Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/640

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4896232 - 4896264
JUL-DEC. 1977

4696231 (con.) front cover lllus. only. 6 Noraan Thelnell; 8Sep77; 4896231.

4896232. Driftwood; prayers for beached Christians. By Don Kimball, illustrated by Elsie ^endes. 85 p.' Don Kimball: 15No»75: A896232.

&B96233. Catalog update, spring 1977- 7 p. 4dd. ti: Catalogue update. Q Fcane House Gallery, Inc., division of Leo Burnett Company, Inc.; 1SHay77; 4896233.

4896234. Bulletin board ideas. Book 2. By Betty Jenkins, illustrated by Virginia Brown. 61 p. Good 4pple, Inc.; 14ug77: 4896231).

4896 235. The Ballad of Lucy Lum. By Don llitchell E Joe iayian. 64 p. 6 Good Apple, Inc.; 1JU177: 4896235.

4896236. Bulletin board Ideas. Book 1. By Betty Jenkins, illustrated by Virginia Brown. 61 p. e Good 4pple, Inc.; 14ug77: 4896236.

4896237. Visual learning: a television workshop for teachers; administrator's manual. Issued by He* York State Education Department, Bureau of Educational Communications. 30 p. 4ppl. au: New lork State Education Department. New York State Education Department; 29Dec76; 4896237.

4896238. Visual learning: a television workshop for teachers. Session 1: towards visual learning. Issued by New York State Education Department, Bureau of Edu- cational Communications. 30 p. Appl. au: New York State Education Department. NH: compilation of excerpts & accompanying instructions for teachers. New York State Education Department; 29Dec76: 4896238.

4896239. Visual learning: a television workshop for teachers. Session 2; the many faces of television. Issued by New York State Education Department, Bureau of Edu- cational communications. 22 p. 4ppl. au: New York state Education Department. NM: compilation of excerpts & commentary for instructors. © New York State Education Department; 29Dec76; 4896239.

4896240. Visual learning: a television workshop for teachers. Session 3: television in the classroom. Issued by New York State Education Department, Bureau of Edu- cational communications. 34 p. 4ppl. au: New York State Education Department. NH: compilation of excerpts 6 commentary for instructors. 6 New York State Education Department; 29Dec76; 4896240.

4896241. Visual learning: a television workshop for teachers. Session 4: the mechanics of television. Issued by New York State Education Department, Bureau of Edu- cational Communications. 38 p. 4ppl. au: New York State Education Department. NH: compilation of excerpts & commentary for instructors. O New York state Education Department: 29Dec76; 4896241.

4896242. Visual learning: a television workshop for teachers. Session 5: program acguisition. Issued by New York State Education Department, Bureau of Edu- cational Communications. 34 p. 4ppl. au: New York State Education Department. NH: instructions for teachers fi selected excerpts. New York State Education Department; 29Dec76; 4896242.

4896243. The Professional security officer. By Hilliam L. Cramer, Jr. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Professional security officer development, summer 1977. 6 Rilliam L. Cramer, Jr.; 4Jun7e: 4896243.

4896244. El Espanol; mision posible, primer curso. £1 Espanol: mision posible, primer curso, manual del alumno. By Dolores Bodarte & Ivonne Durant. 2 v. Appl. au: fiegion 19 Education Service Center. Region 19 Education Service Center; 20Jun77; 4896244.

4896245. Safety and relief valves. PIC 25.3-1976; 1977 addendum. 1 p. e The 4merican Society of Hecfaanical Engineers; 94ug77; A896245.

4896246. 4h 4mericau National Standard deaerators performance test codes. 4NSI/ASHE PIC 12.3-1977. 43 p. NH: revisions 6 additional text. Q The 4merican Society of fiechanical Engineers; 124ug77; 4896246.

A896247. Proposed section TI, division 3 ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code: rules for inspection and testing of components of liguid metal cooled plants. 81 p. 6 The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 194ug77; 4896247.

4896248. 4merican National Standard punches: basic ball-lock light and heavy duty (metric) ANSI B94. 1 8. 1-1 977. Secre- tariat: The 4merican society of Hechanical Engineers. 26 p. © The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 21Jul77; A896248.

4896249. Haterial specifications, part 4: ferrous, 1977 edition. Summer 1S77 addenda, date of issue: June 30, 1977. 75 p. (4SHE boiler and pressure vessel code, an 4merican National Standard, section 2) The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 154ug77; 4896249.

4896250. Haterial specifications, part B: nonferrous, 1977 edition. Summer 1977 addenda, date of issue: June 30, 1977. 167 p. (4SHE boiler and pressure vessel code, an American National Standard, section 2) 9 The American society of Hechanical Engineers; 154ug77: 4896250.

4896251. Haterial specifications, part C: welding rods, electrodes and filler metals, 1977 edition. Summer 1977 addenda, date of issue: June 30, 1977. 60 p. (ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, an American National Standard, section 2) The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 154ug77; A896251.

A896252. American National Standard die buttons — basic ball-lock (metric) ANSI B94. 29. 1-1977. Secretariat: The American Society of Hechanical Engineers. 8 p. © The American Society of Hechanical Engineers: 13Jul77; A896252.

4896253. American National Standard ball screws. ANSI E5. 48- 1977. Secretariat: Society of 4utomotive Engineers, Society of Hanuf acturing Engineers, National Hachine Tool Builders* 4ssociation & The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 17 p. 6 The American SoC;iety of Hechanical Engineers: 10Aug77; A896253.

4896254. American National standard Acme screw threads. ANSI B1. 5-1977, revision of ANSI B1. 5-1973. Secretariat: Society of Automotive Engineers & The American Society of Hechanical Engineers. 53 p. NH: revisions £ additional text. © The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 28JU177; A896254.

4896255. American National Standard leaf chains, clevises and sheaves. ANSI B29. 8-1977, revision of B29. 8-1958 (E 1974) Secretariat: Society of 4utoEotive Engineers 6 The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers. 14 p. NH: revision 6 additional text. © The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 154ug77: A896255.

J896256. American National standard punches- -variable, head type (metric) ANSI B94. 22. 1-1977. Secretariat: The American Society of Hechanical Engineers. 27 p. 6 The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 154ug77: A896256.

4896257. American National Standard stub Acme screw threads. ANSI B1. 8-1977, revision of ANSI B1. 8-1973. Secretariat: Society of 4utomotive Engineers £ The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers. 26 p. NH: revisions 6 additional text. The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 104ug77: 4896257.

4896258. code cases, 1977 edition. Suppl. no. 1: boilers £ pressure vessels. Sheets. © The 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers; 184ug77; 4896258.

A896259. Beferenced standards addendum. ANSI B31.4a-1977. 2 p. NH: revisions 6 additional text. The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 12JUJ.77; A896259.

A896260. Companies holding boiler and pressure vessel certificates of authorization for use of code symbol stamps- 1977 ed. 194 p. e The American Society of Hechanical Engineers; 27Jul77; 4896260.

4896261. Network operation support program general information. Program no- 5735-XX2 (DOS/VS, OS/VS) 2nd ed. 15 p. (Program product) © International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 9Aug77; A896261.

A896262- IBH 3790 communication system host system -programmer's guide- 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GN31-0615) NH: revisions, additions £ updating. Q International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation: 144ug77: 4896262.

4896263. Cullman sprockets and roller chain. Catalog no. 77. 63 p. NH: compilation, editorial revision £ additions. © Cullman Bheel Company; 11Jul77: A896263.

A696 264. Sessions in sound. Book 3: conductor.

By Barbara Buehlman £ Ken Hhltcomb. 270


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