Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/629

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A895783. Probate and taxes: preservioq your estate for rour heirs. By laD HcPhail. 2lid ed. 94 p. Add. ti: Probate and taies in California; preserving your estate for youc heirs. O Ian HcPhail: 2SFeb77 (in notice: 19/6): A8957B3.

»89578I4. Infornation about and preparation for a cardiac catheterization. 12 p. Appl. au: Frances E. BurUiolder. Barrisburq Hospital; 1Apr77; At)957e4.

A895785. Lauqhinq with oldsters. Vol. 2. Collection by J. Sustav Rhite. t v. J. Gustav Hhite & Helen C. Khite; 6Sep77: Aa95785.

A69S7S6. Uelcone, Church of Christ, instrunental: a study of the Kelleyites. By Billard D. Huqhes. Ul p. Hissionary Baptist Seminary; 15Jun77; A895786.

A895787. Leqacy fron Haniel Lonq. Conpiled by Anton V. Long. 1 v. NH: coapilation, translations £ additions. Anton V. Lonq: 12Auq77; A895787.

A895788. Hhat is your siqn? By Charles E. HcHatton. 24 p. C Gospel Echoes Ministries, Inc.; 20Jun76: AB95788.

A895789. Holecules, cells, and disease: an introduction to the bioloqy of disease. By Julien L. Van Lancleer. 311 p. e Sprinqei-Verlaq Neii york. Inc.; 234uq77; A895789.

A895790. Neale-books: an annotated bibliography. By Bobert K. Krick. 234 p. Bobert J. and flary E. Tounqer d. b. a. Horninqside Bookshop; 1Apr77: A89b790.

A895791. Hood's Texas brigade: its narches, its battles, its achieveaents. By J. B. Polley, introd.: Hichard HcHurray. 347 p. NH: introd. O Bobert J. and Hary £. Younger d.b. a. Horningside Bookshop; 20Dec76: A895791.

4895792. Biographical sketches of General Pat Cleburne and General T. c. Uindaan together with huoorous anecdotes and reminiscences of the late Civil lar. By Charles Edvard Nash, new introd.: Bob loiack. 300 p. NH: introd. Bobert J. and Hary £. Younger d.b. a. Horninqside Bookshop: 154pr77; 4895792.

A895793. The Canpaiqns of Lieutenan t-General N. B. Forrest and of Forrest's Cavalry. By Thoaas Jordan & J. P. Pryor, introd. to new ed. by Ezra J. Harner. 704 p. NH: introd. C Bobert J. and Hary E. Younger d.b. a. Horninqside Bookshop; 27Jun77; A89S793.

i895794. The Battle of Gettysburq; a conpre- hensive narrative. By Jesse Bovaan Younq, introd. : Jacob H. Sheads. 462 p. NH: introd. C Bobert J. Younqer and Hary E. Younger d.b. a. Horningside Bookshop; 1Jun76; A895794.

A895795. The Seventh Tennessee Cavalry (Con- federate) ; a history. By J. P. Toang, new introd.: Herbert L. Harper. 227 p. NH: introd. C Bobert J. and Hary E. Younger d.b. a. Horningside Bookshop; 1Jun76; 4895795.

A895796. Hilitary aeaoirs of a confederate; a critical narrative. By E. P. Alexander, with sketch-aaps by the author, introd.: Haury Klein. 634 p. Hi: introd. 6 24 p. of new photos. Bobert J. and Hary E. Younger d.b. a. Horningside Bookshop; lFeb77; 4895795.

A895797. Aray of northern Virginia; neaorial voluae. Coapiied by John Uilliaa Jones, introd.: Jaaes I. Bobertson, Jr. 347 p. NH: introd. Bobert J. £ Hary E. Younger d.b. a. Horningside Bookshop; 1Jun76; 4895797.

A895798. The Ordnance aanual for the use of the officers of the Confederate States Aray. Prepared under the direction of J. Gorgas. 546 p. Add. ti: Ordnance aanual, 1863. Appl. au: Sydney c. Kerksis. NH: new introd. O Robert J. & Hary E. Younger d.b. a. Horningside Bookshop; 1Jun76; 4895798.

4895799. Four years under Harse Bobert. By Bobert Stiles, introd. & index by Bobert K. Krick. 378 p. NS: introd. 6 index. Bobert J. & Hary E. Younger d.b.a. Horningside Bookshop; 1IAuq77; A895799.

4895800. Noted guerrillas; or. The Harfare of the border. By John H. Edwards, introd.: 41bert Castel. 468 p. NH: introd. O Bobert J. 6 Hary E. Younger d.b.a. Horningside Bookshop; 1Jun76: 4895800.

4895801. aeaoirs of Stonewall Jackson. By Hary Anna Jackson, with introductions by John B. Gordon, Henry H. Field 6 Lowell Beidenbaugh. 647 p. NH: introd. O Sobert J. 6 Hary E. Younger d.b.a. Horningside Bookshop; 1Jun76; A895801.

A895802. Hood's Tennessee caapaign. By Thoaas Bobson Hay, introd.: Bob aoaack. 272 p. NH: new introd. Bobert J. e Hary E. Younger d.b.a. Horningside Bookshop; 1Jun76; A895802.

A895803. Instructions for playing Crazy nuts. 2 p. Accoapanied by photo., reg. K126066. Appl. au: Jerry Valente. Jerry Valente; 94ug77; 4895803.

4895804. Ocean County, NJ, street address directory, August 1977. O National Telephone Directory Corporation; 314ug77; 4895804.

4895805. Uoonsocket, RI, and vicinity telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. New England Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 15Sep77; 4895805.

A895806. Edgeaont, Heaet, Idyllwild, CA, and others, Septeaber 1977. O General Telephone Company of California; 15»uq77; 4895806.

4895807. Lancaster, Lake Hughes, Quartz Hill, and a portion of Paladale, CA, August 1977. General Telephone Coapany of California; 3Aug77: A895807.

4895308. Electrical and instruaentation f undaaentals. 1 v. Learning Onliaited, Inc.; 9Sep77; A895808.

A895809. Instructors workshop. 1 v. O Learning Onliaited, Inc.; 1Jun77; A895809.

A895810. Suicide among the elderly: the final alternative. By Barv Hillec. 123 p. darv Hiller; 19Sep77; A8958ia.

A895811. A New weigh of life: a professional prograa for peraanent weight control. 1 V. Appl. au: Biana HcGuire. O Diana HcGuire; 1Sep77; A895811.

A895812. Official N4IC aodel insurance laws, regulations and guidelines. Vol. 16 2. Prepaxed by NIAfiS Corporation in cooperation with the National Association of Insurance Coaaissioners, editor: Thoaas C. Billig, senior editor: Del Sachwitz. NH: revisions C additions. NIABS Corporation S The National Association of Insurance Coaaissioners; 2Hay77; 4895812.

4895813. Historical dictionary of Chad. By Saauel Oecalo. 413 p. O Saauel Decalo; 12Sep77; A895813.

4895814. Extrasensory ecology: parapsychology and anthropology. Editor: Joseph K. Long. 427 p. O Joseph K. Long; 8Sep77: 4895814.

A895815. A Checklist of American iaprints for 1832. Iteas 10776-17207. Compiled by Scott Bruntjen G Carol Bruntjen. 523 p. O Scott Bruntjen and Carol Bruntjen; 25Aug77; A895815.

A895ei6. The Political participation of woaen in the United States: a selected bibliog- raphy, 1950-1976. By Kathy Stanwick 6 Christine Li, issued by the Center for the Aaerican Roman and Politics, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Butgers University. 160 p. Center for the Aaerican Hoaan and Politics; 8Sep77; A895816.

A895817. creativity in Henry Nelson Rieaan. By Hillian Sheraan Hinot, with a foreword by Bernard E. Heland. 231 p. O Rilliaa Sheraan Hinor; 1Sep77: A895817.

4895818. Newspaper indexes: a location and subject guide for researchers. By Anita Cheek Hilner. 198 p. Anita Cheek Hilner; 18Aug77: A895818.

A895819. Aaerican folklore: a bibliography, 1950-1974. By Cathleen C. Flanagan S John Theodore Flanagan. 406 p. Cathleen C. Flanagan and John T. Flanagan; 8Sep77; A895819.

A895820. Film genre: theory and criticisa. Edited by Barry K. Grant. 249 p. C Barry K. Grant; 31Aug77; A895820.

A895821. The Adventure of learning. By Rilliaa Pearson Tolley. 112 p. O Syracuse University Press; 13Sep77; A895821.

4895822. Science for Christian schools; student ed. Grade 5. By Joseph Benson, George Hulfinger, Jr. 6 Enmett Rilliams, editor 6 grade-level coordinator: Harilyn Elmer, illus. by Bobert Hartin, James A. Brooks, Bruce Ink 6 others. 204 p. Appl. au: Bob

Jones University Press, Inc. Bob Jones


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