895524. God's plan foe fanily living: adult instructor. Vol. 25, no. 1. Sheets (72 p.) Regular Baptist Press; 6Jul77: A895524.

A895525. fiussian enbroidery for oiniature rugs; hooked or oriental in style. 1 v. Appl. au: Karie Friedaan. O Harie Friednan; 3Aug77; A895525.

A895S2e. Chinook, spring 1977; creative magazine of Otero Junior College. Editing E layout: Hary DeLorenzo, cover 6 graphics by Orlando Bontoya, photos by John Fellers 3ra 6 Gayle Kruger. 51 p. Appl. au: Timothy F. Walsh. Timothy F. Balsh; 26Hay77: A895526.

Aa95527. Building citizen support in Texas cities; a handbook for city officials on public information and d-itizen parti- cipation. 189 p. O Texas aunicipal League: 150ct76; A895527.

A895528. Healing yourself. 6th rev. ed., 1976. 6t* p. Appl. au: Joyce Prensky. © Joyce Prensky; lHar76; A89552B.

1895529. "This is the house that" — He built: Shelby County Onited Fund for you (SCDFFI) : or. For and by the people — in Shelby County, Indiana, D.S.A. 1 v. Appl. au: Bickey laqner. O Shelby County Onited Fund, Inc.; 29Sep76; A895529.

A895530. Spiritually inspired poems. By Vlrdie Perkins. 14 p. 6 Virdie Perkins; 31Dec76; A895S30.

A895531. Hou to survive a spastic economy; a guide to successful investment in tomorrow's economy. By David E. Bhoads. 162 p. NH: additions. 6 David E. Bhoads: 25llay77; A895531.

A895532. Hhen you don't agree; a guide to resolving marriage and family conflicts. Bt James G. T. Fairfield. 243 p. e Berald Press; 12Sep77: A895532.

A895533. Nhat can I say? Suggestions for ministering to the terminally ill. By Hobert I. Eae. 16 p. Herald Press; 12Sep77: A895533.

A895S31. El Espiritu Santo en la vida de la iglesla; quia de estudio congregacional. Preparada pot Jason Hartin, editor: Levi Niller. translator: Hargarita Schipani. 31 p. HM: translation. Heunonite Publishing House; 19Aug77; A895531I.

A895535. Burvood's Latest winners In the home accessories derby for 1977; mid-year Catalog. 1 v. 3 Burwood Products Company; 15Aug77; A895535.

A895536. Perc-up tennis: a mancal for teaching psychological skills ana attitudes to tennis teaching professionals. By Jarls Stern C Heal Peter Hewman. 2>1 p. <9 Jerry Stern G Neal Newman; 20JU177; A89553e. 1 p. Appl. an: sus Critter Tales- 10Sep77; A895537.

A895538. Hy song bird has tiown: "ode to Elvis." Now don't come knockln' on my door no more. Author: Geneva Henson. 2 p. © Geneva Henson; 23Aug77; 4895538.

A895539. Dick Blanken Ford, Inc. , limited buy-back warranty. 1 p. Appl. au: Dennis Len Spencer, Sr- © Dennis Len Spencer, Sr.; 1Sep77; A895539.

A8955IJ0. Ten commandments for motorists- By Bonn King, pseud, of Bonald K. Zacconc. 1 p. © Bonn King; 1Jun77; A895540.

A8955m. Views of Versailles and surrounding area; Bicentennial ed. Pictures S Information compiled by Bicentennial Book Comm. , Juanita Gerling & Lois Ann baker, photographer: Jac Baker. 160 p. NH: compilation, text C pictorial matter. © Bicentennial Book Comm., lois Ann Baker, Jac Baker e Juanita Gerling: 11Jun76: A8955m.

A8955«2. How to get a good job. By Timothy R. Johnston. Folder (Up.) O Timothy B. Johnston; 26Jun77; A895512.

ABSSSia. Lelooska. By Randolph Falk. Itt p. 9 aandoiph Falk; 201iov75; A8955J(3.

A895544. Confessing movements. 23 p. Appl. au: Erwin L. Lueker. O Erwin L. Lueker; 12JU177; A8955<lit. A895545. The Babysitting expert. 1 v. © law Enforcement Press; 1Sep77; A8955i(5. A89551I6. Transitions. Editor: Steven H- Uaxman, co-editor: HcKlnney Bussell. 1 v. © Pipeline Community Center; 1Sep77; A8955l(6.

A89551t7. Chesapeake local government survey. Prepared by the League of Uomen Voters of Chesapeake. 58 p. HH: coupilation. © League of iomen Voters of Chesapeake; 1Sep77: A895547.

A8955U8. Frequency shift converters models 400 and 402; instruction manual. 50 p. Appl. au: Burton Jaffe. © Burton Jaffe d.b.a. Electrocom Industries; 18Aug77; AB95548.

A895549. The Moisture Hatlc system for multlllth duplicators; reference manual. 10 p. © Addressograph-Sultlgraph Corporation; 22Auq77; A895549.

A895550. Adventure into the world of fragrance. Folder. Barry Dayl. a.k.a. Henri Honet; B3ep77; A895550.

A895551. KFSA round-up proceedings book, 1977. Compiled by the National Fertilizer Solutions Association, editors: fiichard L- Gilliland 6 others. 48 p. © National Fertilizer solutions Association; 20JU177; A695551.

A895552. Hilltary veterans in Georgia prisons; results of a mall survey. Conducted for the Committee on Correctional Facilities and Services of the State Bar of Georgia by Frances B- Furlow. 27 p. Appl. au: State Bar of Georgia. 6 State Bar of Georgia; 30Aug77; A895552.

A895553. Build your own low-cost log home. By Roger Hard, illus. by Kathryn Bard. 200 p. © Garden Hay Associates, Inc. ; 17Hay77; A895553.

A895554. The Family survivor Inventory. By Ted Lazorishak. 20 p. © Ted Lazorishak d.b.a. Trickle Press; 2Eay77; A895554.

A895555. Portable solar energy panel catalog- Offered by Alfred H. Rlmmel, Linda J. Blmmel e J. D. Haynard. 6 p. C Alfred M. Bimmel E Linda J. Eimmel; 2Sep71: A895555.

A995556- Beavlug: a timeless craft. 1 1 p. © American Bool Council; 23Aug77; A89555b.

S895557- The Blue book on counterfeiting- By Mark Thomas, pseud, of Richard J. Maybury. 7 p- Nfl: text. © Blchard J- Haybury, pseud-: Hark Thomas; 15Hay77; J895557-

A895558- Guarautee, a complete service agreement. 1 p. Appl. au: Roger B. Basham, The Basham Bureau. NH; revision. © The Basham Bureau; 27Jun77; A895558.

A8955S9. Personal color harmony: color con- sultation. Folder- Appl- au: Judy Lewis G JoAnne Nicholson- NH: additions G revisions. Judy Lewis G JoAnne Nicholson; 1Jul77; A895559.

A895560. Fantasy fluff. Design: Alana Ziemer, photo.: Andrew HcKinney, graphics: Aleta Jenks. Folder. © Fitzgerald Enterprises, Inc. d-b-a. Handy "Craft-Pak"; 2Sep77; A895560-

A895561- Pon pom ville pals- Design: Alana Ziemer, photo-: Andrew HcKinney, graphics: Aleta Jenks- Folder- © Fitzgerald Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Handy "Craft- Pak"; 2Sep77; A895561.

A895562. Beed pouch. Design: Alana Ziemer, photo.: Andrew HcKinney, graphics: Aleta Jenks- Polder- 6 Fitzgerald Enterprises, Inc- d.b.a. Handy "Craft-Pak": 2Sep77; A895562.

A895563. Draping is heavenly. Design: Alana Ziemer, photo.: Andrew HcKinney, graphics: Aleta Jenks. Folder. © Fitzgerald Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a- Handy "Craft- Pak"; 2Sep77; A895563.

A895564. SLDGB system. Printout. Appl. au: Harold A- Paullin £ Robert L- Rau- © Bau APL Consultants, Inc.; 7Apr77; A895564-

A895565. aemo*plus- Printout- Appl. au: Harold A. Paullin E Robert L- Fau- © Bau APL Consultants, Inc-; 7Apr77; A895565.

A8»55e6. Class morale questionnaire; student information sheet. Developed by Social Research, Inc. 1 p. Appl. au: Burleigh B. Gardner, Hark H. Stone E Benjamin D. Bright. © Gardner, Stone and Bright, solely owned by Burleigh B. Gardner, Hark H. stone £ Benjamin D. Bright; 1Apr77;



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